Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 958 Difficult Task (Second Update)

Investigating the sponsors behind the Pasadena Energy Laboratory is much faster with Stephanie joining than letting the intelligence department investigate on its own. After all, the agents of the Immortal City have not yet penetrated deeply into Congress. It's okay to do blackmail by using congressmen's blackmail once, but it will only have the opposite effect if done more times.

It is quite unreasonable to directly build a small nuclear reactor in a private laboratory on the outskirts of the city, but since it has passed all levels of approval and verification, it means that there is a certain force that can allow this project to proceed unimpeded. By finding this sponsor behind the scenes, the Immortal City will know how many people were involved in that magic book, how many people saw the supernatural power, and how many people were subtly corrupted by that power. Daisy Johnson naturally did not know the urgency of the situation. She thought that the biggest consequence of this incident was the leakage of radioactive elements, which caused radioactive contamination to be detected throughout the entire city of Los Angeles, endangering the lives of tens of thousands of civilians.

It wasn't uncommon, Daisy Johnson had read about cases like this in the S.H.I.E.L.D. files.

To prevent this from happening, she had to again take bone-healing drugs and opioid painkillers, then drove her car and tried to catch up with the Praetorian before the drugs took effect. However, Constantine, who was driving an anti-gravity jet motorcycle, only left her with a deafening roar, and then rushed into the sky and disappeared. Daisy Johnson was so angry that she slapped the steering wheel desperately at the red light. Perhaps the medicine began to take effect, and the pain no longer bothered her brain. She quickly calmed down again, and then began to calculate the shortest route.

She was going to the Pasadena Energy Laboratory.

Daisy Johnson felt like she would meet the person she wanted to meet there and all the mysteries would be solved there.

The truth was far more terrifying than she imagined. If Emperor Weishan's prophecy is accurate, then any piece of paper in that magic book will cause everyone on the planet to fall into madness, and then summon evil gods to pull the earth from the real universe into the outer dimension. The more terrifying the black magic, the lower the requirements for the caster. You only need to meet specific conditions, recite a spell that you don't understand, and then complete it with just a finger. Faced with such terrible consequences, Salo Meng dispatched the Imperial Guards who could mobilize all the power of the Eternal City to solve the problem. If the situation is irreversible, then a hydrogen bomb will be launched from the Tianjian Space Station and smashed directly into Los Angeles, erasing everything with the most destructive power of human technology to ensure the safety of the earth and the entire human race.

Salomon did not leave all the tasks to others and stay out of it. He returned to Karma Taj and recruited several mystics with the most powerful mystical attainments in Karma Taj to try to solve the problem from the source.

"The origin of the evil book can be traced back thousands of years. During the power struggle in Camelot, Morgan Le Fay relied on the evil god and taught people evil arts. Later, he was hunted down by the venerable, and escaped without a trace. The evil ghost knight returned soon. Now, with the prophecy of Emperor Weishan, I say that the Book of Darkness will see you, and this is your destiny." He said to the mystics such as Master Hamil, Master Wang, Master Daniel, Master Wu Guiyue and others who were sitting around, almost All the temple guardians came to the temple in the Himalayas because of his call. These people are the team left to him by the Supreme Mage so that he can control the entire Karma Taj. Although many of them have watched him grow up, when performing tasks, they all regard Salomon as a human being. A mystic mage instead of his own descendant.

"Everyone knows the harm of the "Dark Divine Book", and the books are scattered in the world, and the hearts of mortals change after reading them. Good people are evil, and evil people are traitors. It is my priority to eliminate evil and protect people's hearts, regardless of the cost. ." Salomon paused and told them his purpose without reservation. He decided to go deep into the dark dimension and face the woman who had been entangled with the Venerable all his life.

The deacons looked at each other, but did not object, because they all knew that Salomon was the successor of Kamal Taj and had the decisive say when His Holiness was away. Only Baron Mordo wanted to express his objection, but the objection was ineffective and he could only sulk there. He believed that Salomon did not need to take the risk himself. This matter could wait until the Supreme Mage returned. Salomon also thought this suggestion was quite reasonable, but no one knew when the Supreme Mage would return, so he had to risk this. risk.

However, he promised Modu that if the infiltration failed, he would retreat immediately, and if the Venerable returned early, he would also interrupt the adventure. He recruited all the powerful mystics just to ensure his safety, and he handed over the safety of his soul to all the mystics present. This unreserved trust left Modu speechless. Modu was a little embarrassed, and then said that even if he lost his life, he would not let anything happen to Salomon. Master Hamil, Master Daniel and Master Wu Guiyue also swore one after another. Only Master Xiao Wang was still a little confused.

His secret skills were not at the top among this group of people, and he had no idea why he was here.

"I need a safety rope, King." Salomon said with a hint of meaning, "You are my safety rope."

Salomon has faced Dormammu in the past, but things are different now.

At that time, he had the protection of the Supreme Mage, and it was just a simple spiritual projection, throwing a little of his thoughts into the chaotic outer dimension. This allowed him to do his homework while facing Dormammu. . Even if the protection fails and the predators from the invisible world eat up that bit of energy, the result will be just a headache for a while, which can be recovered after a short sleep. Now he needs to avoid Dormammu's eyes while going deep into the dark dimension, and prevent Dormammu from discovering his true purpose - this requires the temple deacons to spend a long time preparing tedious rituals, carving magic circles and runes, only This will ensure that Salomon can roam the outer dimensions without being detected, looking for the whereabouts of Morgan Le Fay.

In this world, only the Dark Evil God and Morgan Le Fay know how many dark scrolls are bound in books. Compared with the Dark Evil God, Morgan Le Fay is much less dangerous. If the Guards' mission is successful, Salomon will take the answers he got and start comparing the pages of the Dark God's Book until he is sure that no dark scroll is missing in the world. This is one of Kama Taj's missions. In the past years, every time the "Dark Book of Darkness" was collected and destroyed, it would be emphatically recorded, but no one knew the exact number of Dark Scrolls from the beginning to the end.

Although Salomon appeared confident, he was actually very nervous.

The School of Merlin sealed Morgan Le Fay's soul fragment at the expense of one of the heirs. After being amplified by the ritual, the power of that soul fragment can even cast a spell to awaken the dead all over the world. Morgan Le Fay is imprisoned in the depths of the dark dimension. It is definitely much more powerful than that piece of soul. So after assigning the task, he immediately rushed back to the Witch's Apartment, and clearly told Bayonetta and Joan of Arc about his upcoming task - because this matter was indeed quite dangerous, and from a family perspective , he must tell the witches about this. Considering the mission, he needs the wisdom of the witches.

"How much time is left?" Bayonetta asked with a frown. She knew that the ritual took time to prepare and that astral projection also required a specific time to perform, so she asked when Salomon planned to perform the ritual.

"It takes thirteen days, thirteen hours, thirteen minutes and thirteen seconds from the preparation to the start of the ceremony."

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