Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 103 Hammer————!

The target Salomon was waiting for was not Sol, but the uninvited Loki, because he wanted to see Loki's strength. Loki's magic was taught by the queen Frigga. As the strongest magician in Asgard, the strength of Loki taught by Frigga could not be any worse. Salomon doubted Kama very much. Taj's "True Sight" magic may not be able to distinguish Loki's illusion.

In fact, even the future Strange has been usurped as the Supreme Mage because of Loki's illusion. Salomon doesn't want to cause trouble now, and he is definitely not Loki's opponent now—he just I want to try, is there any way to break Loki's invisibility magic, after all, no one will dislike too much information about the opponent.

The mystic can be sure that Odin, the father of the gods, would like to combine Loki and Thor into one, because the advantages and disadvantages of the two are too obvious. If they help each other, Asgard is hopeful. But because Odin's family education policy is too bad, he didn't give the two heirs a clear answer about the throne from an early age, and put Sol to grow up in the military camp, which led to the current situation. If not, the current Thor would be a more powerful and wise monarch than Odin.

But it’s good to be strong, and it’s okay to be wise. The Supreme Mage doesn’t want to see this kind of thing, and neither does Salomon. An Asgard with a wise monarch is too great a threat to the earth. Who knows if that monarch will think about completely recovering Midgard.

Salomon also has some affection for Loki, but this is not because of sympathy after missing a certain high position, but because of Salomon's admiration for Loki's incomparably cunning mind. If there is peace in the Nine Realms in the future, Loki will be the king of success, and the wisdom of the mischievous god is enough to maintain the prosperity of Asgard, but unfortunately, there will be almost no peaceful day in the Nine Realms in the future. The throne can only be sat by the master of revival like Saul.

This is really a pity. Loki's reputation among the people of Asgard is not bad. He is only the god of mischief, not evil god. Although this title is far from his elder brother, but in In the eyes of many people in Asgard, Loki is just a child who can't grow up, trying to play tricks on others. If one day, Odin suddenly announces that Loki will inherit the throne, there won’t be too many people who object to it except those friends in Sol’s camp. At that time, Kama Taj will only need to deal with A It is enough for Sgard to communicate, instead of worrying about Odin suddenly doing something like now.

"Good evening, Nick Fury." Salomon sat on the three-in-one popcorn tin bucket, stuffed the cheese-flavored popcorn into his mouth, and didn't stop even when he tilted his head and clamped the phone Well, this kind of junk snacks sold in chain pharmacies is his favorite.

"Why didn't Saul come?" Nick Fury asked in a hurry, his action was too fast, the three air force bases in New Mexico were on standby at this time, but Saul, whom he had been looking forward to, was delayed never appeared. Unable to wait, he couldn't help but call to complain about this matter, because he can only get information about Saul from Salomon at present.

"I've been to the restaurant in the town, and I heard from the proprietress there that a strong man with long blond hair appeared there." Salomon said casually, "There are two of the three types of E. The birthplace of the species, who knows which toilet the current Thor will be squatting in."

"Don't be kidding, Salomon! This matter is very important." Nick Fury frowned, holding back his anger, with wrinkles on his dark forehead, "Now, Congress is going to question me, because I didn't tell them the reason for mobilizing the army! If Saul doesn't come again, I will write my resignation report first!"

"Relax, relax." Salomon chewed the popcorn, which had been heated by him, and the crispness was just right, so it must not be missed. "You just have to see if there's a thunderstorm to tell if Saul is near the hammer," he said.

"So he's really 'Thor', not aliens like the Kree and the Skrulls?" Nick Fury asked, "Then how did the Supreme Sorcerer let such a dangerous creature into the earth?"

"Asgard is the suzerain country." The mystic said nonchalantly, "If you feel dissatisfied, go to Asgard and fight yourself."

"Looking at your laid-back look, Karma Taj just let this happen?" Nick Fury's voice moved from near to far, and then approached with the sound of the engine, "I haven't eaten chain food since my twelfth birthday." Junk food from the pharmacy. Of course, part of it was because the family was poor at the time.”

"I knew you would definitely come, you suspicious guy. Shouldn't you be in the office to receive reports and direct operations now? The road toll collector who won the lottery can stick to his post better than you." Salomon Standing up dissatisfied, he bent down and took out a bag of popcorn from the tin bucket and threw it at Nick Fury, "This is my hobby, you guy who doesn't even know how to enjoy snacks. If there is an evil The villain wants to destroy popcorn all over the world, you must tell me, I will fight him desperately, and no one can stop me."

