Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 995 Political Commissar Sophia (first update)

Two guards in dark green bulletproof armor were holding laser rifles and stood expressionlessly at the door of a huge military waterproof tent. The outdoor air conditioner connected to the ventilation duct whirred every time someone opened the heavy curtain and walked out. , the cold air laden with cigarette smoke would roll onto the wooden boards laid in front of the tent. A large bundle of wires wrapped in black rubber extended into the tent like an invisible South American rainforest anaconda, providing a steady stream of energy for the headquarters and adjacent information reconnaissance departments, while the air conditioner complexly cooled those complex equipment. At the same time, countless small snakes extended to all parts of the camp, and cold light lamps were hung on the camouflage protective net that blocked the sky, lighting up the night sky in the forest like stars on a summer night. The headquarters tent is not the place with the most concentrated light source. The sporadic cold light after the blackout is like the shining dew drops in the forest.

Fifty meters on both sides of the tent, four quadruple anti-aircraft artillery pieces were erected. The soldiers responsible for operating these weapons stared at the radar detection screen sleeplessly, wary of any military units in the air that did not belong to Latovinia. The cold lights became sparser the further you went outside. The temporary landing pad was surrounded by circles of lights. In the hangar were parked assault transport boats capable of vertical takeoff and landing, as well as several aircraft that could be used to transport materials and personnel from planetary orbit. The armed landing transport craft to the surface of the planet can transport a company of troops or thirty tons of supplies each time - if the airport runway had not been completed and the Eternal City's transport planes could not land, the variety of food in this camp would be even greater. Rich.

In addition, there are garages where armored units are parked near the apron. There are heavy armored units such as black-painted armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery, and super-heavy tanks. Without exception, these armored units all have golden majestic colors. Eagle badge. These war machines are well kept. Compared with the soldiers' rest area near the garage, the garage not only has a prefabricated panel garage, but also has anti-aircraft artillery and camouflage cover. There isn't much light here, all light is strictly regulated.

This is not the only airfield and armored garage, there are many similar facilities in other camps. The war potential of the Immortal City has just been realized to meet the needs of Latovinia. New missile operators, pilots and armor operators are all Still training. , the reason why this camp does not have an airport is entirely because they have just arrived here for a week.

Further outside is the residential area, where the streets are composed of passages between tents. On both sides of the passage are rows of dark green tents that can accommodate a family of five and white medical prefabricated rooms. Cold light pours out from the curtains and sprinkles on the temporary tents. posed on the street. The large number of fleeing Latvian families were assigned to a tent after being screened for diseases. Although there was no running water and insufficient generators, Victor von Doom ordered the dark and Fear drives out the camp.

Before curfew, every street here is filled with Latvian people, who trade labor for the Eternal City and exchange currency for supplies - plus many of the people who live here have a family member who is in the army. , the financial system rebuilt by the Eternal City has created a false but prosperous market - food, clothing, entertainment supplies and other items have become the Latvian people rely on in this difficult situation, as long as it is on the transport plane Almost all civilian goods have become property that Latvians can exchange for labor.

Going further outside, there are only a few white lights, illuminating sporadically the massive unfinished concrete bunkers built in the morning. Past the searchlight-mounted outpost, weapons platforms, two-person-high dark green prefabricated fortification walls, and steel barricades wrapped with barbed wire, one sees a simple road paved with lumber processed from the on-site forest.

A light armored tracked personnel carrier drove quickly across the muddy road outside the camp at the fastest speed it could achieve when unladen. It only slowed down when it passed the checkpoint and stopped in front of the horse. A dark figure emerged from the roof turret and showed his badge and ID to the soldiers who came to check. The soldier was startled when he illuminated the man's face with a flashlight and hurriedly checked the ID. Just let it go. Immediately afterwards, the light armored personnel carrier raised the twin laser cannon barrels on its turret and arrogantly used the maintained concrete ground after crossing the checkpoint.

