Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 105 Idea Questions (Please recommend!)

"I don't even know where your hostility to Americans comes from, why don't you tell me?" Nick Fury sneered, "I remember you said that you were born with gold, frankincense and Myrrh? I thought you were Jesus! Given your savior status, I can hear your opinion."

"Humans don't need a savior, and they don't need any gods." Salomon also looked disdainful, "The essence of superheroes is the worship of gods by ordinary people. Batman, in reality, there are Captain America and Iron Man. Human beings expect superheroes to do things they can’t do, and worship them as idols, regard them as spiritual pillars, and look forward to them and God is omnipotent and performs miracles. In fact, whether it is religion or the idol industry, it is just to fill the vacancy in the human mind. The bottom theory is the same. The human mind is so fragile, otherwise what do you think is the Supreme Being? The mage wants to keep those demon gods out of the earth?

However, the sad thing is that superheroes are also human beings, they are not perfect, and their hearts are not much different from ordinary people. In this fanatical environment, as long as they make mistakes, they will be infinitely magnified, because the things they can't do are equivalent to the blood shed on their bodies. As long as God can bleed, there will be countless greedy people. Eyes fixed on it.

I have no doubts about the short-sightedness of politicians and the stupidity of Christians. Have you heard of the spiral of silence theory? In an age where public opinion is manipulated by social media, this kind of fanatical admiration can be transformed into envy if you spend a little money to fuel it - 'Why can't he and I can't? He was just lucky! ’, ‘It’s because he is rich, if I have money I can too! ’, when the time comes, those who worship superheroes will blame superheroes for all the bad things in their lives. How crazy the worship was at the beginning, how terrible the catharsis in the future will be.

Sound stupid? Do you feel short-sighted? This is an inevitable result. This situation is actually the result of the tyranny of the majority. Politicians do not need professional skills, and do not need to learn how to manage the country. They only need votes and political declarations. The more democratic, the more stupid they are. As the largest democracy on earth, America is the stupidest one. "

"It sounds like you are very dissatisfied with democracy, which I can understand because you live in a dictatorial environment, but I didn't expect you to practice elitism!" Nick Fury stepped on the gas pedal and drove the car onto the street. He said with some dissatisfaction, "There is no king or noble in the United States. Whether the decision is smart or stupid, it is the choice of the people themselves, and the consequences are borne by the people themselves. At least, in this country, people are equal. "

"I'm not elitist, Nick Fury, and equality is always a false proposition, especially in a capitalist country. Don't tell me you're not being watched by security guards while shopping at the supermarket , How many times have you had to show your ID before you were stopped?" Salomon's expression was even more disdainful, "I think most people in the world are stupid, voting does not require any threshold at all, and the fate of mankind Putting it in the hands of a bunch of idiots is a dead end. Don't forget how Prohibition gangs got involved in politics, and you better tell me that the President of the United States is not the face of those syndicates, or your argument is not convincing at all. "

"So what do you think the best governance looks like?"

"The supreme mage has abandoned all his feelings. As a ruthless ruler, I imagine that the ultimate ruling class of mankind should be like this, but this state is a great burden on the human mind. For anyone It is a kind of torture.” Salomon said, “Artificial intelligence is the best choice, only in that case, will everyone’s value be realized, and everyone’s equality will be truly realized. I think the Cree Empire is What humans learn from, but we have to do better, and I call it human-intelligence integration.”

Nick Fury was silent for a while, and he suddenly realized a possibility, which frightened him a little. "Aren't you..." He stared at Salomon in disbelief, "I didn't expect you to support another ideology, otherwise I couldn't explain all your thoughts!"

"At least I think it will be the next stage of human society before the integration of human and intelligence is completed." Salomon nodded, and he said, "No country in the world is perfect, because a country is the product of irreconcilable class contradictions , unless humans unite all the countries on the earth, they will not be able to enter the next stage. The questions are very complicated, and the theories I have studied have not given the answers, but I think that if humans cannot colonize outer space, Before the productivity explosion, these were all empty talk."

"Look, even you don't have the answer, so don't hate the existing system." Nick Fury looked at the Big Ben in the distance. At this time, the sky of London was shimmering, and the clouds were intertwined with warm colors and lead The skies over London are dark and it looks like it might rain today. He said, "Let's leave these questions to philosophers. This is not a question you should think about at your age-at least the Soviet Union has disintegrated, which proves that the road will not work. I will take you to breakfast. I know where there is delicious."

