Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 994 Unified Truth (Second Update)

"Latovinia is the guinea pig of the Utopia. I admit that many people will die in the process, but even so I will not regret it. I will pay what I should pay, and the people of Latvinia should also pay what they should pay. Yes, weak people don’t have the ability to win their future, so I will mold them into what they need to be.”

Salomon bluntly pointed out what he was doing, which seemed cold-blooded and ruthless, but little Lorna was used to his ideas and did not protest. He lowered his head and slowly flipped through the book in his hand that he had read many times. Compared with the cautious attitude of those collectors, Salomon was much more relaxed when flipping through books. He even started flipping through the Latin illustrated edition of "Ten Books on Architecture" printed in Venice in 1511 without wearing gloves - this This book appeared on the reading list assigned to him by Athena when he was thirteen years old. He also repeatedly referred to the contents of this book when designing the manor and the fortifications and workplaces of the Eternal City, and Make it more relevant to his situation and needs.

"Next, you should read that book. After "The Origin of Family, Private Property and the State", you also need to read "Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right", "On the Jewish National Question", "Louis Bonaparte" "The Eighteenth Brumaire" and "Das Kapital Volume 1". This is your reading list for this week. You also need to write a supporting paper." Salomon did not look at the expression of little Lorna who was about to cry. He knew that one look would make him relent, and then he would have to agree to her bargain. "Ms. Minerva is too indulgent to you. You can't expect the same treatment here as before. Even if I go to the Eternal City, Bayonetta and Joan of Arc will supervise your studies."

"I don't like them."

The mystic shook his head. He felt that his collar was a little too tight, so he stretched out his fingers to open his tie slightly.

"It has nothing to do with me." He took out a silver box from the drawer, filled with cigarettes he rolled himself. He took a deep breath and looked very much in line with the gangster style of his all-black suit, especially the ring on his hand and the nonchalant aura about him. Little Lorna frowned. She could tell at a glance that Salomon's intention was to test whether she had really quit smoking, otherwise he would definitely not smoke because he had no need for nicotine.

Salomon raised his head and winked at her, "This is a problem you have to solve, only you. I have other problems. Now, go to the wine cabinet and pour yourself and me a glass of whiskey. Not too much, too. Don’t tell anyone else.”

The work of shaping the Latvian people was handed over to the preachers of the Eternal City. Together with the Wakandan engineering equipment, they came to the snowy mountains and forests of Latvonia, and cooperated with the TV to educate those who joined the guerrillas. of young people preaching the unity of truth. This work was difficult at first, because Latovinia is a superstitious place. In the past, the nobles of this place have always relied on religion to persuade the common people to obey. Even the guerrillas who resisted local businesses and consortia still retained religious superstition—— However, after the attack on the fuel warehouse a few days ago, this work suddenly became surprisingly smooth. Victor von Doom, the commander-in-chief of the Latvian Army, even required that each team must receive cultural education and training. Instilling the concept of unity.

"Is this the unified truth you preach?"

"Yes, that's right. It was this truth that saved your life from the gallows, Audra." As a middle-aged man in charge of publicity and education, he sighed. He found that compared with education, those who were less educated and even somewhat Superstitious soldiers, this woman in front of them is even more difficult to deal with. This blond woman took a beautiful book printed by the Eternal City and flipped through it, her expression full of disdain. Even if the ideas in this book saved her life, she also showed an eagerness to criticize, which was almost political. The instinct of economic students.

"Barbaric." She muttered in a low voice. "The random use of lynching violates human rights, and the death penalty is an even greater violation of human rights."

The middle-aged man brought an empty arms box and sat across from the woman. The furnishings in this tent are quite simple, but they are full of neat military style. There was a pistol stuck in his waistband in his tactical suit, and his clothes were full of the smell of gun oil. "Audra, how tall are you?"

The woman tried hard to suppress her smile and replied nonchalantly, "178 centimeters, what's the problem?"

"Then do you know what the average height of Latvian women is?" The middle-aged man leaned forward, his tall stature brought an extremely heavy sense of oppression, "155 centimeters, many people are malnourished and skinny, and their mothers can't even feed them. There is no milk for the child. Not only do you have a well-proportioned figure, but you also have a special body management course to prevent yourself from eating too much and affecting your appearance. I have seen many tragic things on the battlefield in the Middle East, and I myself have pushed some innocent people away. Towards the abyss, so I chose to atone for my sins in this way after meeting my Lord. What about you, Audra? When you are chewing on the flesh of civilians and still complaining about getting fat, how are you going to atone for your sins?"

Audra's smile disappeared, and a flush of anger appeared on her cheeks. "So you want to humiliate me? Am I that bad in your eyes, George? I didn't crack the whip at them! I didn't oppress them!"

"So you can still sit here instead of drying on the gallows. Yes, I just want to humiliate you. You have never seen extremely hungry people eating human flesh outside the castle. You have encountered this in your past life. The worst thing is to fail the exam, break up with your friends, meet a boyfriend with bad behavior, etc. It's full of pretentiousness and unnecessary moaning... I know you usually dislike those guerrillas for being poor and dirty, but you You must understand that the reason why they are like this is because of you. The blood and sweat of their past exploitation have created your current living environment. You and your family owe those people a blood debt, and this book in your hand The book teaches children from poor families how to collect this debt. But fortunately, my lord is a reasonable man and insists on the role of order, so you don’t have to go to the gallows."

"I'm going...send me back, and my family will pay a ransom for me."

"I don't care where you are going, Audra, you can't leave here. As long as you step out of the camp, the sentry will shoot you directly. Don't think we can't track your location, no matter where you go in the world , your implanted positioning chip can provide positioning." The preacher said indifferently, "What's more, we are not short of money, what we want is your repentance. Pick up a hoe to cultivate, or wash the guerrillas' clothes , this is the job you have to do. Your family members will also receive corresponding punishments, work or death, depending on the mistakes they made in the past."

"I want to go on a hunger strike!" As a flower growing up in a greenhouse, this was Audra's most drastic method. George spoke of his master with a martyr's glow, but Audra's fall was a symbol of madness.

"Then we will let you starve to death in a comfortable environment." George said calmly, "All methods in Western society are invalid in Latvinia. Our Lord wants to forge this country into steel, so we will not There will be too much compassion wasted on you. Since you choose to go on a hunger strike, then we will help you take responsibility for your own actions and ensure that you do not get any food. Trust me, we can do it.”

"You would really attack a kind person?" Audra jumped up from the only chair in the tent, "Where is your humanity?!"

"This has nothing to do with whether you are kind or not, but with whether you are guilty. When you repay your debt, you will realize that our Lord values ​​mankind, although not in the way you imagine." George also stood up and walked towards him with a limp leg. "Remember, you only have one day to think about it. But I urge you to read more of the "United Truth" to understand the tip of the iceberg of our Lord's ambitions, and to understand why we are free as a whole rather than as individuals, It makes you a better person.”

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