Passing through numerous checkpoints guarded by heavy weapons in the forest along the way, as well as reconnaissance posts wearing black light bulletproof armor, the light armored personnel carrier drove straight to the parking lot of the military controlled area. The owner of this tracked vehicle opened the door and walked to the center of the camp. Under the leadership of several soldiers, he strode towards the headquarters in the center of the camp.

Under the illumination of the cold light, the two guards clearly saw the man walking in the distance. A strand of dark red hair protruded from the temples under the black big-brimmed hat decorated with a golden eagle. This man was wearing a stiff black heavy military coat, and his black boots were stained with mud. Even if the forest was very cool in the summer night, it was not a reason to wear a heavy coat. However, no one raised any objections to this - no one wanted to talk to him. This person says hello, unless it is a soldier patrolling residential and military areas. They had to straighten their bodies and salute when they encountered this person, while addressing them by their honorific title. Because the golden medal on the big-brimmed hat and the long black military coat showed the terrifying power of life and death. If they violated military discipline, the chain sword and bolt pistol on that person's waist would most likely come to their heads. superior.

Although this power is rarely used, no one wants to try it.

Under the education of the military discipline officer, the guerrillas who originally had only enthusiasm but no discipline began to abide by the strict military discipline of the Eternal City. The effect of this is very good. Compared with the private armies of local plutocrats, the Latvian regular army is more popular with civilians.

An officer wearing a gray coat with the emblem of the Latvian regular army and the golden eagle on the chest came out of the tent to greet him. The guards and officers saluted the man with a solemn aura. Before the officer could speak, she said in a commanding tone, "Captain Andras, please bring someone to replace all the soldiers at the A-12 checkpoint. They lack training and should not take on such an important position." Sofia's face was expressionless. He said with an expression, "After seeing the political commissar's clothes, he didn't check his ID carefully. Even a fool knows that the enemy will disguise himself as our personnel to infiltrate."

"They are not afraid of you, Commissar Sophia. They have heard about your heroic deeds on the battlefield when you wielded a chain sword and rushed into the enemy's position." The captain took off his beret, his tone full of ridicule. However, Sofia failed to understand the captain's sense of humor. The captain could only wave his hand, not intending to continue to make trouble for himself.

The difference between the responsibilities of preachers and political commissars is that preachers do not need to go to the battlefield, supervise military discipline, or charge into battle. In addition to being responsible for ideological education of soldiers, political commissars must also take the lead and lead the army when necessary. The preacher faces civilians and newly recruited soldiers, and the political commissar faces soldiers undergoing closed training and soldiers who have gone to the battlefield. Both belong to the same department. The political commissar has direct power over the preacher to ensure the ideological stability. Unite.

Sofia was very dissatisfied because the performance of these checkpoints showed that the soldiers in the training camp were not doing well enough and needed more rigorous education. However, she also knew that it would take time to build a well-disciplined army, and what Latovinia lacked most was time.

The captain knew very little about the origins of Sophia and other military discipline officers. Even if he was an officer from the Hydra family, he only knew that the leader of the military discipline officers who parachuted from the Eternal City was known for being strict. Her subordinates were assigned to various tasks. The political commissars in each guerrilla group all have the same temperament. No one except the monarch knows where these people with ice-like character and Latin speaking come from. However, he did know the origins of the current head of the Proclaimer. The former SEAL Team 6 soldier fought in Afghanistan. After all his teammates were killed by the monarch, he was slapped in the face. From then on, he joined the cause wholeheartedly. Captain Andras had not seen the monarch with his own eyes, but he guessed that his performance after seeing him might not be any better than that of Preacher George.

"We are short of manpower. Except for the scouts, most of the camp is full of new recruits, and they are waiting to be transferred to the battlefield. But you are right, I will replace Ivanovic and Popescu, and they must accept punishment. "Captain Andras sighed, "Commissar Sofia, the commander-in-chief is waiting for you. Let me handle such small matters."

Sofia looked at him with an indifferent look, then nodded, opened the door curtain and walked in.

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