"Are you sure that guy is a villain? I think the United Nations Health Organization will definitely support him, because the average American adult is overweight." Nick Fury opened the snack and walked over while eating, "This is my duty —Assess Thor’s danger level and make a plan. Some things need to be seen with your own eyes, and the report can’t explain everything, just like I saw those strange magical creatures with my own eyes. Are you standing here?”

"Otherwise?" Salomon sat on the tin bucket again, "The Supreme Mage has foreseen all the possibilities, and I just need to prevent the worst from happening."

"Worst case?" Nick Fury narrowed his eyes. The word "precognitive possibility" was revealed by Salomon inadvertently, and it should not be a lie. So, does this mean that the Supreme Master is a prophet? But he didn't ask, because once Salomon was reminded that the information had leaked, the lies would follow, and Nick Fury, who knew little about Karma Taj, felt unable to distinguish the truth from the false. He said, "What's the worst-case scenario?"

"There's a lot. Loki kills Thor and then kills everything on Earth, or Thor falls into Loki's trap and goes crazy. Who knows? Every possibility is possible. "Salomon looked at the lights of the temporary research base in the distance, and lied to Nick Fury. He rarely has the truth against this guy, Nick Fury, because the guy is a one-in-a-kind old fox. He said, "Aren't you going to tell Agent Coulson you're here?"

"I'm an agent." Nick Fury raised his eyebrows, "I want to hide in the dark."

"If you didn't stare at me with satellites and then run over worried, this sentence would be more convincing. Black leather coat, black eye patch, you look more like a gay porn actor now, they like you this crowd It's an actor. Don't mind, the protagonist of gay porn is much better-looking than you." The mystic shook his hand, "Tell me the WIFI password of the research base."

"What are you going to do?" Nick Fury was a little surprised and a little nervous, "It's illegal to hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database. You definitely don't want to go to jail for this reason and wear an electronic bracelet. I can Sharing research on Quake with you, you don't have to."

"You think too much." Salomon rolled his eyes, "I'm just chasing today's new show."


It wasn't until Nick Fury confiscated the last bag of chocolate-flavored popcorn from Salomon on the grounds of "racial discrimination" that the hero and heroine of Salomon's "hard waiting" came late. "Do you think we need to remind them that there are still onlookers here?" Salomon's voice was drowned in the sudden thunder, and Nick Fury stared at the man who got out of the car in the distance with one eye. Girl, she didn't care what Salomon said at all.

"That's Thor?" Nick Fury squatted down and looked over there quietly, "It doesn't look like anything special."

"I don't know why the Asa pantheon is in human form." Salomon sat on the tin bucket with no intention of hiding at all, "Because according to blood, they grow a few tentacles I wouldn't find it weird."

"Bloodline?" Nick Fury highlighted another word, but he thought that Salomon would not let him know too much, and the situation in front of him was much more serious. He looked at the phone, looked up and asked, "That woman over there is Jane Foster, how did she get mixed up with Thor? Also, why did he put a dress on her? What is their relationship?"

"Just like you think." Salomon shook his head.

"You didn't participate in it?" Nick Fury stared at Salomon with his eyes widened.

"I promise not, I didn't even use that bottle of love potion." Salomon said, "Probably because Jane Foster's window period is too long."

"Oh, he ran down! Huh? It's raining?" Nick Fury watched Saul run down the steep slope, holding a video on his phone. Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the dark sky. At an unknown time, dense dark clouds gathered above them, and the thunderstorm became more dense, and together with torrential rain, it fell to the world. But Salomon still had no intention of moving his position. He just put his legs up on an invisible object, and a transparent barrier was opened above his head to isolate the rain outside, forming a vast expanse of whiteness. Splashes, and Nick Fury was in there too—or, because he got close enough, he was lucky enough to escape the rain.

"This is the power of Thor?" Nick Fury asked a little seriously, because Thor's power is far beyond his imagination, this is not something that can be done by technology, this is not a simple alien - he He has always reiterated that "seeing is believing", and his trip was indeed not in vain. He said, "Are we going to see him next? Is he going to pull out the hammer and put on a superhero blockbuster? And he knocked out my agent!"

"Maybe it's a tragicomedy." Salomon watched Thor break into the base with leisure. After a while, a roar of grief that even the sound of thunder and rain could not cover up came from the temporary research base. .

"Hurry up, find a way to mobilize the surveillance in the base to your mobile phone! We might see something interesting."

Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !

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