Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 993 Ancient Society and Historical Cycle (First Update)

Salomon reluctantly swallowed the sweet hot tea to avoid damaging his clothes and the precious books in his hands.

"This is a breakfast book club, is this all your thoughts?" He glanced at little Lorna who was huddled in a seat aside.

Little Lorna scratched the skin above her socks and shrugged nonchalantly. At first Salomon and Athena wanted to send her to a mutual aid group, but when he learned about the relapse rate in the mutual aid group, he gave up the idea and instead packed little Lorna into his morning reading group - while on vacation. At least once a week, Salomon would force himself not to linger with the witch in bed, get up, sit down at the dining table, eat breakfast and start studying. Little Lorna can't be said to hate book clubs, and Salomon's private library contains many rare books from hundreds of years ago bought from collectors. Others can only see them in the university library. .

But compared to the mechanical modifications, historical research and even magic experiments that Salomon conducted in the study, little Lorna welcomed the gray short-haired cat who jumped on the desk on time and swept the ink bottle off the table. "It's a little too rational, very unpleasant, and lacks a little bit of humanity," she said. "If we could arrange for Robbie Reyes and his brother to meet, even if it was secretly, this story would get a good story." In the end, Ghost Rider will be more willing to sacrifice his life for you. Immortal City can do it, why don't you do it?"

"Because of responsibility. After Robbie Reyes became the Ghost Rider, his personal meaning no longer existed, and was replaced by the function of the Ghost Rider. It is cold to say this, but it is quite realistic. The responsibility of the Ghost Rider It has long surpassed the meaning of the identity of Robbie Reyes. If he cannot fulfill his responsibilities, then he will be as painful as Johnny Blazer, and seeing Gabe Reyes will only make him more sad. . There is a reason why Johnny Blaze stays away from his girlfriend. Even if Kamal Taj can let him stay with his girlfriend, he still has to run around to complete the task because he has to bear Your own responsibility.”

"you sure?"

“This issue can be extended to the balance between collective interests and individual interests, and can also be extended to the different emphases of patriarchal society and matrilineal society, because the non-blood concept of the country appeared only after the patriarchal society, and the concept of human community also So. This problem is so complicated because the two are inseparable parts. To understand this problem, we must go back to the beginning of human civilization and look at our environment from the environment before the concept of country and nation was born. Problem - At the beginning of human civilization, unstable food acquisition methods such as fishing and hunting dominated. At that time, the strongest people occupied all the resources. This was also the original patriarchal society. Let strong individuals occupy more resources, and strong people Individuals are responsible for maintaining the security of the group and obtaining more food. This is the optimal solution for the survival of the primitive society in a hunting environment. However, this patriarchal society only existed for a short period of time, maybe only a few decades, and there was no time to even survive. Lower civilization, because of the rise of primitive agriculture, this is also a step towards the evolution of human civilization, and it can start to be called humans instead of animals.”

Salomon took a sip of tea and continued. "With the emergence of primitive agriculture and livestock breeding, matrilineal society began to emerge. Women were respected in production and economic life, and in society, and achieved dominant and dominant positions, and implemented an extremely primitive communal system. Matriarchal society paid attention to everyone , even individuals who are unable to obtain food by themselves can survive successfully. At that time, there are only collective interests and no individual interests, because everyone obtains things equally. This sounds beautiful and correct, doesn’t it?”

One disadvantage of listening to Salomon's lectures is that the listeners themselves must have corresponding knowledge, and there is no reading list before the start of each semester in the orphanage's curriculum, so those children often find that they suddenly cannot understand the lecturer. What are you talking about? But luckily Lorna was (forced to) read the books that Athena placed in the orphanage, and she could still keep up with Salomon's lectures.

"What I said is based on a very important premise, that is, the survival of the population. It is meaningless to discuss any situation without the productivity at that time." Salomon waved, and the invisible servant took it out from the bookshelf. A few books and a few photos. "Although primitive matrilineal society conforms to our humanistic imagination of modern society, the reason why matrilineal society distributes equally is because there is no food left. If the food is not shared equally, people will starve to death. Primitive matrilineal society can determine blood ties, and blood ties bring trust. and a sense of security, so food can be distributed equally. If patriarchal society and private ownership were born at that time, then the tribe would only die."

“Productivity is everything.”

"That's right." The Mystic Master nodded with satisfaction, "And in a matrilineal society, men are responsible for hunting, maintaining security, and conducting foreign wars. However, what maintains the core of the tribe is the highest point of matrilineal bloodline, which is the grandmother. In matrilineal societies, there are more men. Girls, in addition to production work, women were also responsible for absorbing genes from foreign races to continue the tribe. Coupled with the high risk of childbirth at that time, the original reproductive worship was born. If you believe those idiots boasting that humans only need to return to the maternal line If there would be no war in the society, then you would be stupid - there is no so-called peace outside the matriarchal society tribe, and war captives are used as food rather than human beings. It is also from the tribe's external war that the signs of patriarchal society reappear. However, the re-emergence of patriarchal society has to wait until agricultural technology develops again and enters agricultural society. This is the second step in the development of human civilization, slavery society. The reason why male muscles can attract women's attention is because being strong means being able to Obtaining more food can protect the safety of the group."

