Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 967 There is nothing new under the sun (first update)

"We may not be able to go that far." Wanda was the first to say. She tapped her heels sheepishly, and then thanked Daisy Johnson in a low voice for helping her trim her hair. The mixed-race female hacker nodded happily. Her short hair, which she had trimmed, was soaked in sweat and dried out, turning into small strands hanging down beside her cheeks, looking quite messy. But when it came to Wanda's long dark red hair, she acted very seriously, holding small scissors and trimming the burnt and curly part bit by bit.

Fitz looked at them as if he had seen an incredible miracle. It was as if the two of them had secretly turned the knob on their heads in the blink of an eye. They went from tense situations to harmonious coexistence at an incredibly fast speed, just like the reaction between a magnesium bar and acid. Quick, yet quite quiet. Women are really incomprehensible creatures. One second they are thinking about tearing each other's throats out, the next second they are licking each other's fur like cats, and the next second they are planning to bite each other to death - Fitz quietly Moving his steps and keeping himself away from the two people - as part of the cooperation, Robbie Reyes completely lost the right to speak, because he is now receiving an infusion and it seems that he will have to sleep for at least a few hours. As the stronger party, the Immortal City completely dominated the mission process, and SHIELD, as the third party, could only cooperate with the actions of the Immortal City, just like it had done before to rescue Leopold Fitz and Gemma Simmons from the alien planet.

This is not a good memory for all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. After all, no one knows whether the nuclear bomb hanging above their heads will be launched, even if they all know that this is a necessary insurance measure.

Constantine didn't have any objections. He didn't mind using the people in front of him as slaves, as long as they had a way to find out where the magic book was. As the first step in cooperation, Wanda took out a small bottle of garnet-colored potion from her pocket and handed it over. At this time, Mike completely ignored the bad emotions caused by Daisy and Yoyo's concealment. He just wanted to reach out and stop the bottle of unknown liquid. However, Daisy Johnson took it without hesitation, opened the bottle cap and drank it in one gulp, completely ignoring it. Mike muttered something about needing testing.

"I know what this potion does." She showed her arms to Mike. After taking the potion, the bruised arm healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Daisy Johnson endured the uncontrollable itching caused by the rapid healing of the bones, and then excitedly used her superpower towards the ruins after the battle. After the pain disappeared, Daisy's mental state improved a lot.

"I'm healed, I can fight," she said. "By the way, this potion tastes pretty good."

"The teacher likes to mix the healing potions into strawberry and pomegranate flavors." Wanda said, "This is the most delicious potion."

“It would be more popular with some carbonation.”

"I don't care about the potion. Can you think about the mission? Now the Quinjet first turned into a monster, and then was sent into some magic squeeze machine." Fitz complained in a low voice with his hands on his hips. He had long ago thrown the freeze gun aside. Anyway, that non-lethal weapon posed no threat to anyone here. "Now we have to take a bus to investigate the case, and we have to find a way to put this big man who is three meters tall into it. As long as such a guy is walking on the road, the police will stop him in less than a minute. He would kill everyone there, and then news helicopters would follow and expose us."

"That's because the Quinjet was corrupted by the spirit of vengeance..."

Wanda wanted to argue a few words, but the Guards waved her hand and interrupted what she wanted to say. "I don't need to take your transportation." Constantine looked down at them and said coldly, "I will go directly to the mission location. Wanda Maximov, the jet motorcycle can also carry an ordinary person. Dai Cy Johnson, you take Robby Reyes. Leopold Fitz and Mike, you said that there are spirits appearing in your base. I need you to investigate this matter and find out how many are there now. A spirit is outside."

"I'll just stay here. If I leave, it will be terrible if Robbie Reyes is controlled by the spirit of vengeance again." Wanda hesitated, "What's more, I still need to supervise their investigation, every time There must be someone in the team who can deal with ghosts."

"After the Quinjet was destroyed, SHIELD headquarters should have received an automatic request for support. Aren't you worried about us telling...about you to someone?" Mike raised his head and asked. Constantine glanced at him, then turned and left the room that smelled of sulfur. "You can tell anyone you want, as long as you think you can bear the consequences." The Guards said, "I only want the mission goal, and I don't care about anything else."

"Hey, wait, we haven't connected you to the communication channel yet!"

"It doesn't matter, I have invaded, I can hear every word you say."

Stephanie hit the fast forward button.

Regarding this mission, in which a few scientists who had no knowledge of magic used the knowledge obtained from magic books to create miracles in the eyes of ordinary people, this was actually not the first case recorded by Karma Taj. At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, a former American Methodist pastor who was interested in electricity once did something similar to the people in the energy laboratory. His body was last found in his own body. on the bed (this is the publicity term).

This man was originally a very gentle guy who was interested in science (especially electricity) and faith. When he preached to the children in the small town, he also built a finger-sized robot Jesus, which could walk along transparent rails across the lake landscape basin he made, simulating the miracle of walking on water. He also had a beautiful wife and a sensible boy, but when his wife took her son shopping in a car, these beautiful things disappeared after a car accident. After he renounced his faith and exposed the hypocrisy of religion to the town's residents, he was excommunicated and made a living by performing tricks in a circus.

When he reappeared fifty years later, the Internet had already emerged. The pastor followed the common Protestant preaching methods and traveled around the United States with his giant white tent that could accommodate a thousand people. Wearing two battery rings disguised as gold rings, he claimed to believers that he could cure many incurable terminal diseases, such as muscle atrophy, drug addiction, and tumors. This pastor often performed at gatherings of believers to remove tumors with his bare hands, but those were just sheep or cow viscera. Although his technique was clumsy, many people still believed in him, especially the family members of the cured patients, as if they did not realize it. The priest was actually shocking the patient's brain.

Regardless, he did manage to heal some people because his knowledge allowed him to know what to do.

So the believers knelt down in the tent and sang "Hallelujah" in unison.

However, those terminally ill patients who receive treatment have varying degrees of sequelae, and many engage in self-harming behaviors unconsciously. Heroin addicts stabbing themselves in the arm with a fork, cataract sufferers pouring salt into their eyes, tinnitus sufferers hallucinating, muscle atrophy sufferers packed into mental institutions and fed through tubes.

Healing the sick was not his real purpose. All the money given by believers was used by him to build an instrument.

A machine that can tap into extradimensional energy, a machine that can resurrect the dead.

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