Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 966 Mental mysophobia (second update)

These days Stephanie has been busy sending supplies and personnel into the mountains of Latvinia to support the guerrillas there, including a large amount of the currency of the Immortal City and administrative staff responsible for forming a temporary bank, as well as a large number of people responsible for spreading the Immortal City The preacher of ideas. These preachers also undertake the work of training local young people and setting up schools. Stephanie takes the job very seriously and is very hands-on making sure every detail is executed without deviation.

Victor von Doom's initial idea was to storm directly into the castle of the ruler of Latvinia, arrest all his family members for public trial and then hang them, and then develop technology and economy. However, the monarch of the Eternal City has different opinions. He believes that Latvinia must undergo a complete liberation, which is indispensable from economy to culture. The establishment of temporary banks and the exchange of funds sent to the rural guerrillas of Latvinia The role of materials is to fundamentally establish the credibility of the Immortal City among the local people. This credibility and currency will be another secret war, and Stephanie is the commander-in-chief of this war.

Even an illiterate, toothless old lady from the countryside must know that this war is for the future of the Latvian people. The time the Eternal City buys with its advantage in information warfare is used to change people's hearts, calling Latvian people to fight for their own future, and then teaching them to fight for others and all mankind. Only in this way can future Latovinia become the backbone of the Eternal City, and Salomon can gain a group of troops with lofty dreams - these people may have been children of laborers in the countryside or children of scavengers in the city. , but Salomon will give them a completely different life, just like he did in Eastern Europe. After experiencing the war, this army will cultivate more talents and cultivate the seeds for future humans to set foot in the universe. It deserves the careful care of the Eternal City.

There will no longer be such gentle wars in the future, and the dark future shown by the prophecies does not allow humanity to be retained.

This is a massive social experiment, and if it succeeds, it will prove that the vision of the Eternal City is not far-fetched.

For this experiment, Salomon and Stephanie went to Wakanda to negotiate and gave a large order. King T'Chaka of Wakanda fully understood Salomon's purpose of doing this, but because Salomon's speech in the palace was very consistent with the savior plot after the Wakanda people had high technology, Prince T'Challa persuaded him, As well as Shuri's in-depth cooperation with the Immortal City, those orders for infrastructure and high-tech industries were eventually taken over by Wakanda. Salomon will use the fastest speed in the world to build the originally barren Latovinia into an ideal industrial utopia. He will be responsible for producing many high-tech parts that the Mars foundry cannot currently produce, and fully integrate it into the industry of the Eternal City. system.

Ten to twenty years is the development time of Latvinia, which requires huge investment from the Eternal City.

The proud Victor von Doom finally agreed to this approach, because he had to admit that Salomon was far more far-sighted than him in thinking about the problem. The future monarch of Latvinia lowered his body and climbed into the mountains to contact the guerrillas in the countryside of Latvinia. Stephanie, based on the results of the negotiations, sent personnel to establish basic administrative and administrative departments in the uninhabited mountains of the guerrillas. The financial department, as well as the intelligence department and trained military discipline officers led by Sophia of the Lost City, trained intelligence personnel and command staff there, transforming the guerrillas into regular troops with professional military training.

Victor von Doom also had another important responsibility, which was to completely eradicate religion from the guerrillas and instill Salomon's ideals into them. This will inevitably lead to bloody conflicts, after all, the Orthodox atmosphere in Latvinia is quite strong. Victor von Doom would rather destroy those guerrillas who were unwilling to put down their crosses and pick up their books than persuade them to submit, in order to prevent the poison of religious belief from spreading to the entire Latvian army in the future.

In fact, Salomon did not ask Victor von Doom to be so absolute. In his view, this was a part that could be transformed through education. However, as the regent, Victor von Doom handled the matter very cleanly without leaving any consequences, so much so that Salomon, who was in the manor, began to consider Victor von Doom after receiving the report. Mental mysophobia problem.

Faced with such a heavy workload, Stephanie even regarded watching the mission records of the Praetorian Guards as a pastime.

Even though the parts of the mission report that she could know had been put on her desk, Stephanie told her secretary that she was still watching the video because she didn't want to miss any possible details. Diana Lister quietly rolled her eyes, and then continued to flatter her direct boss with completely unintentional flattery.

After Diana left the office, Stephanie clicked the play button. Viewing mission reports from the first perspective of the Guards often causes the brain's information processing speed to be unable to keep up. However, only Salomon and her can see the mission videos of the Guards, even if they see an abridged version. Stephanie still enjoyed the feeling of power.

"It's you!" Constantine pointed his halberd at the gap in the concrete wall caused by his battle with the Ghost Rider. Daisy Johnson immediately felt a sharp gust of wind hit her cheek. Without hesitation, she raised her hands to indicate that she had no offensive intentions. She saw Robbie Reyes lying on the ground, exhaling hot breath with a listless expression, and Wanda Maximoff kneeling beside her, mumbling something. She stood there unscathed, with a serious expression, which was a little different from Mike's description, but there were indeed scorch marks on the ceiling, and the center of the scorch marks similar to a volcanic eruption was the ceiling above Wanda's head. Daisy Johnson also smelled the smell of burnt protein in the sulfur-filled air, a smell she was familiar with, especially when she first used a curling iron.

"Daisy!" Mike came over and wiped the floor with his soles and slid over. He pointed the axe-mounted shotgun at Constantine. Even though he knew it would be useless, he still stood in front of Daisy Johnson and shouted to the Praetorian Guards and Wanda, "Put down your weapons." !”

"No!" Daisy Johnson shouted towards Constantine, "Don't hurt him!"

"We won't hurt him." Wanda Maximoff blinked her dry eyes and subconsciously tugged at the burnt ends of her hair with her fingers. The exorcism ritual was indeed successful, but there were also many problems. The previous exorcism methods did not seem to be that effective against vengeful spirits. Even if she sacrificed her blood, she still relied on the method secretly given to her by Salomon in the end. She stood up and said with a bitter expression, "The problem has been solved, Robbie Reyes will come with us. This case has been taken over by the Immortal City, and SHIELD has no right to interfere."

"You're not..." Mike asked hesitantly. At this moment, Fitz also rushed over. He was holding a freezing gun and stood on the same front as Mike, but he did not raise the gun. Mike glanced at him with a mixture of admiration and reproach, then turned his head and continued to point the gun at the three guys opposite who didn't know whether they could still be regarded as human beings. "I know who you are, but this is SHIELD's case, and SHIELD has congressional authorization."

Constantine lowered his halberd and walked straight to Mike's gun without saying a word. Then he crushed the shotgun barrel and the sharp ax with his bare hands under the surprised gazes of Fitz and Mike. Daisy Johnson was so nervous that she almost stretched out her hand to use her supernatural powers. "Don't say such stupid things next time." The Imperial Guard said in a cold tone, "Incompetent people should not interfere in matters that cannot be handled."

"This is a little hurtful," Fitz muttered. "We can help."

Wanda recalled her own life-threatening experience not long ago, and she now truly confirmed the true nature of the Praetorian Guards. This is a creature with only reason and no emotion. If she had not completed the ritual in time, Constantine would really kill her. She didn't know why her gentle teacher created such a Praetorian Guard. "Stop talking. The reason why he doesn't kill you is because you are still useful."

Daisy Johnson watched Wanda help Robbie Reyes get up from the ground with difficulty. "Fitz is right. No matter what, our purpose is the same, which is to prevent the things in this laboratory from endangering the safety of human society. Let us help you, okay?"

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