Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 104 I'm Watching You

"You should know, you're not from S.H.I.E.L.D., right?" Nick Fury glanced at Salomon sitting on the tin bucket. The mystic's legs were raised, away from the muddy ground. Even the brass buckles on his leather shoes could be seen in the dim light. By this time the heavy rain had stopped, but Salomon still refused to let the mud splash on the boots. Nick Fury said, "Now you have me sharing S.H.I.E.L.D. surveillance with you, in what name are you doing it?"

"Stop talking." Salomon sneered, "You SHIELD always think that you keep your secrets tighter than the boys in the choir, but you and I both know the truth. In front of me, the SHIELD Security is even weaker than the penis of Benedict XVI. Do you take pride in keeping secrets? You are arrogant to ordinary people because of secrets, then I have a reason to be arrogant to you because of secrets, because I have secrets to this world Knows more than you do."

"You little bastard just doesn't believe in God, right?" Nick Fury lowered his head to operate on the phone while still not forgetting to bicker with Salomon, "I bet you haven't read the Bible."

"Believe me, I have read both the Old Testament and the New Testament many times, especially the New Testament, at least the disgusting feeling it brings to me is far less intense than the Old Testament " Salomon frowned, "Abraham's burnt offering, and the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael are not piety, but servility, which is the servility that the supreme mage has always wanted to let humans get rid of—does God still rule over it? Is the family harmonious? That's a hell of a time, why not create a world and a bunch of marionettes in six days? Marionettes don't rebel against their creators.

Look at the religious people, bishops and nuns, whores shouting God, popes selling indulgences, puritans slaughtering in God's name with muskets and plague, scalping for pounds, you want me to say more ? The people in this land violated their beliefs, but at the same time they were extremely devout, fearing to fall into hell. But let me tell you, believing in this thing is no different from going to hell. There are even more sects developed here than in Europe. You might as well tell me, what is Scientology? What are Baptists and Mormons? "

"Are you serious? Why didn't I know you were so radical?" Nick Fury stared at Salomon with that one eye for a while, "You're a Jew! What do you believe in?"

"I don't believe in anything, I just follow the order, the order of Karma Taj. You know where I hear the name of God the most? It's not in church, it's in porn, yes, I'm still a life member , registered under my brother’s name.” Salomon waved his hand impatiently, “What about the Jews, you’re still a black man, I didn’t see you believe in voodoo! I haven’t been baptized, although I Was born in the church, and I was born with gold and frankincense and myrrh. Come on, I don't have time to discuss faith with you."

"Okay. Agent Coulson complied with my request and did not harm him." Nick Fury approached and put the phone in front of Salomon, "Agent Coulson, the one who was killed by your Karma Taj The guy who messed up his mind, this made him forced to accept the censorship. What do you want to see? Sol is nothing special after being sealed, just stronger. Hell, this guy is so handsome, no wonder lying there Jane Foster next to him would be smitten with him."

"Who let Coulson enter a place that shouldn't be entered, I have no apologies for that, if he comes again, he will never want to go out." Salomon swiped his finger on the screen of the phone, and finally blurred the screen Staying in a temporary holding room, after Coulson ordered the action team members to arrest Saul, he brought him here directly and was under surveillance. But since Coulson still needed to deal with some affairs and rearrange his defense, he left Sol there temporarily.

"Let's put aside what Kama Taj did to Agent Coulson for a moment, and let's focus on our Thor. Oh, he looks kind of silly." Nick Fury zooms in on Saul's face On the screen, Sol doesn't seem to have any expression fluctuations, as if he has lost his soul, "This is what you want to watch? Do you want to keep this video and use it to laugh at him in the future?"

"Of course not." Salomon zoomed out again, looking at Saul who was in a daze on the surveillance screen, "Do you think that if Saul falls into this situation, will his competitors come and wipe out the roots?"

"You mean, Rocky will launch an attack?" Nick Fury stood up all of a sudden, and he asked nervously, "When?"

"Not now." Salomon opened the portal and took out a hot dog filled with mustard sauce. He said, "They have been together for more than 1,500 years. They are brothers. Moreover, Loki's methods against his relatives are not so cold-blooded. He is not the father of the gods."

"You mean, Odin's methods are cruel." One Eye narrowed his eyes again.

"Otherwise, how do you think Asgard conquered the Nine Realms and became a force that no one in the universe would dare to mess with?" Salomon shook his head helplessly, chomping on hot dogs, "The Father of the Gods is the supreme power of the Nine Realms." My king, if you dare to raise objections in front of the All-Father, then you will not even have the chance to be executed by Gungnir—at least that will make your death a little easier."

"Hasn't Saul been leading the battle all the time?" Nick Fury was a little puzzled, "What made him like this?"

