Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 983 Gentle Township (first update)

As a command center, Zephyr No. 1 is not good at firepower. Powerful detection, communication functions and personnel dispatching capabilities are the functions that a mobile command center should have. It was not necessary for the observer to report to Mike the abnormality detected on the radar. He could also hear the roar of the engine coming from the ramp door. The rapidly approaching noise was like a person shouting in the cabin. That's attention-grabbing.

"This is not the engine sound of a Quinjet." Mike raised his head thoughtfully. He was familiar with the engine sound of SHIELD aircraft, and compared to the noise he heard now, the noise the Quinjet made was like the scream of a kitten that had just opened its eyes. Moreover, the radar images showed that the aircraft was incredibly fast, which once made Mike think that the passengers on the aircraft were not ordinary people.

"Bring weapons and be prepared to defend yourself."

After nearly five minutes, the engine noise disappeared. The agent who had gone out for defense work returned to the command cabin with a complicated expression. Another agent followed him, half dragging and half pulling a black figure in. Everyone could smell the sour smell of semi-digested food. "Wanted criminal Daisy Johnson." The agent walking in front frowned and said, "Should we notify Agent Coulson?"

"No, just put her on the seat." Mike glanced at the three-dimensional map on the screen, temporarily put aside the task and walked over. Even after her rest, Daisy Johnson's face remained as pale as a corpse. She lay weakly on the seat with her hands and feet, her eyes closed tightly, and she seemed to have no concern for her next fate. Mike asked, "What happened to her?"

"A black aircraft brought her over. To be precise, she was thrown down." The agent felt that he would not be able to forget that funny scene in his future life - just when the agents pointed their guns at the As they were setting up the aircraft, Daisy Johnson stumbled and stumbled down the ramp door of the aircraft, then lay down in front of them like a rag doll. Immediately afterwards, the aircraft closed the door and took off directly back to the sky. "As for you can see, she was airsick. The medical staff cleared her airway and gave her an injection. Sir, I recommend cuffing her."

After watching the surveillance video in the Zephyr No. 1 cabin, Mike shook his head.

He recognized the aircraft. Just like S.H.I.E.L.D. has its own dedicated Quinjet, other organizations have their own dedicated aircraft. This kind of aircraft with thick armor and powerful firepower belongs to the Immortal City. S.H.I.E.L.D. has encountered the threat of these aircraft carrying nuclear bombs in the past. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s only anti-aircraft firepower faced the aircraft that can fly like a missile. There is no way. This agent has never participated in an alien rescue mission before, and it is understandable that he does not know the aircraft of the Immortal City, but it is absolutely impossible for Mike to tell him about alien rescue and alien nano-parasites.

"No, let her have a good rest." Mike said, "Wait until Agent Coulson comes back before waking her up. She must have some news she wants to let us know by then."

"In fact, the material science research in the Eternal City is very valuable, and all of it has been transformed into products with practical uses. The pilots of all assault transport crafts wear very lightweight flight suits, which have better functions than the space suits of other countries. It's just that the people who usually board the assault transport ship are either wearing power armor or have been genetically modified, so some issues about ordinary passengers will be ignored." Salomon read the document in his hand while wearing sunglasses, "It seems that the wizarding world ignores My thinking about customer experience has been extended to the scientific research department, or maybe it’s because there is no place to accept complaints in the Eternal City. I think we need to customize a set of clothing for passengers that can be put on and taken off quickly to prevent them from vomiting on the deck. A good way. What do you think?”

"I think we need to get some sunshine before we go enjoy dinner. You've been working for five hours, dear, it's time to relax. Don't forget you're here for a vacation, not a slave." Unita emerged from under the clear water and walked up to the edge of the pool using the steps. She reached out to untie her bikini strings, and her wet swimsuit immediately fell to the ground. She shook her wet hair nonchalantly and walked towards the lounge chair under the shadow of the sun umbrella and the champagne in the ice bucket. Originally there was no swimming pool in the manor, but after Salomon bought the place he insisted on building a new swimming pool with a heating system so that he could enjoy swimming even if the weather was cold.

“Dinah made Texas smoked brisket, but before enjoying it…”

Salomon reached out and checked the document, then threw it aside.

It was all a spontaneous act of his brain, and he didn't realize what was happening until he was done. He stared at his hand in surprise, but then his eyes involuntarily turned to the other side - the wide pool surface reflected the orange-red sunset, and the sparkling light was like rolling molten gold, matching the light emitted by the lighting. The silver light converges into dreamy colors. Bayonetta came over like a mixture of light grey, blood red and deep purple night, and sat astride him with moisture all over her body. The water droplets with body temperature rolled down from the witch's skin and hit him like raindrops. She stared closely at the mystic mage's eyes with her light gray eyes, which were full of power and lust. Salomon felt that his throat was dry and his body temperature was rising. The witch's charm swallowed him up like a tsunami, and the hot thighs clinging to his waist became a fatal blow to his throat.

The witch looked arrogant, holding two glasses of champagne with tiny bubbles in her hands. The cold body of the wine made the walls of the delicate thin glasses covered with a layer of white frost. She knew no one could stand against her because her opponents had surrendered. She is the queen of this battlefield, and just like countless times in the past, Bayonetta will always win the first battle. Although subsequent failures are inevitable, she will never be afraid of challenges. Sometimes she just needs a helper.

Until Salomon took the wine glass handed by the witch, he felt that he was still falling in the dream.

"I can't praise you enough, my dear, just like when we first met." He painted many paintings, and the witch was always his protagonist. However, no matter what kind of brush he used, he could not depict Bayonetta. With the unparalleled vigorous tension and attraction in his body, he tried his best but could not paint the love as hot as lava in those light gray eyes on the canvas.

"Let us enjoy the champagne first." His Adam's apple moved up and down. "Maybe dinner will be postponed a little longer. If Joan of Arc wants to complain, then let her complain - we try not to tell her."

The witch's palm pressed tightly against his chest, and her fingertips traced from bottom to top, almost cutting the skin of his chest and abdomen. She smiled and narrowed her eyes, enjoying the moment of control. "I want to try it in the water...don't you want to do that?"

After enjoying a perfect life, Salomon blamed himself for two seconds, and then floated out of the warm water with the black-haired witch in his arms. At this moment, night has covered the sky, and the only lighting measure in the swimming pool is the cold light lamps installed around it. "I'm on vacation," he told himself repeatedly, lest he take up his gun and sword and go to the mountains of Latvinia after dinner. His sense of responsibility will urge him to bury his head in documents and walk among the poor. Salomon must repeatedly tell himself that he will continue to work intensively after the vacation is over to remind himself not to overindulge in this. Gentle countryside.

Bayonetta obviously read his thoughts.

The witch forced a smile on her exhausted face, stretched out her arm lazily and pinched his face.

"Stop torturing yourself, little boy," she said. "You work every day, don't you?"

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