Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 950 Perfect Creature (Second Update)

"You know more than I thought. But let me say it again..."

"People of faith do not need to know what they believe, they just need to believe." Victor von Doom's dark green cloak was lifted by the cold wind blowing from the snow-covered mountains of Norway. He insisted on following Salomon, and claimed that this was to prevent Salomon from making mistakes and delaying the progress of the liberation of Latvinia. "The stigmata is such a carrier. Do you think I don't know about Father Moru's mass experiments in the monastery in the Alps? Do you think I don't know about your experiments on the spirit of vengeance?" He said, "I know you are Who, His Holiness has very detailed records and speculations about your birth.”

"That's not me, Victor. I'm human, not anything other people worship."

"I don't deny it, but you understand that your power far exceeds that of humans. You may be... the final stage of human evolution, or even the final form of all life in the universe, the most perfect genetic engineering product of the Celestial Clan, otherwise the Venerable One would also We won't go to great lengths to take you in, will we?" Victor von Doom shrugged, "You are the best mystic in the history of Karma Taj, and you are also a master of combat. I have seen you In training with Mordo, you have been giving in to him everywhere since he was ten years old, so as not to hurt his fragile self-esteem. Act like a god. This is why many people are willing to follow you. Their hearts are too fragile. They need psychological sustenance. And now, you enter the end of another god, and you are the end."

"This is our difference. I have always been attached to the identity of human beings and not others." Salomon stood on the rock overlooking the town fjord, and the dark water lay calmly on the gravel beach. Thousands of years ago, those skinny Vikings pushed their longships into the sea from here, set sail to Britain, and started a series of killings and looting. The sun reflected from the glacier onto Salomon, and the cold breath lifted his hair. Salomon shook his head, "I didn't know you would be so superstitious. Are we here to visit this place of Ragnarok or to discuss my identity?"

The scene reflected in Victor von Doom's eyes behind his iron mask was less calm and peaceful.

He saw a naked-chested, strong man with gray wolf skin covering his shoulders, and his body covered with foul-smelling blood. Pure and extreme violence flowed through him. The corpses of strange creatures were piled at the man's feet. His hair was tied into braids around his ears, and his beard was divided into three bunches. Greasy blood seeped into the hair. The roaring sea breeze blew his hair, and the dried pus and blood fell and blew away like dust. He waved the giant ax in his hand and roared towards the village made of wood below. The thunder in the sky pierced the accumulated gray clouds, and came from far away. The glacier spreads over the fjord.

Clusters of firelights lit up in the darkness shrouded in the canyon below. Many warriors wearing black armor burning with the flames of revenge stood silently. The armors were scarred as if they had just experienced a battle. Under the blood-red eyepieces , a pair of empty eyes filled with nothing but flames. The darkness was driven away by thunder and roar, and the ignited flames and sharp axes frightened the invisible malice behind the curtain, driving away the monsters hidden in the night for the creatures in the visible world.

Then he saw a man wearing golden armor and a golden laurel wreath standing on the rock, looking calmly into the distance. His obsidian-like long black hair was slightly curly, and he exuded the smell of incense and roses. Any creature in the sea of ​​souls that tries to get close to him will be melted by the blazing light. Many warriors with wings on their backs and golden armor stand behind him, boundless. The light emitted by them is even stronger than the sun. The leader is The light on a man's body is ten thousand times stronger, like the sun walking in the world, dispelling the cold but not glaring.

In addition, there were various illusions, but these were things Salomon could not see, and he had no interest in seeing them.

Because he was standing in that position now, those figures overlapped with him, and time was stretched into a line, just like a four-dimensional space overlooking a three-dimensional space. This line shrinks at an extremely fast speed, and the light network formed by the movement of stars in the sky begins to replace the light of the sun. Every time he looked at Victor von Doom, the image was completely different from the previous one, and the people who accompanied him were also different. He will appear when the world is sustained by bloody sacrifices. He will appear when truth becomes foolish, and death and destruction will follow his footsteps. There will be blood and corpses, thrones and palaces at his feet.

This is the past and the future, a small part of his long journey.

"You can be anyone, it's up to you." Victor von Doom winked one last time. The line shrunk almost completely, and Salomon became what he saw now. As the last vision overlapped with Salomon's, Victor von Doom saw Salomon tilt his head as if listening to his words. "This is the place of beginning and end. The Jin Jialun Gap is here, and the roots of the World Tree eaten by the poisonous dragon are also here. If you really intend to replace the Asa Protoss, you can move forward across this rock now. .”

Salomon glanced at him and walked over.

Victor von Doom smiled.

Although no one could see his expression, his eyes still expressed happy emotions. He followed Salomon's footsteps into the mountain road next to the town of Ada, heading towards the ridge still covered with glaciers. According to records in the Kamathaj Library, the town has a road leading to the palace of Nilfheim where Hela, the goddess of death, lives. Although the road was blocked thousands of years ago, the legend is still preserved in local folklore. Students in every small town can learn this story from textbooks. They all know that there was once a root of the World Tree here. Must be able to lead to Nilfheim.

In the ears of the mystics who have studied with Kama Taj, this has another meaning. This means that there is a main entrance to the rainbow bridge, rather than an extremely bumpy and fine aerial root.

"The Asgardians are an attempt at human evolution. Facts have proved that the Asgardians' evolution has gone in the wrong direction." Salomon stood on the slippery glacier overlooking the town. In front of them was a cave covered by glacier. The sharp gravel gradually became smooth under the grinding of ice and snow. The sound of ice and rocks breaking as the glacier moves is endless, as if a thunderbolt is trapped inside the mountain, causing people to worry that the lightning will explode the rock and fly into the sky at any time.

"Ragnarok is bound to come, and we can only rely on ourselves to protect the human race. But I believe that humans can learn enough lessons from the demise of Asgard. As the successors of the Asgardians, we will do better than them. In the distant future, when countless races in the universe think of the word god, they will only think of humans instead of Asgard." He said in a rational to cold-blooded voice, "Victor · Von Doom, this is my ultimate ideal. Bury the past, and let the seedlings grow into towering trees on the grave, and eventually bear gorgeous fruits. In this process, we must prune away the poisonous branches and kill the inexhaustible trees. Invite yourself to the pests. Even if this behavior is a bit cruel, I still need you to complete this task. In return, you will see the world you expect, or in other words, the world we all expect."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Of course we have to dig a hole first." At this point, Salomon's expression became vivid. "Since there is a tomb, the coffin boards must be nailed. Resurrection from the dead is not a good thing, is it? It just so happens. I had a little interaction with someone who wanted the complete death of Asgard."

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