Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 974 Murder in the Ward (Second Update)

"I can confirm that one of the spirits woke him up. Haven't you read the paper "The Impact of Extradimensional Energy Components on the Endocrine Brain"? For intelligence work, nothing is certain. Situations are possible. I am not trying to verify that the spirit that appeared is Lucy Ball. I am not stupid enough to verify the information I have made a conclusion. I am just raising a possibility. The most likely of all spirits Maybe it was his wife who woke him up, right?”

Constantine ignored Nick Fury's nagging and carefully adjusted the dosage so that the drug, reserved only for the Praetorian Guards, would not burst Joseph Ball's heart. There is also a dose of the same medicine in his power armor's life support system, along with painkillers and stimulants, which can be injected directly into the body when needed.

The case hanging on the bedside clearly shows the dosage and type of drugs that Joseph Ball had injected before. The agent in charge of intelligence support will give the minimum dosage of drugs needed to make the patient awake. This data is based on a large number of human experiments and drug development experiments conducted by the medical and pharmaceutical departments. Therefore, Constantine is very confident in the effect of this injection - the immortal city that arrests warlords in Africa and gangsters in Eastern Europe all year round. There is no shortage of material for human experiments. There is no death penalty in the Eternal City. No matter what crimes the person committed during his life, he will not face the death penalty because the Eternal City still has a manpower gap that needs to be filled. However, after filling the demand for mechanically modified servants, the rest can only be sent to the laboratory for human experiments. As expected, not long after injecting a small amount of medicine into Joseph Ball's blood vessels, the hospital bed The patient's heart rate increased and he woke up groaning within a few seconds.

"Where is Lucy Ball?" Constantine covered Joseph Ball's chest with his palms, and skillfully applied pressure to squeeze the lungs to control the breathing rate, so that Joseph Ball could not speak louder. Call for paramedics. Although the letters on the medical record were difficult to read, Constantine could barely make out the description of Joseph's symptoms: panic, hallucinations, self-harm tendencies. These symptoms were identical to those of Melinda May, indicating that Joseph was suffering from evil spirits. Constantine really wants to solve this problem for him so that Joseph can tell him all the information, but he does not have the right medicine at hand to replicate Dr. Radcliffe's method, which is to use short-term artificial brain death. Reboot your brain.

Surprisingly, after waking up, Joseph Ball did not immediately start screaming, struggling, and talking nonsense as he thought. Instead, he opened his eyes and stared blankly at the checkered ceiling of the ward. The Guardsmen did not rush to ask Joseph Ball for an answer, but leaned down to look at him, observing his expression through the blood-red eyepieces and electronic eyes.

"You are not a devil." Joseph opened his eyes and closed them again. He let out a long breath, glad that he didn't see that horrific scene again. The giant in front of him was shrouded in a golden shimmer. It was this layer of light that drove away the terror in the shadows and restored peace to his mind. Even so, the patient who had just woken up was still very weak. His tendons were atrophied, his spine was numb, and he was in excruciating pain.

"You're not human either. Who are you?"

"Where is Lucy Ball?" Constantine repeated the question. "Where is the book?"

Although the palm wrapped in golden armor was placed on his chest and could crush his chest at any time, Joseph Ball still said unhurriedly, "You have to answer my question first."

"You don't have to choose to answer, I will take out your brain and find the answer from inside." Constantine was not even interested in answering him, "Right here, right now."

"Am I going to die?"

Constantine didn't answer.

"Lucy is dead, right? Everyone is dead, how many years have passed..." Joseph Ball seemed to have entered a trance. Constantine had to repeatedly confirm the dosage of the medicine with the intelligence support personnel. He suspected that the dosage he injected was too small and failed to completely neutralize the tranquilizing effect of the tranquilizer. "The book... find the book," Joseph said, his voice as soft as a dying man's dream, "Lucy is looking for the book."


"Where I found it. She was there and she wanted the book..."

"Yes, ma'am." Agent Coulson nodded, "We need to obtain Joseph Ball's visitation rights, so please cooperate with our work."

"No problem, but Joseph Ball's condition is not stable. You can only stay for a while." Medical staff wearing simple blue nurse uniforms led Mike and Colson to the ward. Joseph Ball's medical expenses all come from insurance, and the trust fund pays the medical bills regularly. However, as time went by, the money became less and less, and Joseph Ball also moved from the spacious senior ward to the ordinary ward at the end of the corridor, where few people usually visit the patients living in those wards. Mike and Colson could even hear their own footsteps and smell the pungent smell of disinfectant.

"He needs to be quiet." The nurse opened the door and turned to Coulson and said, "And he may not be awake, he ah——"

Mike squeezed in immediately after hearing the scream, but the scene in front of him made him immediately take two steps back, his face full of shock. Even the agent who had experienced many storms lost his composure in that moment. He subconsciously reached for a weapon, but there was only a non-lethal weapon, the freeze gun, hanging on his waist.

"Ma'am, please calm down." Colson held the nurse's hand very calmly. "I need you to wait outside the room, okay? This is a crime scene, and I don't want anyone to come in or out. Mike, comfort this person. The lady then goes to the hospital management and I need to retrieve the surveillance video here.”

"Colson, we're late." Mike frowned and hesitated to speak.

"I know." Agent Coulson shook his head, indicating that they couldn't talk about those secrets here, "Just do it and come back quickly, I need your help. We have to figure out what's going on before the police arrive. .Come on, lady, don’t open your eyes and hold my hand.”

Mike took the nurse worriedly and glanced into the ward again. Colson closed the door, isolating the ward from the outside world, preventing those who heard the screams from seeing the horrific scene inside - Joseph Ball's body was lying on the hospital bed, a clean straight line It separated his neck from the hospital bed. The entire wall was splattered with stinky blood, and a large amount of blood was still dripping down. The white tile floor of the ward was almost submerged by the scarlet lake, and Joseph Ball's head was crooked. It was placed crookedly on the shoulder, with the pale and haggard face with its mouth wide open and its wide eyes staring at the door. Even the nurse who was accustomed to seeing blood and human bodies was frightened by this scene.

Agent Coulson took out a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on. He carefully walked around the thick pool of blood on the ground and walked to the hospital bed to carefully examine the body of Joseph Ball. "Scorch marks, as Mike said, it is not easy to cut open the hospital bed. High technology must be used." His fingers traced over the hospital bed and Joseph's severed neck. "What information is there that you don't want others to know, Salomon?"

"Constantine, I wish you could tell me before you act!" Wanda said angrily. Through the car window, she saw several police cars standing in front of the hospital. Trace inspectors in protective suits were carrying things out of the cars. Robbie Reyes was tapping the steering wheel uneasily. "What on earth did Joseph Ball say! Why did you kill him like that! We still have many things we want to ask!"

"If I were you, Wanda, I would return to Southridge Prison instead of asking why I wanted to free a poor soul." Constantine, who did not know where he was, said calmly, "Lucy Ball is still at large. , Elias Morrow is her only enemy.”

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