Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 964 Pay attention to the temperature (second update)

"We need him, Constantine. Calm down, your adrenaline levels are not normal." Wanda Maximoff, despite having a blundergun pointed at her, despite knowing that Constantine would actually shoot Still mustering up the courage to step forward without giving in. Wanda bypassed the Ghost Rider who was still burning, but the temperature in the laboratory was still very high, and the only vent was now buried under the concrete ruins.

Constantine could see beads of sweat on her forehead.

But the Praetorian Guard believed it had nothing to do with room temperature, but sweating caused by the nervousness of betraying the monarch. His work made him full of doubts about anyone except the monarch, and the guards' guns never moved away from Wanda. Even if mass explosive bombs will cause excessive damage to the human body, even if the Praetorian Guards, as the most powerful heavy infantry unit in the Eternal City, can easily defeat a modern army equipped with light armor and individual anti-tank guns, Constant Ding still thinks that the weapon in his hand may not be enough when facing Wanda Maximoff at full strength - Constantine's estimate of Wanda Maximov's ability is based on the ability currently displayed by the monarch. Half, including factors such as lack of knowledge about dangers and lack of combat experience. Even so, Constantine still regards her as a formidable enemy, focusing on all investigations into Wanda Maximoff and trying to find a way to defeat her as quickly as possible and render her incapacitated. Constantine immediately became defensive when Wanda approached and held out her hand in an attempt to calm him down. "Don't try to cast a spell on me, witch! Otherwise I will kill you on the spot." He said, "And my adrenaline level is normal. This is a physiological function given by my Lord."

Scarlet Witch shrugged, trying to appear as relaxed as possible.

The air here doesn't smell very good. The smell of sulfur and the dust in the air cause excessive particulate content. Wanda's throat was itchy and she couldn't help but want to cough and sneeze, but she insisted on finishing her words to prevent the guards from taking drastic action. However, the witch's behavior made the guards even more nervous. Constantine stared at the Ghost Rider closely, fearing that Wanda's binding spell would suddenly fail. "Robbie Reyes is still unable to control the spirit of vengeance. He lost most of his memory after transforming into Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider will only follow his original wishes." She wiped the blood that was about to slip into her eyes. With beads of sweat, his tone was urgent, "I can make him wake up, and he won't be hostile to you after that! He is naturally attracted to that magic book, and we need him! And I have already saved you once, outside The transformed Quinjet has been destroyed by me."

Constantine gave her a dubious look.

"You only have one chance," he said. "The monarch tolerates your failure, but I will not."

Wanda Maximoff was finally able to cough. After a while, Wanda, who was coughing desperately, straightened up and wiped her tears. She said in a husky voice, "No you won't, because your master trusts me. He is a kind man and he can understand what I am doing. Gabe needs a brother, otherwise the boy will just starve to death in the house , you know that's the truth. If Salomon were here, he would make the same choice that I did, which is that Robbie Reyes has to live."

Konstantin shook his head in disbelief, but he still gave Wanda Maximoff enough choices.

For the next six minutes, he kept holding the heavy weapon and tensed his muscles, even more vigilant than when he fought before - the spirit of vengeance is often not so easy to drive back after it appears in the world. Like all rituals to expel extradimensional spirits, the caster must confront the possessed spirit on a conscious level. The only difference is that it is quite difficult to expel the spirit of vengeance, and the danger is much higher than expelling the wandering spirit. Expelling demons is the same level. But it doesn't take long to expel the vengeful spirit, it just requires Robbie Reyes' own consciousness to be restored. Constantine saw the witch take out a silver ritual dagger engraved with small runes, then slit her wrist, clenched her fists and walked around the Ghost Rider, using the dripping blood and the ritual dagger on the floor. A very simple magic circle was drawn.

The six-pointed star and the four directions write the name of God in reverse, giving the caster strength while blocking the spirit body from absorbing energy from outer dimensions. Wanda started the ritual before she could stop the bleeding. While she was chanting the incantation, the small wounds on her wrists were bleeding.

Although Constantine is not a spellcaster, he has extensive magical knowledge as the Secret Library of the Immortal City and is able to determine the purpose of the ritual performed by Wanda Maximoff. The guards did not relax at all. If the expulsion ceremony failed, the power of the spirit of vengeance would reach Wanda. At that time, there would be no other choice but to shoot and kill the witch immediately while she was distracted.

When the ceremony was on track, Constantine put one hand into the magnetic belt covered by the crimson cloak, and held the handle of the weapon tightly with his palm. Even though his fingers were tightly wrapped in armor and mechanical structures, Constantine could still feel the biting coldness on his fingertips. The pistol he took out from the arsenal was not registered - this weapon was personally made by the monarch of the Eternal City, and was used in this mission as a back-up weapon for the Praetorian Guards when facing spellcasters. However, Constantine's methods did not stop there. As a plan for this mission, above the atmosphere above their heads, a satellite electromagnetic accelerator cannon belonging to the Guards and used for battlefield support was passing through the signal on the Guards' power armor. Target guidance, ready to release deadly weapons at any time. Even if Wanda Maximoff had the means to escape, she would still die from this unexpected and precise blow.

"What are they doing?" Fitz stared closely at the picture returned by the micro-detection drone. He found this gadget he invented from the undamaged toolbox in the corridor. Mike immediately decided that they should hide and use these things to spy on what the people in the laboratory were doing. But due to the dim environment and extremely high noise in the picture, Fitz and Mike did not see the blood dripping from Wanda's hand. They only saw Wanda circling the Ghost Rider, the man in golden power armor. He didn't seem to let his guard down.

"Can you hear what they are saying?" Mike asked, "Little monkey, have you turned on the receiver?"

"I'm on." Fitz raised the volume playback knob on the control terminal to the maximum, but all that was received on the drone's microphone was a harsh electric sound. He adjusted the knob several times and changed the microphone channel and filter frequency, but the result was still the same. "Maybe the microphone is broken, or maybe it's blocked by dust. After all, this ventilation duct has not been used for many years." Fitz said angrily, "I only have this drone, and the new director has deducted all the budget. Come down..."

"Hey, little monkey. It's good that we found a ventilation duct. Don't complain, we can also see something now." Mike moved closer, and finally took the control terminal directly from Fitz's hand, and then zoomed in screen, while paying attention to the detection readings on the drone. Fitz stood on tiptoes and leaned over to take a look, "What did you find?"

"Temperature," Mike said, frowning and pointing at the rising reading, "pay attention to the temperature."

They watched Wanda circle over and over again, and when Wanda turned again, he saw her eyes light up.

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