Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 968: Hazardous Events from Extra Dimensions (Second Update)

This file has detailed records. Stephanie once read this file as bedtime reading because the person who wrote the file was Salomon. Salomon sneaked into a party - this family once belonged to the Methodist deacon in that small town. Fifty years later, the protagonists of this family gathering were several elderly children of the Methodist deacon, one of whom was related to the deacon. The fate of the priest is entangled with each other, and he was once a patient of the priest. The stories recorded by Salomon were all heard from his mouth, and the file was also written in the first person of this person, recording in detail the "previsions" the person saw each time he suffered from the sequelae.

Under the spell of alcohol and hypnosis, the man knew everything. Salomon had no role in that mission, but the investigation afterwards was completed by him. He was only sixteen years old at that time, and he personally completed the work of recording this unfortunate fate. The magic book that drove the former Methodist minister into madness was eventually found, but only many years later and at a staggering cost, involving a bunch of vampires, worm-men, and even a giant monster.

That book is called "The Secret of Worms."

The end of the file records the final experiment of a former Methodist pastor named Dan Jacobs, which was to resurrect a woman who was brain-dead due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (prion disease). Records show that Dan Jacobs was successful. He successfully channeled lightning and resurrected the poor woman who had been brain dead for fifteen minutes. But it was not the patient named Mary Fay who was reborn, but the inanimate being behind the curtain - it lifted the curtain and penetrated into the real world through the dead woman's body, allowing Dan Jacobs to see death wife and son. As one of the people who witnessed the resurrection experiment, a nurse named Jenny fled home, killed her friend (the first love of the protagonist of the file) with her own hands, and then committed suicide.

This ending is like that of many people who have received treatment.

Muscular atrophy patient committed suicide after being admitted to a mental hospital. His last words were "I can see dead people." Patricia Farmingdale, a cataract patient who rubbed salt in her eyes, suffocated her father with a pillow and shot her husband and herself in the head. Pica-obsessed Emile Klein shot his wife and son before setting himself on fire. Alice Adams, a cancer patient, killed three passers-by with an AR-15 rifle after being cured, and then shot herself with a revolver... Pastor Dan Jacobs's itinerant preaching cured hundreds of people. All ended up committing some kind of horrific act. These things did not happen all at once, but were buried among the tens of thousands of cases across the United States, completely unnoticed. They were completely unconscious while doing those things, just like when they had previously engaged in self-harm. None of them can bear the sequelae of treatment. The human brain cannot understand the terror and chaos behind the curtain of reality. Falling into madness is the least severe sequelae.

This is also a problem that all spellcasters have to face, but ordinary people don't know how to protect themselves, and if they want to learn to protect themselves, they must face madness. This is an endless cycle with no solution.

The son of a Methodist deacon, Jamie, a fifty-three-year-old hippie and former drug addict, finally accepted the protection of Kamal Taj and was admitted to a mental hospital run by Kamal Taj. He is the last conscious survivor who was treated by Dan Jacobs, and he is also a witness of the inanimate entering the real world. His brother, the first healer Dan Jacobs experimented with when he was young, was also sent to a mental hospital by the police because he unconsciously wanted to kill his live-in boyfriend.

Jamie refused to forget, in exchange, he would never mention these things again for eternity. He gave up his inheritance and donated his entire multi-million dollar inheritance to Karma Taj.

This incident occurred when the Immortal City was slaying the earth-boring worm that caused the East Coast earthquake. The death of Pastor Dan Jacobs served as the end of the book "The Secret of the Worm". In a sign that the resulting extradimensional contamination was completely purged from the Earth, the mystic of Karma Taj personally slew the blind fool. This file is listed as one of the important references in the Praetorian Guard's mission intelligence index. The mystics of Karma Taj analyzed in detail the behavioral patterns of scientists contaminated by outer dimensions as a basis for forbidden The basis of the Guard's reasoning.

Stephanie has been told that the magic book being traced by the Guards will have more serious consequences than "The Secret of the Worm", so the Immortal City and Karma Taj will fully cooperate - even if Stephanie does not She understood, but she did it anyway. If "The Mystery of Worms" written by Ludwig Pring is "the most dangerous book ever written by mankind", then the "Book of Darkness" traced by the Praetorian Guards is "written by the gods themselves" The consequences of "The Most Dangerous Book in the Universe" will be more terrifying than the East Coast's once-in-a-century earthquake and the suicide patients - it is a realistic manifestation of the malice in the hearts of intelligent creatures in the universe, and the embodiment of chaos, cruelty and evil. . And there are still many such terrible things that have not been bound into books and are scattered around the world.

Robbie Reyes reluctantly opened his red and swollen eyes, and then couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. The strong sunlight penetrated the glass and shone down, and he had to close his eyes and turn his face. He felt as if he was hungover and had taken a lot of illegal drugs to make his brain confused. He looked at the three people in front of him with blurry eyes, vaguely remembering that he recognized them. The three people seemed very happy to see him wake up, and the smallest one reached out and touched his face.

That hand was cold.

"Robbie, wake up." Gabe's voice rang in his ears.

The memories of the past rushed over him like waves at high tide, covering his mouth and nose and almost drowning him. Robbie Reyes' muscles suddenly stiffened, and the familiar touch on his back reminded him of where he was. He was in his room, in his room, and the small figure was his brother, Gabe Reyes, who was lying on the hard board of his bed. Robbie Reyes sat up immediately. He rubbed his eyes, and his blurred vision gradually became clearer, and he saw two other figures clearly - Daisy Johnson and Wanda Maximoff, two uninvited guests. They stood in front of the bed and looked at him, with expressions on their faces that were hesitant to speak, as if they had something to say.

But Robbie's anger came faster because they were here.

"I'm awake, Gabe." He raised his head and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Unexpectedly, he found that his hands and feet were weak and his abdomen was cramping. He found himself wearing the tattered black motorcycle suit, but his shoes and socks had been removed. "Why are you here?" he asked. "I didn't invite you here. Gabe, you shouldn't let strangers into your home either."

"Robbie, they were the ones who moved you back." Gabe whispered, "You have a fever and you are very sick."

"I'm fine now. Gabe, I want to talk to them." Robbie said forcefully, but he was smelly and didn't look like a parent at all. Gabe Reyes turned to look at Daisy Johnson and Wanda Maximoff, then nodded, turned his wheelchair and left the room.

"Remember to have lunch." Gabe said angrily, "You haven't eaten very quickly. And wash the sheets, you are too dirty."

"I'll be right back," Robbie Reyes said. After Gabe left, he jumped out of bed and stood up unsteadily. He refused the help of the other two people and held the bedside table by himself, facing the two ladies. "Tell me your purpose." His voice became hoarse due to lack of water. "What do you want me to do so that you can leave here and not disturb our lives."

Daisy Johnson wanted to say something else, but Wanda beat her to it. "I'm afraid not, Robbie Reyes," she said. "Now you're in big trouble."

"If there's any problem, you'll still be in more trouble."

"Energy Laboratory." Wanda pretended not to hear Robbie Reyes's sarcasm, "We need to investigate where the things in the Energy Laboratory went. And I still have you and me signing a contract with you. The vengeful spirit in you signs a contract. I think you must remember what happened at the garage. That was the result of you losing control. If you continue, Gabe will be hurt sooner or later. If you don't help, then Gabe’s not the only one who’s going to be hurt.”

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