Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 106 The Battle Begins (Recommendation Tickets Please!!)

"Of course, Tony Stark is Howard Stark's biological son. Even if you don't do a paternity test, you can still judge their blood relationship by looking at their youthful playboy style." Nick Fury looked at Salomon suspiciously, "Why do you ask this question?"

"Oh, that's all right." Salomon shook his head, at least this news let him know that the world is not so chaotic. Another reason why he asked this question was to disgust Nick Fury and make him doubt the accuracy of his intelligence—Salomon didn't usually hold grudges.

"This is just my subject. Don't even think about asking what my subject is. This is the second time, and I won't answer."

He ignored Nick Fury's various questioning, but took out his mobile phone and sent a text message. This text message was sincere, and everything that happened that day was written on it, without any omissions. He was explaining to Beunita why he didn't come home at night. Part of the reason was to prevent Beunita from worrying about his safety, but he couldn't explain the other reasons clearly. He only knew that if If he didn't, he might not even be able to sleep on the sofa.

He then sent another text message, this one to Luca. He told Luca that there will be a big operation in Old Bridge Town, New Mexico tomorrow, and Salomon hopes that Luca will report it, and promises to tell him some of the inside story-anyway, the public will know these things when the battle in New York , Salomon doesn't mind Luca getting paid for an exclusive news in advance. Of course, Salomon also promised to reimburse Luca for all the expenses of this business trip, except for expenses such as strip clubs and medical clinics. The reason why Salomon did this was entirely because he did not want the United States to monopolize the news of extraterrestrial life. He wanted the whole world to know that there are many pairs of greedy eyes staring at this place outside the earth.

As for those politicians' stalking dogs, he didn't even think about it, and he wasn't even worried about some extreme environmental organizations and alien pro-friendly factions jumping out—anyway, when the enemy came, these organizations couldn't let them The enemy stopped their butcher knives, they didn't even have the qualifications to lead the way.

Luca replied quickly, he has already booked the ticket and is ready to leave immediately. Only then did Salomon look away from the phone with satisfaction, and slumped lazily on the seat again.

Since Vigrid's Sun Island incident ended, Luca knew little about the magic side, and due to the bankruptcy of the Izavel Group, the Vigrid Church was unable to make ends meet, and the core believers were disbanded one after another. Lost sources. In addition, Salomon ordered Phoenix to save Luca's life. This guy now owes him a big favor, so this time the report that may be life-threatening is also something that Luca cannot refuse. In addition, sometimes Luca will investigate the news of black magic creatures alone and report them to Salomon.

This is a "win-win" partnership. Meaning, Salomon, win twice.

The mystic also summoned Phoenix from Karma Taj. Nick Fury almost jumped out of his chair when Phoenix showed up in the office with a large cloud of sparks, but when he saw the one paw holding a pen, writing and drawing on a piece of paper When it was a big golden red bird, it couldn't help rubbing its eyes.

"If I'm not's writing poetry!" Nick Fury exclaimed, "but it's just a bird!"

"Phoenix is ​​the most outstanding poet in the world, even better than Shelley." Salomon waved his hand, "Only a few people can hear him sing without getting lost, which makes him a little sad. So I It is recommended that he write his own poems with a pen. At least the threshold for appreciating words is not high, as long as he has some literary qualities."

He looked at Nick Fury with a teasing look, "Sorry, I forgot your academic qualifications. Obviously, literary literacy is a bit far away from you."

Nick Fury was silent, just staring at Salomon. He has already determined that this little bastard is just to make him unhappy. Whether it is the question Salomon asks or the text message Salomon avoids him, it is all to arouse his curiosity, even the dog So are the damn birds! Just to laugh at him!

However, Nick Fury quickly stabilized his mentality. His career is full of thrills, and he doesn't care about this little thing. "Tomorrow, you and I will stay in the Quinjet." He pointed to his eyes and said, "I will represent the World Security Council and assess the threat to Asgard. You must comment for me, and I want you to provide What you know about Asgard."

"I will say what I can say, and I won't say a word if I shouldn't." Salomon sneered, "Don't try to get information from me. What you need to care about now is your agent Whether Saul was released or not, Jane Foster is an important figure."

"Is there anything else worth paying attention to besides her status as an astrophysicist?" Nick Fury asked, "Is it because Saul and her are in love? Is this worth your attention?"