"You are wrong, Nick Fury, ideas will not perish." Salomon said, "The United States cannot curb the greed of capitalists, and the proletariat will grow. Sooner or later, the things you fear will be destroyed." Show up—but I'm afraid it will take a long time. If human society has reached a dead end, I don't mind giving it a push."

After a long talk, Nick Fury and Salomon became more open and honest, and the hostility between the two of them eased a little bit. Although he was very opposed to some of Salomon's theories, it was also for the sake of mankind. Freedom, a little disagreement can also be temporarily put on hold. As director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury has experience with jet lag, and so does Salomon. After eating a London special breakfast (Nick Fury paid for it), he asked Salomon to send him back to Washington, so Salomon and his car were sent to the top of the Tricurved Wing building.

As for how to send the car down, that was not something he had to think about.

After finishing these things, Salomon planned to return to Bayonetta's apartment and spend a good night until returning to Old Bridge Town the next morning. But Nick Fury stopped him. He asked Salomon to stay with him and watch the army's dispatch, because he had ordered the army to rush to Old Bridge Town to establish a position. Even after the night was over, he ordered the agents to take Jane Foster and Saul to a position in the New Mexico desert, accept the protection of the army, and evacuate all the residents of Old Bridge Town to prevent them from being captured by the imminent The coming battle spreads. Salomon agreed with his actions very much. In the eyes of the mystic, those ordinary people are not worth paying their lives for the dispute over the Asa pantheon.

Nick Fury also wants to know what method Loki will use to attack Thor, and who will participate in the assassination. He felt that he knew nothing about Asgard, so he wanted Salomon to stay by his side and point out problems in time.

Nick Fury also quietly kept an eye out. He quietly instructed Agent Coulson to collect samples after the explosion of the alchemy bomb in a place where Salomon could not see. In fact, after Nick Fury came into contact with Salomon, he began to look for information about magic, and alchemy was one of them. But apart from the existing chemical formulas, he has never been able to understand what alchemy magic is. Even the alchemy potion he traded with Salomon was something that the laboratory could not analyze. Finally, because Tony S Regarding Tucker's physical condition, the number of remaining samples is extremely small.

But when he tried to make a deal with Salomon again, he was flatly rejected by the mystic—because Tony Stark was also the target of Salomon's observation, and his potions had already supported Stark. For a few months, although he would not watch Stark poisoned and died, before that, he wanted to know what relieved the symptoms of palladium poisoning.

Whatever it is, it can't be lithium dioxide, unless S.H.I.E.L.D. wants Tony Stark's life.

"It's your potions, Stark's symptoms have been relieved." Nick Fury told Salomon the news after closing the office, "Agent Romanov directly injected the recovery potion into Stark In Tucker's body, it works very well."

"But it is taken orally. Direct injection will definitely cause systemic infection!" Salomon glanced at Nick Fury's juncture, "Don't try to lie to me. What is the truth?"

"The fact is that after we sterilized the medicine, we found that its physical properties have not changed, so we chose to inject directly. If you ask more, then I can only answer that this is confidential." Nick Fury raised his eyebrows The eyebrows look a little smug. This was the first time he had defeated Salomon in terms of intelligence, which actually gave him a long-lost sense of accomplishment. You know, since he has grown from a low-level agent to the director of the SHIELD branch, he has rarely experienced this feeling, let alone he is still the director of the SHIELD. This kind of face-to-face intelligence game is almost impossible. It was done by other agents.

"F*ck you, Nick Fury!" Salomon stared dissatisfiedly, and then drank a bottle of potion. It's a panacea for refreshment, and Salomon would never be foolish enough to let his guard down in the fraternal S.H.I.E.L.D.

"The Howard Stark box you wanted was also given to Tony Stark by us." Nick Fury seemed to want to see Salomon's angry expression, and deliberately delivered bad news one after another. Spit it out one by one. But unexpectedly, this time Salomon did not express disappointment, as if he didn't care about the box. This made Nick Fury a little uncertain. He didn't know whether the box was important or not to Salomon.

"I just have a small question." Salomon rolled his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Have you done the paternity test of Howard Stark and Tony Stark?"

Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Thanks to book friend 20190119202038843 for the 100-point reward.

Ideological issues cannot be discussed too much, otherwise this book will be gone.

Also, don't guess, do you think I will let you guess the next plot? When Iron Man and Coulson first came out, everyone thought they were going to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. ()

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