"Leading the army to fight? What are you kidding! Thor has never experienced a war that the father of the gods experienced. What he did was to wipe out some rebel forces, which is no different from slaughtering roadside robbers." Sa Lomon meant something, because before that, he compared S.H.I.E.L.D. and the United States to the Earth's rebel forces, because from Asgard's point of view, that's the truth.

Of course, this is just another threat, a threat that will never take effect, Nick Fury knows, because both the Supreme Mage and Salomon will strongly oppose Asgard's meddling in the affairs of the earth. No one would ask Odin to re-enter Midgard.

"You should be able to understand, just like those congressmen who send their children to the ivy to be gilded, so that they can take over their own businesses in the future." Salomon swallowed the bread, and he said, "Sol is like this, except that Asgard established the country with force , The army is the foundation of Asgard. Whether it is Thor, the father of the gods, or even the main god of the Asa pantheon, they all grew up in the military camp."

"Legend writing huh?" Nick Fury said, "Can you stop eating!"

"I didn't eat dinner, you bastard! I passed up a romantic candlelight dinner with the most beautiful woman in the world to stare at a big blonde baby in the New Mexico desert, didn't I try hard enough ?” Salomon raised his voice, “If it wasn’t for Sol’s great potential, I wouldn’t have come here.”

"What do you mean?"

"No, it's nothing." Salomon twisted his waist, and he said, "Don't make things difficult for Saul tonight, don't interfere with anything. The relationship between Jane Foster and Saul still needs to develop."

"Even if he knocked down my agent?" Nick Fury asked tentatively, "You said, is it possible for Jane Foster to..."

"Don't even think about it, the long-lived species and the short-lived species have no future, and the future queen has already been chosen. After a hundred years, Jane Foster will die, but Sif is still alive and well, Not even wrinkles." Salomon is extremely disdainful of Nick Fury's ideas, and there are not many people on Earth who can make Odin look good, and Jane Foster is definitely not one of them.

Unless the current Jane Foster can lift Thor's Hammer, she's just an ordinary Earth woman.

"I think you need to see this." Nick Fury quickly skipped the topic, and he put the phone back in front of Salomon, "He's talking. Who is he talking to? There's no one on the surveillance!"

"He's coming! Give me your gun." Salomon stood up, not paying attention to the muddy ground, "Give me, hurry up!"

"Be careful, this is a real gun..."

"Shut up, I know how to use a gun!" Salomon took the pistol, checked the magazine skillfully, and then took out a few alchemy bombs from the dimension bag and put them on the metal barrel. After carefully checking everything, he asked Nick Fury to start the car. "Don't ask why." Salomon said, "If you don't want to die inexplicably, just do as I tell you."

"What are you doing!" Nick Fury muttered while starting the car, "Are you going to kill someone?"

"Give someone a small warning." Salomon also asked Nick Fury to switch the monitoring screen constantly. Although his request was a bit difficult, Nick Fury still did it.

Suddenly, Salomon turned his palm, and orange-red rotating sparks appeared above the temporary research base. He threw an alchemy bomb down, and the silver powder instantly filled the square courtyard built around the hammer. Salomon picked up the pistol and fired at a moving figure in the silver dust. After emptying the magazine, he threw another bomb down, which closed the portal. The whole process lasted only six seconds. Before the agents in the research base could even react, everything was over. The continuous explosions and gunshots made them extremely nervous, for fear that there would be another intruder.

But there was nothing, they saw nothing except the mud that had been blasted into a small hole.

Salomon twisted the tin bucket and hurriedly jumped onto the co-pilot.

"Drive fast, drive fast!" He kept urging, "Don't let others know that we did it!"

"Then why the hell are you still carrying that thing!" Nick Fury quickly stepped on the accelerator and galloped towards the desert. At the same time, he kept complaining, because Salomon didn't tell him the purpose of doing this at all, what? Is it a warning? Warn who? He knows nothing.

"Because I haven't finished eating yet!"

"Damn have to explain it, with me!"

"It's Loki." Salomon cast a spell, and the black jeep passed through a portal and disappeared into the desert of New Mexico. Far away in London on the other side of the ocean, the black jeep emerged from a remote alley. Nick Fury is not surprised, he has long known the magic of Salomon, and he is waiting for the explanation of the mystic.

"Loki is a magician, his magic is very powerful, and he is invisible." Salomon said, "When I opened the portal, I couldn't see him at all with the magic I cast, so I used the first one. Alchemy bombs. As for the bullets, that's completely useless and nothing to Asgard. I just want to tell Loki that someone on Earth is watching him, that's all."

"Just because of this?"

"Earth is the territory of the Supreme Mage, and Loki doesn't have a visa!"

"Just because of this?"

"This is a question of sovereignty! Well, you are an American, and it is normal for you not to understand this question."

Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Thanks to Yan Xiaoyanx for the 500 point reward.

Thanks to GGsbada for the 500 point reward.

Thank you for the 100 point reward that the archangel did not die from the liver.

Thanks for the 100 point reward of Flowing Water Around Sandbar.

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