"You still missed the point."

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly. Anyway, you will definitely finish it before lunch." Salomon pushed the book "The Origin of Family, Private Ownership and the State" in front of little Lorna, "History is reincarnated, and we You can see the future direction from it. After listening to this lesson, this book is your homework. You have to write a paper on patriarchal society and private ownership, but I want to remind you that private ownership is not a patent of patriarchal society, as long as If productivity reaches the standard, matrilineal society can still have private ownership. If we want to talk about why patriarchal society in the agricultural era defeated matrilineal society, it is because of productivity, war and fertility."


"The race that dominates the world will reproduce like rabbits, just like humans. War will consume the population, and slavery, which existed in the agricultural era, will greatly increase the population through the privatization of women and children, including those of rival tribes. At the same time, The patriarchal society that annexed the matrilineal society began to develop the concept of the state. The patriarchal society that clarified the concept of rights and responsibilities formed a community of interests to cooperate with each other and had extremely strong war potential. This is also the origin of the nobility in human civilization. What you see on the Internet today Those who call for a return to a matriarchal society and oppose childbirth are either so selfish that they do not want to take on social responsibilities, or they foolishly believe that a matriarchal society is a matriarchal society of privilege, a peaceful and beautiful society, and do not understand that women in a matriarchal society must bear the responsibilities of race. The work of reproduction is done whether you enjoy it or not.”

"That's surprising." Lorna blinked. "I haven't heard this kind of story from Ms. Minerva."

"With the weapons of mass destruction that humans now possess, the aggressiveness, population reproduction capacity, and war hematopoiesis capacity of patriarchal society are no longer applicable. After the emergence of the atomic bomb, large-scale wars gradually disappeared, and productivity has been decoupled from personal power. The characteristics of a matriarchal society have reappeared. Although the population on the earth is expanding wildly, the proportion of illegitimate births in Europe is as high as 60%. These all indicate that modern society is moving towards a matriarchal society again. Engels's prediction is quite correct. The invention of farming technology and the demise The matrilineal system was eliminated, and the invention of the atomic bomb eliminated the patriarchal system, but—"

"—But everything before this word is bullshit!"

Salomon glared at little Lorna.

"But we all know that the existential crisis of the human race has never disappeared. The predators hidden behind the curtain of reality are staring at our souls. Alien species are eager to obtain resources and labor. In this case In this world, the human race must cooperate with each other and unite to deal with threats. We must form one body and throw away all attachments, such as assets, gender, etc. Only in this way can we survive and expand in this dark universe. Death Everyone is equal in front of us. Predators and aliens from extra dimensions don’t care how much assets you have. Only when we defeat death and successfully upgrade to rule all races in the galaxy will true equality and peace be ushered in again.”

"I probably understand what you want to say."

"So let's go back to the question of Robbie Reyes. No matter what the system is, the function of the Ghost Rider is war, so he must bear his responsibility to this race. He must do it in a way that protects the human race. , to protect his relatives from those terrible threats, because if he doesn't do this, no one knows whether the next unlucky one will be his relatives. It can be said that regardless of whether the Ghost Rider is a man or a woman, he has to bear this responsibility. This is not a 'grand narrative', but an existential problem that is closely related to us. In order to solve this problem, Robbie Reyes must become the Ghost Rider. Staying away from your loved ones is not only due to emotional considerations, but also out of Rational needs are not all the rational judgments you think. That’s why he agreed to my conditions. I will get Gabe Reyes back from SHIELD and let him receive an education from a wealthy family. "That's my responsibility as his ruler, and we all have a part to play, no one is exempt, and for Robby Reyes, my responsibility is to take care of Gabe Reyes."

"You are pursuing Plato's justice. What you want to build is an utopia where everyone performs their duties and fulfills their duties." Lorna said, "But it is difficult for people to understand each other. Don't think I haven't seen it. EVA."

Salomon shrugged nonchalantly, "Then start with me."

In order to prevent my readers from falling into a vortex of stupid arguments (I know there must be), and because some people commented that the problem with this book is "promoting human supremacy", I can only use this article to deconstruct the most basic Questions and recommendations for must-read books. Reading makes people wise, this is the truth. I know that the right person will definitely be scolded, but this does not prevent us from seeing the essence through the phenomenon. This quarrel further proves why the emperor promotes the imperial truth.

There is no need to reason or quarrel online, just be a fun person. Anyway, the problem will not be solved, and it won't be except for us.

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