Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 959 Saint Thirteen and Ifrit (first update)

Thirteen is a special number that has different statuses in many cultures.

There were thirteen people at the Last Supper table, and then Jesus encountered the betrayal of Judas; the Persians would go out on the thirteenth day to avoid bad luck, because the ancient Persians believed that the twelve constellations of the zodiac controlled the twelve months of the year. After the twelfth reincarnation ends, the sky and the earth will collapse, and thirteen represents chaos; Taoism uses twelve as a reincarnation, and thirteen represents transcending reincarnation, which means jumping out of the three realms and not among the five elements; in Buddhism Thirteen is also a lucky number, and the thirteen Buddhist sects represent the perfection of merit and virtue.

Salomon knew that his fate was closely linked to the number thirteen, and even the day he met Bayonetta was related to the number thirteen. He chose this number entirely for objective reasons, and it has practical significance in magic. The customized ritual was written and set by Salomon himself, and it can direct the energy to him instead of anything else.

In addition to him, he also needs two other people to perform the ritual together, corresponding to the three pillars. Ten particles plus three invisible particles, namely nothingness, infinity and infinite light, correspond to the holy mark, which is his soul. There are twenty-two paths that require twenty-two days of preparation. The ceremony takes thirteen days from start to finish. Only in this way can his soul return safely to the real world. There can be no more or less than one day.

No matter how developed the Immortal City was, it would be difficult to play a role in this matter. This was his own adventure.

If Stephanie knew his plan, she would scream and angrily accuse him of being irresponsible, and then repeatedly plead with Salomon to drop a hydrogen bomb of at least 800,000 tons on Los Angeles. She didn't care how many people died in Los Angeles, she only cared about whether her monarch was safe. Wu Guiyue, the guardian of Kama Taj's temple, also advised Salomon to select ninety-nine ascetics when performing the ceremony, who could bear the cost of the ceremony for Salomon. If their lives could be exchanged for Salomon's, they would gladly do so. This was their mission.

Of course, these things are not important to him now.

Bayonetta asked Dinah to bring over a pot of beef stew, and she took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet. There is nothing more important than a family dinner. Even if the destruction of the world is imminent, Salomon has to sit in a chair and finish the meal before going out to fight. The beef soaked in brown sauce was stewed until it was soft, and the carrots were even more sweet. The witches drank red wine and talked softly about the fun things they had encountered in the past, about the art salon with Athena, and about their relationship with Samn Shaw. And Ms. ROOT's drinking spree, listening to Samn Shaw talk about how many lives their small organization saved.

Bayonetta's hair was long again, as dark as a brooding raven's wings. Joan of Arc also kept her long hair, but her long hair was whiter than the snow on the snow-capped mountains and even more dazzling. The witches looked relaxed, as if Salomon's upcoming adventure was no different from going out to clear snow. Tonight, they will perform a ceremony, a sacred ceremony inherited from the Queen of Sheba, an ancient ceremony of blood, sex and love. They would incorporate their emotions into the ritual, dedicating themselves to Salomon to increase his power.

So there's a lot of chili in this pot of beef stew.

"Stop, Ifrit!" Constantine lowered his head and barely squeezed through the door of the energy laboratory.

Upon hearing this name that was rarely mentioned, the Spirit of Vengeance stopped what it was doing and stared at the Praetorian Guards with burning hollow eyes. Ifrit is a genie in Arabic mythology. A genie is always bound to an object and controlled by it. The spirit of vengeance attached to Robbie Reyes is such a genie. The reason why Constantine shouted this name was to allow Robbie Reyes's consciousness to temporarily overwhelm the consciousness of the Vengeful Spirit, allowing it to have basic logical judgment capabilities.

This is the ancient knowledge he learned from his monarch before carrying out the mission. Now the name of Ifrit and the meaning behind it have long been forgotten. This approach had an effect. Although the Ghost Rider's black leather-gloved palm still held the contaminated spirit tightly, he did not continue and burned it with the Eye of Judgment.

Constantine gestured, drawing an image of a seal in front of him with his fingers.

"What the Fuck..." Leopold Fitz huddled in the corner, his legs weak with fear, "Who are you!"

A translucent ghost is scary enough, but it's not like I have never encountered a similar situation. Then a flaming skeleton broke in without any explanation, wearing a black motorcycle suit that didn't fit at all and looked like it had been snatched from him. Then there was a menacing giant, three meters tall, wearing gorgeous golden power armor. When SHIELD dispatched Leopold Fitz to perform the mission, he never imagined that this simple recovery mission would have so many twists and turns.

"My Lord needs that spirit body." Constantine glanced at the translucent spirit body. Even though his face was blurry, he still recognized the identity of this spirit body. It was one of the people who originally created this energy laboratory. After hearing these words, the idiot felt like he was being pardoned, as if the Praetorian Guard were his savior. "He knows the information our Lord wants," Constantine said, "and he will die only after he speaks it."

"Fitz! Get me out quickly!" Mike patted the observation window hard. He was imprisoned by the spirit body in this reactor that had been shut down for a long time. Although the reactor was not large in scale, the heat generated would be enough to vaporize him if it was re-operated. Even if he didn't die, radiation sickness would kill him. Now that the reactor is still some time away from restarting operation, Mike needs Fitz to get him out quickly to prevent the reactor from restarting or melting down.

Ghost Rider touched his upper and lower teeth and tilted his head in disbelief.

"I'm coming!" Fitz carefully pressed against the wall, bypassing the increasingly tense atmosphere between the Guards and the Ghost Rider. He tried with all his strength to turn on the switch of the feed port, but the switch seemed to be locked and motionless. Fitz kicked the door anxiously, but there was still no change. He was getting more and more anxious. He felt that his heart rate was rising sharply, his hands and feet were cold, and his eardrums felt like drums. Mike had to comfort Fitz with words, asking him not to worry and to use his brain more.

"The person who is locked up now is me, little monkey." He said, "Don't worry, you are the smartest one among us, you can always figure out a way."

"Not necessarily this time, Mike." Fitz said through gritted teeth, "You might die!"

"The machinery in this room also needs to be inspected." Constantine's plain voice came from the loudspeaker on the face grille. He walked straight forward and looked down at Leopold Fitz. "Please step aside." Before Fitz agreed, Constantine pushed him away. The Guards activated the switch and inserted the halberd with the flashing electric light into the heavy alloy door. The edge where the blade contacted the metal became red and hot. Constantine cut the feed opening like cutting butter. The switch went down. Fitz opened his mouth in surprise, and Mike, who had escaped from the predicament, looked at the weapons of the Guards curiously.

"Stop the reactor meltdown," Constantine said to Fitz, "or you might die."

"Okay, Okay..." Fitz hurriedly threw himself on the controller and started working as if he had just woken up from a dream. Mike followed behind him, his eyes fixed on Constantine and Ghost Rider, without any hesitation. A lifetime of relaxation. Although the Ghost Rider has temporarily stopped, Robbie Reyes does not seem to intend to terminate his work. It seems that peace has never been reached between the Golden Armor Giant and the Flame Skull. The two sides are still standing in the same place and confronting each other. The Royal Guards The halberd flashing with electric light was always pointed at the Ghost Rider.

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