Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 963 Interference (first update)

Dinner time is the only time Salomon and the two witches gather around the dining table in a day. The other times are either in the bedroom, on the balcony, bathroom, hall, alchemy laboratory or in the forest glade. They spend almost every moment together in order to achieve the perfect fusion of spirit and body - in fact, this has already been achieved, and the ritual can start at any time. However, neither the witch nor Salomon took the initiative to mention it, as if they Not nearly enough. Every time after making a meal, Dinah would run around the manor in her maid's skirt and high heels looking for her master, just like chasing after a nanny who was feeding her food childishly. In between making meals and desserts for her team of sorority maids, she had to feed the bear cubs that roamed the woods and chase away the little lambs that were always trying to get into the garden, those cute lambs with short white hair and chubby brown ones. The bear cubs get along very well.

As the de facto manager of the estate, Dinah knew they were conspiring to destroy the entire estate's lawns.

The bear cubs want to get the honey from the garden, and the lamb wants to taste the tulips, roses and lilies in the greenhouse. However, this conspiracy will be foiled by Dinah every evening, and she will twist the back of the bear cub's neck. skin, gently driving the lamb out of the garden with his feet. The little animals never give up and come back every morning.

Although in the eyes of others, her monarch seems to be a little too indulged in pleasure, as a personal maid, Dinah knows that the information sent from the Eternal City and Kama Taj is still flowing into the manor. When the sun shines, When the sun shines on the Thames River, the assault transport boat taking off from the manor is full of official documents that have been reviewed and opinions given. The first and most important thing that Dinah does after getting up every day is not to make breakfast or pick up a change of clothes, but to receive the mail delivered by the sisterhood at midnight, which takes dozens of people a day to read. of documents, which are then placed at the disposal of the monarch.

Salomon would spend twenty minutes solving these problems, usually after brushing his teeth and before breakfast.

Stephanie and Diana from the Immortal City understood the situation the first time they got the files, which they originally thought would take Salomon at least a few days to resolve. Now it seems that the file processing speed he showed before is not the limit, and even his ability in that state is an act of laziness. He can do anything to accompany the witch. Stephanie sulked and handed Salomon more files to review. She is both the head of the Interior Department and the secretary of Salomon's office, so she has this authority - not to mention that agents from the intelligence department and technicians from the Mars Foundry are currently creating network viruses for NATO military facilities to conduct pre-electronic warfare intrusions. Prepare so that NATO cannot intervene during the Latvinian War. Even if it intervenes, the Eternal City's information warfare advantage can compress NATO's air superiority and drag NATO "peacekeeping forces" into the tragic ground war in Latvinia. Faced with such an important job, Stephanie believes that Salomon should be more responsible to avoid a backlog of work.

"We should send all the documents in this building to the Oxfordshire estate!"

"Ms. Malik. Isn't our job to process these documents? This is our right!" Young Diana was a little excited, "We must call for equality between men and women..."

"Shut up, have you ever seen Hillary Clinton revert to her last name? It's just a business, not an doctrine, idiot! If the monarch wanted it, there would be no job for everyone in this building because he's all by himself It will get all the work done!" Stephanie was obviously not so easily persuaded, but she also knew that this vacation was inevitable. Before the vacation, Bayonetta made a phone call to her and talked about the topic she had privately discussed with Salomon's adoptive mother.

They all agreed that the psychological pressure on Salomon was too great.

In order to fulfill that great dream and save all human lives and the future, he must bear the cost of every decision he makes, even if he makes the right decision from a long-term perspective, thousands of innocent people may still be killed. He lost his life, but he couldn't show any sympathy. Even with prophecy magic, people cannot see all possible situations. Even if all possible situations are known, some decisions have to be made.

Bayonetta knew very well that her husband was a very kind man. Compared with those politicians, he was someone who was willing to lie down in the mud and fish out some poor people - like those sorority girls. people in hell, and then give them hope and strength to live anew. Those decisions made by such a kind person will only gradually accumulate pressure, and sooner or later mental problems will occur if this continues, so Bayonetta believes that she needs to let Salomon relieve those pressures. Taking advantage of the picnic, Bayonetta said these words to Salomon again. But Salomon just smiled and shook his head. He frankly told the witch that his mental capacity was not that bad and that he would not have any regrets about the decision he made.

But Bayonetta knew he was lying, she knew everything about the boy before her.

But Stephanie didn't know Salomon's attitude, and she still thinks that she ignored the monarch's mental health. But she would never admit this in front of her subordinates. After all, the Lister family has always been a subsidiary family of the Malik family. Even if Diana is the heir of the Lister family, she will have to show the determination of a lord as her right-hand man in the future. , just as her lord is before her.

"He's such a slacker! Now that we're planning to start a war in Latvinia, he's gone on vacation in Oxfordshire! Diana, these documents are yours. Now hurry out, I want to see what the Praetorian Guards are saying Information, this is beyond your authority!"

The halberd flashing with electric light was swung down again at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye, easily cutting the Ghost Rider into two pieces from the waist. Orange-red sparks followed the halberd in a graceful curve like an explosion. Constantine lowered the halberd, used the remaining strength of the move to draw a circle, and flipped the halberd up from the bottom up. Just when he was about to cut the Ghost Rider open again, he felt his halberd cut into a swamp. No matter how much force he used, the halberd blade could never touch the Ghost Rider's legs. Even his crimson cloak seemed frozen in the air, and the Praetorian himself seemed as immobile as a bug frozen in amber.

A low roar came from Constantine's throat, like a lion trapped in armor.

He watched helplessly as the two-half Ghost Rider fell to the ground, the bones and flames mixed together, and then returned to its original shape in the blink of an eye. The Ghost Rider who got up was extremely angry. However, he did not continue after he made the attack. Instead, he stood there motionless. If it weren't for the flames burning on his body, he would look exactly like the human skeleton specimen in the medical school. Even an idiot could realize what was happening, not to mention the individual soldier detection radar feedback integrated in the Guards' power armor clearly pointed out that a third party had joined the battlefield. The moment the power to stop the continued attack disappeared, Constantine immediately pointed his halberd in a direction behind the destroyed wall, and was ready to fire the electric pulse firing pin on the gun at any time, combining the explosive bomb with his own anger. Pour out together.

"Explain!" He suppressed his anger and said coldly, "Otherwise I will sentence you for disobedience!"

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