Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 951 The other side of life (first update)

After Salomon came of age, the Supreme Master rarely gave him direct instructions. On the one hand, he was already independent in a legal sense and financial situation (although he was actually older, he was still twenty-one in a legal sense). On the one hand, Salomon has begun to regard the work of the Immortal City and Kama Taj as his own business. On the surface, his authority in Karma Taj is second only to the Supreme Mage. However, in fact, the Supreme Mage has already transferred all the authority to him. Many reports from the three major temples will be transferred to him. He also has the command of the Mystic Mage. Powers to carry out missions and even dungeons that hold many secrets are unblocked.

Simply put, like the Supreme Mage, he can do whatever he deems necessary.

For example, trying to deliver a letter to the goddess of death Hela through the roots of the World Tree leading to Nilfheim is necessary.

"I thought you were going to break in and have a fight with her!" Victor von Doom couldn't help but patted his head, "But you actually wrote in the letter, 'Your father wants to come. I'm looking for you here, you'll be out soon, I'll be waiting for you at the door. Don't kill people, or I will twist your head off. Kiss Kiss, and night night'. You are absolutely fucking crazy, What do you think this is going to do? Damn your sense of humor, I don’t even know why I came with you!”

"Although I don't know what Wotan's plan is, it's not a bad thing to make Hela crazy." Salomon shrugged, "I fought her once or twice, but she never knew my identity. So I Sign the letter and let her know that I will be waiting for her outside. No matter who is waiting here, Hela will definitely stab her with a sword first. Think about it, if Wotan wants Talking to her... wow, no matter what it is, it won't work. We have to make sure this happens, don't we?"

The so-called signature is a crude graffiti drawn at the end of the letter with yellow and black crayons stolen from the schoolbag of a child going to elementary school. A man in yellow armor holds a sword, and a black man with horns on his head The man was lying on the ground with his tongue hanging out. In addition, there is a very ugly black cat across the front and back of the paper, which will meow when poked. This is a little magic that is very practical and is often used in paintings.

When he thought of this, the breathing grille of Victor von Doom's iron mask sounded a heavy breathing sound. You didn't need to hear the buzzing of the servo joints of your fingers, you could guess with your toes that he was a little angry. He originally thought that Salomon came here to issue a challenge or perform some heroic actions, and he planned to ensure Salomon's safety, because without Salomon, the Latvian people would not be able to live a good life.

Victor von Doom was completely unprepared for Salomon's absurd behavior.

Although he had long known that Salomon was the kind of guy who could use magic to conjure butterflies to make children happy. When he was a child, he often used the little spells he invented to trick people or make Mordo furious, but he did not expect that the adult Salomon would Lomon can still do this. "You will never have a chance to joke again, Salomon." He said seriously, the eyes behind the eyepieces poking Salomon back and forth like two knives. "Although your method is very effective, don't do something so childish next time, okay? You are the monarch of the Eternal City, and in the future you will be the monarch of the entire human race. No one wants to see a king joking!"

"I know, I know, I'm going to give the crayons back. I don't want to see a crying little boy. Relax, Victor, I'm going to enjoy life now. I know I'm not qualified to say this. In a word, because I have been much luckier than you since I was born, and you have suffered more than many people in the world. But life cannot be just about fighting - look around us, don't look at the glaciers, look further. This is human society, and later we can go to the town bar for a drink, or add a raw egg to the whiskey...\

,""We've already drank two thousand milliliters of whiskey today!"

Salomon pretended not to hear Victor von Doom complain "...listen to the laughter of mankind, and then throw the empty wine bottle into Nilfheim. I'm sure this will help reduce the environmental impact on the earth." Contamination. I believe that the goddess of death who has not tasted alcohol for thousands of years will go crazy. If she is already crazy, she will be even crazier. Don’t be like my assistant. Although she is cute, she is really annoying sometimes. "

"Like when she reminded you that you drank too much?"

"Oh, you are more annoying than her now! I don't want an annoying regent, I want..."

"Don't show your teeth like an idiot! Don't slide down the glacier like a child! Oh Shit!" Victor von Doom made a regretful voice, "What kind of madness did I have to answer? Should be your regent!”

"Oh, you mean you had a fight with someone in a tavern in a Norwegian town, and after the police arrived, you drank with the police again?" Bayonetta walked around the living room, wearing a black silk pajamas. Windless and automatic, the exquisite triangular sapphire earrings sparkle. This was all normal except for the gun in her hand. "You drank everyone down, including the only police officer in town. That doesn't explain the lip mark on your face, little boy!"

"Maybe it was kept by the bartender. After all, many people wanted to kiss my face at that time, but some wanted to use their fists and some wanted to use their lips. The former failed, and I'm not sure whether the latter was the same. Everyone wanted to kiss me. Like me, so the scene was a bit chaotic." Salomon handed Dinah a pancake on a plate, and Dinah put it on the table. It was Salomon's hobby to occasionally take charge of the family's food preparation, and Dinah also enjoyed watching her master cook.

"Including those guys who I knocked unconscious, they also wanted to ask me to take drugs, and the police were nearby! This may be the most ridiculous thing I have ever experienced in my life!" Salomon picked up the bacon and put it in the pot . This was what Joan requested, she wanted some crispy bacon. In fact, she was already sitting at the dining table, her pale gray eyes staring straight at the small pot in Salomon's hand. She didn't want to miss the combination of baguettes smeared with garlic butter and bacon. The smell made her It felt like she was back home - ever since Bayonetta dragged her out of bed, she had been feeling gloomy and desperately needed the delicious food from her hometown to relieve her bad mood. So today’s dessert is so sweet that it makes your throat hurt, and Dinah is already preparing it.

"What's even more ridiculous is that you actually stole the live octopus for viewing from the sushi restaurant with that gang!"

"That octopus wants to go back to the ocean, I heard him say that!"

"Are you sure you're not on drugs?"

"Of course not. The alchemy potion I made is a thousand times better than that. It was an accident, really. Also, the bartender is a man about the same height as me. He is gay, so the lip mark is a bit big." For ordinary people, the behavior that is completely drunk has no impact on him. Even if the alcohol concentration in the blood is high enough to ignite, his brain will not be affected at all. Victor von Doom left early to complete his mission. Before Salomon left the town, he went to the cave to make sure that Hela, the goddess of death, had not replied.

"And I've washed my face," he said. "It's clean, no traces left at all."

"Oh! It's okay then!" Bayonetta threw away the pistol. The Cheshire Cat jumped up from the carpet and hugged the precious magic gun in perfect agreement, then bit the barrel like a fish. His hind legs kicked hard on the handle. Phoenix tilted his head and made sure that the Cheshire Cat would not step on the trigger and shoot himself, then he continued to stay on his pole and write new verses with the pen in his paws. Salomon has negotiated with a publisher under a false identity, and a new book of poems will be published in Phoenix in six months.

"I'd like some toast with garlic butter," she said, "and a whip. I want to make sure my husband's sexual orientation is still normal. Did you have this in the pot? Or did you forget it? In the bedroom? Regardless of whether it's an accident or not, you can only sleep in the living room tonight, you're welcome."

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