"Of course not," Salomon said. "Jane Foster has potential. It's not about her relationship with Saul, or her degree, but about herself."

Nick Fury was very puzzled by this, but no matter how he asked, Salomon refused to let go of the news. The agent's intuition let him know that this news must be very important. For this reason, he also proposed a deal-Howard Stark's box, Nick Fury can make the decision to let Salomon see it, because now Tony Stark K didn't need that anymore.

"Jane Foster is qualified to lift Thor's Hammer." Salomon waved his hand, signaling Nick Fury not to get too excited, "Not now, she doesn't have the qualifications now."

"When will it be?"

"When all hope is lost."

Being the Riddler feels good, but the consequences that come with it are not so pleasant. Damn Nick Fury doesn't think it's a big deal if he doesn't sleep a night, so he assumes Salomon does too. But it turns out that spell casters are definitely the group of people who sleep most regularly in the world. In order to ensure that they have enough energy to cast spells, Salomon plans to sleep on the seat. But even if the mystic entrusts the loyal Phoenix to guard his safety, it can't stop Nick Fury's mouth.

Thanks to the panacea, which can make Salomon fall into the most pleasant and comfortable sleep, and with the protection of Phoenix, Salomon feels safe and secure. It wasn't until Nick Fury shouted hoarsely, with sweat on his forehead, and pacing the room impatiently, that the mystic slowly woke up.

"If you don't wake up, I will use other means." Nick Fury said, "Now, we are going to set off."


"F22 ready, sir."

"Air Force Base Standby, over."


Nick Fury in a Quinjet giving orders to troops in Old Bridge, New Mexico. Now, the Quin-style fighter plane is hovering over the desert in Old Bridge Town, right below the fighter plane is where the army is located, Agent Coulson has taken Jane Foster and Saul's group to hide in the command base . In order not to affect Thor's Hammer during the battle and cause unpredictable results, this position had to go deeper into the desert, farther away from Old Bridge Town.

S.H.I.E.L.D. performed its duties and removed all the residents of Old Bridge Town. The whole process went smoothly. Except for the fierce resistance of the drug dealer in the medical pharmacy, everyone obediently followed SHIELD to a safe place after hearing that there might be danger.

After Nick Fury limited certain offensive methods in Salomon, he excluded some powerful weapons that might even affect the position and accidentally injure friendly troops. He planned to use all the weapons he could use. As it happens, there are three air force bases in New Mexico that can meet his needs.

Due to the secrecy of Salomon's identity, the only pilot of the Quinjet fighter this time was Natasha Romanov, who had seen Salomon once, and there were only three of them on the Quinjet fighter plane. manpower. Nick Fury also needs to report to the World Security Council while dispatching troops. He was a bit hectic, but he managed it.

"Sir." Agent Romanov reported to Nick Fury, "The ground forces have detected energy fluctuations, not far from the base."

"Report the situation, we need to know what the enemy is like."

"According to the ground force report, there are four enemies, all wearing armor and holding cold weapons... Wait, according to Saul, those are not enemies, but his friends. Agent Coulson has sent a car to pick them up gone."

Nick Fury glanced at Salomon, and found that there was no surprise on the mystic's face, as if he had expected it. "Where is the enemy, I don't want to waste my time." He asked, "Or, these people are all Loki's pawns?"

"It will come." Salomon said, "The father of the gods exiled Thor. Before the order of the father of the gods is withdrawn, the behavior of coming to Thor is equivalent to treason. Anyone who can come here is Thor's loyalty. Friends. Unfortunately, as the heir of Asgard, Thor has many friends, very many."

"Who are they?" Nick Fury transferred the images captured by the ground troops to the computer, and then put the computer in front of Salomon, "I think you know."

"The fattest one is Vostagg, a good fighter, even if he is blessed; the black-haired one is Hogan, I don't know his past; the blond curly-haired man is Fandral, using The rapier; the last woman is Sif, the future queen appointed by Queen Frigg, Saul's wife."

Hearing this, Agent Romanov quietly rolled her eyes. She knew about the relationship between Jane Foster and Sol. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents staying in the ground forces had already reported the relationship between the two. Those agents are all elites, and their relationship cannot be concealed at all.

Heh, man.

"What about the enemy?"

Salomon pointed to the outside of the cabin. "Wait a minute, don't worry." He said, "It's coming soon."

Ask for a recommendation ticket! When it was released at the end of the month, it just happened to enter the next plot.

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