Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 978 Youth Problems (Second Update)

"So you locked your sister in the manor?" Joan of Arc raised her head, her skin that had been wiped with sunscreen reflected the oily light. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of warm sunlight shining on her body. "You're using the manor as a drug rehab?"

"Yes, I gave her a month's leave. In order to prevent her from getting into more trouble, it is very necessary for her to quit soft drugs." Salomon also closed his eyes and fell asleep. He said, "What's more, the environment of the manor is much better than that of a white-collar prison - the kind of economic criminal prison where you can grow organic vegetables and learn textile skills. There are several bears here, a few sheep, and one has a fruit knife in its mouth." There's no better place in the world to have a cat trying to commit murder and a horse trying to chew up the lawn. I don't want her to make a mess of her life when she gets older. It would be so sad to have to go to a nursing home and gather your buddies to plan a robbery.”

"Bayonetta is taking care of her." Joan of Arc still didn't open her eyes. She wore an extremely revealing sheer white bikini and tried hard to show off her tan marks. However, no matter how strong the sunlight was, her skin was still white and shiny, almost transparent under the sunlight, like a piece of white jade. "This was a new experience for her. She always said she wanted to learn how to deal with rebellious teenagers so she could prepare for the future."

"Let me out!" Little Lorna clenched her fists and slammed the door, "I don't want to drink organic milk!"

"But you have to drink the medicine, girl." Bayonetta said slowly, leaning on the door frame. A black silk Japanese yukata with gold edges embroidered with complicated patterns of flowers and cranes was hung loosely on her body. The witch's beautiful shoulders were exposed to the air and covered by her black hair tied up randomly. She smelled like sunshine and sunscreen, but sadly, Bayonetta still couldn't get a bikini tan. In her hand she held a long pipe. The pipe was filled with alchemical ointment, and jumping flames were suspended above the pipe.

"Drink it, and I'll let you take a sip," she said. "When you taste the alchemical ointment, you won't want those soft drugs."

"I'm not a fucking drug addict!"

"Watch your language." Bayonetta knocked on the door with her pipe, "Take your medicine, and your work for today is done."

"I don't want to step on the sewing machine, this is not a prison!" Little Lorna wrinkled her nose and said, "I would rather have sex with my brother than do this kind of prison work!"

"Girl, this is such an old trick if you want to piss me off."

"Really? Then wait until I crawl into his bed in the middle of the night before you say that! Anyway, there is no better man than him in the world. The boys in the school are all idiots, so I can only choose him!"

"I believe Bayonetta will get along well with little Lorna." Salomon stretched his waist with a comfortable expression. When he asked the principal of the private school to take a long vacation for little Lorna, the other party happily agreed, and Salomon didn't even have time to tell all the words he had prepared. He had some doubts about whether this was... It's because little Lorna's reputation in school is not very good. He also tried to get little Lorna's past report cards - but the idiot principal said that all children's results are now confidential. And there are no specific scores, just ratings, to avoid hurting their self-esteem and to protect those children from minority groups.

This is simply the stupidest thing Salomon has ever heard this year.

In New York, a place where political correctness prevails, many people think that this kind of behavior is a sign of respect, but in fact it is a deeper level of discrimination. Before the Civil War, a pseudoscience called phrenology was popular in the American South. Many people believed that black people's skulls had three small depressions, which they believed was evidence that black people had lower IQs than white people. Nowadays, various scholarships in American universities - diversity scholarships, LGBTQIAPK scholarships, etc., are all discrimination packaged in the name of importance - the city government does not care about the basic education construction of the black community, but tries to find ways to reduce the original Black people with lower scores are brought up to sit in the same classroom as those who study hard; or by reducing police funding so that the police no longer catch so many black criminals (black people contribute 50% of the crime in the United States) ), and accuse the police of violent law enforcement when treating black criminals, etc., to reflect fairness to ethnic minorities in a way that is unfair to other people.

This is so fucking stupid. Even those red-necked truck drivers from the Rust Belt have a more normal way of thinking than Our Lady of the White Left. Several of Salomon’s normal friends are truck drivers, although their incomes are not as high as those of urban white-collar workers. Their taste is not very good, their intelligence level is not very high, and they believe in all kinds of conspiracy theories, but at least they don't say privileged stupid things about minorities, environmental protection, and women's rights while drinking, and try to put everyone on the Hostile position.

Although most media exaggerate that this group of people are white trash and racists, they are a minority after all, and their number is not as large as that of black criminals. Salomon did not discover this when getting along with his ordinary friends - the nicknames they gave others were indeed unpleasant, but as long as they were blue-collar workers from the same class as them, the truck drivers Salomon knew Will be treated normally.

They even vote Democratic.

On the contrary, those media outlets that talk about "anti-racial discrimination" are actually the most racist people. They think that everyone except white people are sub-humans, and they don't even dare to speak out their hearts.

It is really difficult to find a normal person in the United States now, as if the world feels sorry for him.

“Would you like some more sunscreen?”

"Of course. Untie the laces for me, I'm too lazy to do it myself." Jeanne turned over on the recliner, "Where else did you go that night?"


"The night you caught Lorna," she said, "I remember you called the Manor after you caught the drug dealer, but it was hours before you came back."

"I first took little Lorna to eat the Baptist Beef in Chicago. The snack cart I had eaten for many years is still there. Then I took her to the Avengers Base." Salomon put on the cold sunscreen Squeeze it into your hands, then rub your hands together to spread. He waved his fingers, and the bikini strings on Joan's back untied themselves. The white-haired witch needed sunscreen all over her body, so Salomon had to get another bottle. "If I hadn't let little Lorna get Captain America's autograph, she wouldn't have been so easily deceived by me. She also sent a tweet taking a photo with Captain America. I can imagine how popular she will be in school in the future. ”

When the sunscreen was applied to her skin, Jeanne didn't feel any coldness. It has to be said that Salomon is quite considerate in some details. "Why are you going to the Avengers base? Don't you hate that place?" she asked, "Do you want to find your female spy lover?"

"I just want to talk to Steve Rogers about something." Salomon shook his head. "I value him very much, you know. He does have various shortcomings. After all, he is only a mortal, but his His character is indeed very noble. He has the courage to sacrifice. After all these years of trying to persuade him to change his allegiance, it has begun to bear fruit. He now understands that he should fight for humanity and its future. Hey, Bayonetta , how are you getting along with little Lorna? Has she drank the potion? "

"No!" Bayonetta took off her bathrobe and let the expensive silk fall on the lawn. She lay down in her previous position as if she was relieved, "Give me some sunscreen, I need a good sleep. Huh... Teenagers are really difficult to deal with. We are still discussing whether female high school students need to maintain their virginity. There was a debate. I really can’t imagine how we will educate our daughter in the future.”

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