Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 973 The secret agent’s tricks (first update)

A very big benefit of being re-incorporated into the US intelligence system is that you can legitimately monitor the Internet around the world and retrieve the content you want to see, just like in the past. Whether it is public or private cameras, keywords on social media, or even every data terminal (even if not connected to the Internet), all can be viewed through the permissions obtained from the SHIELD database, and it is completely legal - even if the public cannot Accept it, but the resolution passed privately by Congress is still passed. The Prism program exposed by Snowden is only a small part of the CIA's cyber intelligence system. Other departments have their own cyber intelligence systems.

The two advanced artificial intelligences with learning capabilities used by the Immortal City to screen the Internet (including Samaritan) once obtained permissions, but those permissions have expired and are illegal, and can only be hacked by looking for system vulnerabilities. enter. Although SHIELD does not have advanced artificial intelligence-assisted screening, it does not have to go through those troublesome steps, so it can obtain information much faster.

So when Agent Coulson locked the identity of Robbie Reyes, Elias Morrow and South Ridge Prison also surfaced. Mike didn't know anything about Elias Morrow, but when he saw the prison visit video found by SHIELD, he also knew that the Immortal City forces represented by Wanda Maximoff were fast approaching step. He looked around and found that all the new researchers who joined SHIELD were busy with their own work, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Agent Coulson viewed the video with the permissions of Gemma Simmons (he lost some of his permissions as a field agent due to the change of power), and then went into the background and deleted the system logs with ease. Gemma Simmons returned to her small rental house from get off work early and took the next day off to look at houses because she saw a good ad.

Mike knew that Coulson's actions just now violated several rules of SHIELD, many of which he had formulated himself. However, Coulson did not even blink when he violated it. It seemed that this was not the first time he had done this. . He couldn't imagine how Agent Coulson had ever passed the polygraph before - SHIELD's polygraph system included micro-expression analysis. That was a system written before the Hydra rebellion, which could use two hundred and twelve micro-expressions as a basis for judgment. With just an unnatural blink, the system could tell if he was lying - maybe Agent Coulson had left himself a backdoor, but no one knew how or why he did it. But overall, Mike was a little happy again, because Agent Coulson didn't completely trust S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's not that Mike has any dissatisfaction with the new director, it's just that he doesn't trust Congress and politicians.

"We cannot let the Immortal City act alone, Mike. No one can guarantee that Salomon's forces will not cause additional casualties when solving troubles. You know their style of doing things, the east coast earthquake, remember?" Cole? Agent Mori said softly. His expression was as serious as ever, and it was hard not to believe him. "I know this matter is beyond the scope of SHIELD, but our job is not just to solve troubles, but to protect people. For us, civilian casualties are intolerable, SHIELD has to do something What needs to be done is that SHIELD must be different from the past dominated by Hydra, and different from all intelligence agencies in the United States. We must stand on the side of life and justice."

Agent Coulson gave Mike time to think. Although it didn't take long, it was enough for Mike to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision.

"I invite you to board the Zephyr 1 with me, and let us protect those innocent people who should not have died. The records of this mission will be completely deleted, and the route will be submerged in the Zephyr 1's cruising route. Fitz Research Those boxes will be the only clues, and our new director will not know about the existence of the Immortal City and Salomon."

"Oh shit! You're almost convincing me, Coulson, it looks like you have everything planned out." Mike gasped like a cow, "But you have to promise me that if things get out of hand, you have to contact Revenge The Avengers. I know that Nick Fury left you the contact information of the Avengers. I want the Avengers to be the backup for this mission, otherwise I won’t worry. The opponents this time include super soldiers, witches, Devils and ghosts, that’s what the Avengers do.”

"I promise you, I have Tony Stark's contact information. He already knows that I have come back from the dead." Coulson said, "But I also want to contact Captain America. You know... Big fans Something like that... Really, my set of cards were collected by them, I don't know whether I should be happy or not."

"Give me twenty minutes first. I haven't said hello to Youyou since I came back."

Agent Coulson raised his eyebrows, "Yuyou just attended a party in Miami. She didn't seem to be in a good mood."

"I know what's going on." Mike's voice was as thick as newly solidified basalt. When the poisonous hot wind blew, orange-red magma and thick smoke rose from the gaps. Coulson saw something was wrong with Mike's emotions - he knew every team member and knew how Mike behaved under various emotions. But after all, he is not an expert in micro-expressions. He just took the required course, so he can't tell what Mike is thinking at the moment.

"I'll come later."

"As soon as possible, the fuel has been replenished, and there are still some equipment that you need to carry." Colson nodded and said nothing more. The relationship between agents is quite dangerous, but Coulson still wants Mike to make his own decision. He believes that Mike knows the right amount. S.H.I.E.L.D. was a family, but that was referring to his past team, not those who joined later - they had a bond of sharing their lives with each other, and everyone would give their all for the members of the family. That's why Daisy's disappearance is so hurtful. It's no less than a betrayal. "Especially your ax shotgun. The logistics department has prepared a few more for you. And your beer. The ground staff is not responsible for carrying beer."

"Self-mutilation tendency is not common for newly awakened vegetative patients." Constantine held the instrument and bent down to scan the patient on the hospital bed. He still did not take off his helmet. The overly ornate armor was incompatible with the dark ward. He had to bend down to ensure that his helmet would not touch the ceiling.

"Not necessarily. When patients from deep coma wake up, they will find that their lives have been folded. For the patient, the past time is just a sleep, but for others, he is a dead person lying on the hospital bed. . After waking up, I found that the girl I liked became someone else's wife, my original family fell apart, and I changed from a young man to a middle-aged man... This kind of thing is no less than a comprehensive blow. Many people can't think about it, and it is normal to have self-harm tendencies. It’s just that awakening from a vegetative state is not common, so there aren’t too many psychological papers studying the aftermath of a vegetative state.”

"The dose of sedative injected by Joseph Ball was a bit large." Constantine picked up the patient's restrained wrist and looked at it. "There are also fingerprints. It seems that he struggled badly. There is no sign of awakening in the medical record. He woke up suddenly, something woke him up."

"Lucy Ball, one of the missing spirits." Nick Fury thought for a while, "It's unlikely that she just wanted to see her unconscious husband, absolutely not. She can only-"

"-Want to find that book. Joseph Bauer knows where the book is." Constantine took out a needleless high-pressure syringe from the fanny pack on his magnetic belt, "So it's time for him to wake up. "

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