Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 979 Manufacturing Tools (First Update)

"This sounds like something a mother should explain to her daughter."

"Yes, I guarantee that your adoptive mother must have said this. The educational philosophy of ancient Greece is very advanced even now." Bayonetta took a long breath, really wanting to put away all her worries. Blow it out. This kind of situation is common in families of rebellious teenagers. She never thought that this kind of emotion would appear in her. "But Lorna is so smart, she must have her own ideas. My dear, I know you regard Constantine as your own child, but how do you educate him?"

Salomon didn't even have to think before he answered.

"Close combat, shooting, genetic alchemy, bloody trials, sneak assassination, chemical brainwashing, mental adjustment, throwing into the library...the last step is to fight on the battlefield, and those who survive will be considered qualified." Constantine said softly. , "Since you are so curious about the transformation process of the Guards, I have no intention of hiding it from you, because I am tired of your temptations."

"You told me that he was a father and a king to you."

"Yes, he is my king." Constantine took off his helmet and put it aside. The communication system integrated in the helmet is connected to the power armor, so even if he takes off the helmet, he can still operate it through the synaptic linker. "In fact, I am not the first Guardsman to be successfully transformed, but I am the first Guardsman experimental subject to survive. I vaguely remember my companions in the training camp, but I am the only one who survived. I have I can’t remember their faces.”

Constantine recounted the horrific facts that could drive a person crazy with a deadpan expression.

On a planet covered with red sand, many figures whose memories have long been blurred stand side by side, all with injuries on their bodies. Every day, the number of these people will decrease. Constantine can never remember what these people look like. It is as if these memories have been deliberately forgotten while undergoing mental adjustment. He only knows that those people spend time with him. After a long training camp life.

"In the words of the monarch, the body of the Praetorian Guard is extremely pure and will never be tortured by aging. The mind of the Praetorian Guard is as indestructible as a giant fortress made of vibranium. Only in this way can a Praetorian Guard become a perfect human being. Only the military can fight side by side with him on the most terrifying battlefield and realize his lofty dream."

"This doesn't sound like a responsible father in any way." Nick Fury squeezed out a disdainful sneer from his nose, "Don't you have any desires? Money, women, power... no desires, no feelings, How can this be called a human being? You are actually indifferent to what happened to you. I am really curious if you have any thoughts of your own, Constantine."

"Of course I have my own ideas. I have been given a lot of knowledge, art, science, geography, politics... My Lord encourages me to think for myself because that is one of my uses, to walk by his side and advise him ." Constantine lowered his head to look at the documents in his hand. In front of him, gray boxes crammed into the shelves were piled on top of each other until they reached the ceiling. Each box was extremely heavy. Thanks to his superhuman physique, Constantine is able to effortlessly remove cargo boxes that can only be removed with a forklift.

There were no lights on in the warehouse, and the Imperial Guards relied on their genetically modified eyes to read the words, numbers, and patterns on the documents.

These things are all items collected by SHIELD in mission after mission. Many of them were items secretly kept in various bases after SHIELD formulated the slingshot plan in the past - which was said to launch dangerous items into the sun. inside, but actually it was collected quietly. The creator of this plan is now on the phone with Constantine - due to the loss of the most critical logistics and administrative departments, and the loss of a large amount of data after the Hydra rebellion, many things cannot be identified for their purpose, so they are stored in explosion-proof facilities. boxes and sit on the shelf waiting for the dust to fall.

It was easy for Constantine to find what he was looking for. After all, there were only a handful of dusty boxes here. He also discovered that Asgard's magical technology product, the Berserker's Cane, was stored here. He had seen a description of this item in the archives of the Immortal City, and this information was also in the power armor database. Constantine was not surprised to find that the anger-inducing runes carved on the berserker's cane had no effect on him at all. His mind and body easily blocked the magical effects that affected the brain and body and were indestructible. outside the city walls.

"People only use the word 'purpose' when describing a tool."

"Isn't the answer obvious enough?"

"Then you are really pathetic, Constantine." Nick Fury took out his own small wine bottle, opened the bottle cap and paid tribute to nothingness, "Although we have not worked together for a long time, I still sympathize with you and those who Everyone who sets out on this path. I’m so lucky that I can only live a hundred years at most and don’t have to witness the world full of monsters in the future.”

Constantine ignored Nick Fury's taunts because short-sighted people cannot understand the ideals of a monarch. He switched the communication channel and said into the microphone hidden in the collar of the power armor: "Daisy Johnson, I hope you have succeeded."

"Not yet! I can't believe I'm cooperating with you!" Even though the mixed-race female hacker tried to lower her voice, her voice was still extremely harsh in this empty old apartment, but fortunately the sound of cars outside the window covered her up. The sound made the dust floating in the air tremble. Daisy Johnson couldn't tell who she was angry with, and she didn't even know if she should be angry--although Salomon's past behavior was very badass (referring to the torture of her mother Jiaying to obtain information about the afterlife and the Inhumans) intelligence), but Constantine still helped a lot. What's more, they are the professionals in this kind of thing, so having so many laymen in SHIELD will only add to the chaos.

"I'm deceiving my friend. You have to consider my mental state! Or are you just a cold-blooded bastard like your master!"

"I need you to get into SHIELD's management system."

"I know, I know, Gemma is on her way to see the house." She carefully opened the curtains and took a look outside. Sunlight spreads across the street from the other side of the street, from right to left, across the shadows cast by the surrounding buildings, and rushes past the dirty glass windows. "It's not easy to deceive a smart person. I found this place with great difficulty. At the same time, I deleted the recommended houses in the real estate agency to ensure that no one else would come to see the house."

There seemed to be a bit of pride in her words, an emotion that was quite rare after she left SHIELD. Coulson accepted Immortal's approach to the Inhumans, something she could never forgive.

Although many people forget it now, she was a hacker before becoming an agent. "I have studied her budget. She and Fitz can only afford to rent a house here with their salary, so the advertisement I sent her is very tempting. She has already called the poor landlord and said yes Come to see the house at four o'clock this afternoon, she will definitely come. Oh, I saw her...don't worry, I will convince her."

"Are you sure you can accept this?"

"My cooperation with you without telling Mike and Fitz is already a deception, even if I don't do such a thing... you know, I have left SHIELD."

I can not understand.

Constantine could not understand Daisy Johnson's weakness and self-pity, but he did not say these words, but gave her plenty of time to think. He waited for her to convince herself. Sure enough, Constantine heard Daisy Johnson whispering. She kept mumbling some vague words. Finally, the other end of the communication channel became completely silent until he heard the harsh friction of the hinges that lacked lubrication. Squeaks, and Daisy Johnson’s embarrassing sneer that takes a roller-coaster turn.

"Hi, Gemma."

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