Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 982 Low Orbit Flight (Second Update)

To be honest, the trouble caused by Robbie Reyes is not easy to solve this time.

Half of the prisoners in the prison were dead, and the few potions in the hands of Wanda Maximoff and the SHIELD team were completely insufficient. When the police discovered the anomalies in Nanling Prison, the horrific conditions in the prison were enough to scare the faint of heart. Facing the raging wave of prisoners, the witch finally took action. However, the fear switch in the brains of the prisoners seemed to be turned off. No matter how she demonstrated her magic, they still roared and rushed forward. The news mentioned a group of hateful people. The "terrorist organization" of the Inhumans was also among them. These idiots were caught by the police as soon as they entered Los Angeles. After so many cases, the Los Angeles police desperately needed a case to salvage their reputation, and this gang of thugs happened to be in the crosshairs.

They also thought Robbie Reyes and Wanda Maximoff were Inhumans. Coupled with the hallucinations imposed on them by Lucy Ball, neither the burnt black human bodies nor the crushed remains could shake the will of this group of thugs who were originally bullying and afraid of the strong to charge. Nearly all of the "terrorists" who were imprisoned were dead, and when Agents Coulson and May arrived, they had to walk across floors soaked in blood and ash, through empty cells, dragging behind them A few prison guards who were still dazed.

“Holy Shit…”

"I'm sure those footprints were left by Wanda Maximoff, Robbie Reyes, and Elias Morrow." Coulson said, pointing to the messy footprints in front of the pool of ashes and blood. "Mike, did you see where they went?"

"Colson, they threw away their headsets." Mike and Fitz, who were on Zephyr 1 ready for support, also had a headache. It seems that since the prisoner uprising, the Witch and Ghost Rider have no intention of contacting S.H.I.E.L.D. Mike saw them entering Cell Block E where Elias Morrow was located through the surveillance camera, followed by a large group of thugs. This group of thugs also took objects and smashed the cameras without missing any one. The support personnel on the Zephyr 1 were able to obtain less and less information. Without the camera, Mike, as the temporary commander, must rely on his own reasoning to make judgments and dispatch support agents to the appropriate location - SHIELD will have to learn some information from Elias Morrow. If Wanda Mark is allowed to If Simov and Robbie Reyes take him away, then this mission will no longer be possible. It would be more efficient to just chase the Immortal City's butt.

"Fitz, I need your drone. Send the drone to these passages, go in through the window and check if there are any traces of fighting. If not, go in the direction I instructed. If there is, stay there and continue to monitor. " Mike pointed to several corridors on the three-dimensional image of South Ridge Prison that did not include the ones Coulson and Melinda May passed through. Through this method, Mike can determine the path of the Witch and Ghost Rider in a very short time, while alerting SHIELD agents to avoid danger.

"Very smart." Fitz nodded. He liked mathematics the most. Several agents who had been helping Coulson's team since the Hydra rebellion (now officially on board) immediately carried Fitz's drone box and opened the ramp door. More than a hundred palm-sized drones took off together, buzzing toward the prison like an overwhelming swarm of bees.

Although she already knew the outcome, Stephanie Malik couldn't help but clench her fists every time she read this paragraph, trying to suppress her anger and trying to convince herself that the expenditure was worth it. Now every penny in the Immortal City must be spent in the right place. Bribing local officials and police and taking some clues from the evidence room is definitely not a suitable use, but at the same time it is a necessary expenditure. . Even if the Immortal City has so many Hydra companies and holds shares in so many companies, Stephanie has to live a careful life - even the wine cabinet in Salomon's office is filled with her own money, bio The expenses of the genetic laboratory were extremely huge, and he even needed to use his own small treasury to cover them. He had never left any records of private expenditures in the public accounts of the Eternal City.

With such a boss, Stephanie Malik is naturally very hostile to all abnormal expenses, and every penny of the Eternal City must be converted into practical uses. SHIELD's unwillingness to share this part of the cost made Stephanie even more hostile. She even called Agent Coulson to protest, but Melinda May hung up the phone without mercy, leaving Hydra and SHIELD to The bureau's ancient grudges have added another layer of color.

However, not everyone involved knows what happened at Nanling Prison at this moment.

Daisy Johnson waited on the roof for twenty minutes as agreed, and the assault transport boat arrived as promised. She boarded the ramp hatch of the assault transport boat and saw the Praetorian Guards sitting on the seat, with a gray cargo box with the SHIELD emblem lying at her feet, filling all the space. "If you ask me, I still prefer the Quinjet. Although the space is not as spacious as this aircraft, it is at least better looking."

"This assault transport craft can send you back through low-orbit flight." Constantine said calmly, "To be precise, this is a void aircraft, which is fully capable of transportation within the atmosphere. If If I were you, I would fasten my seat belt because the G-value during takeoff will make you vomit."

Daisy Johnson sat down next to Constantine calmly.

"Do you know what Agent Coulson is doing right now?"

"Yes, I know." Constantine nodded, and then the air fell silent, save for the vibration of the ramp door closing and the engine starting. He was wearing a helmet, which frustrated Daisy Johnson, who tried to read something in his expression. But even if he wasn't wearing a helmet, she wasn't an expert in micro-expressions and couldn't see anything.

The first minute before the assault transport craft took off was unbearable for ordinary people. Daisy Johnson endured the feeling of blackness in front of her eyes and insufficient blood supply to her brain for fifty seconds, and then it took her half an hour to regain her energy.

"So?" she said, "You know what Agent Coulson is doing?"

"Yes, and I'm going to take you to join the SHIELD team." Constantine said, "Now that Wanda Maximoff has joined the SHIELD team, it's time to throw you over."

"I ran out on my own, and I will never go back!"

"I didn't expect your rebellious phase to extend to this point."

"Oh my God, can you understand human speech?"

"Is it because you think it will be embarrassing if you go back? So you need Agent Coulson or someone to ask you to go back?" Constantine nodded, "It doesn't matter, I understand this kind of human adolescent thinking, I have seen this Some books.”

"No! It's because...let me go!" Daisy Johnson didn't know what to say at all. She completely ignored the fact that she was losing gravity. If she hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she would be floating now. "It's over, I'm getting off the plane. I don't want to talk to a three-meter-tall Sheldon Lee Cooper about puberty!"

"I don't mind opening the ramp hatch now, but I'm sure you'll freeze to death in low orbit." Constantine said, "Do you want me to open it for you? Or can your powers help you return to the surface?"

"You're a bigger bastard than your master, Constantine!"

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