Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 996 Absolutely cold logic (second update)

"I need soldiers," Victor von Doom asked straight to the point, without delay, "veterans with strong will and rich combat experience. I need you to pick a team, the people in this team can be rotated , there is no need to stick to one's origin, but it must meet the above characteristics. Whether they are from poor people or from wealthy landowners, they must have a deep understanding of the concept of the Eternal City. I need this team to be able to give the camp a Soldiers who have just come out of the training camp will teach you their experiences and concepts. This matter requires your consent."

Victor von Doom clearly resented the limitations of his powers, but there was a reason why he deliberately exercised his status as regent of the Eternal City. He is now the Commander-in-Chief of the Latovinian Army. Before the idea of ​​the Eternal City is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, emphasizing the identity of the Regent of the Eternal City will only create a sense of separation. After the ideological unification, the Eternal City and Latovinia will be Become one, without distinction. But this is still too early and too advanced for the current Latvian people. Most of the political propaganda work has to be completed by the personnel of the Eternal City - with the "Unified Truth" and the education of soldiers and civilians The course is beginning to progress, and Victor von Doom believes that this process will become faster and faster as the narrow nationalist perspective will be replaced by a less narrow human supremacy.

He also hopes that this goal can be achieved as soon as possible to prevent Salomon from running out of patience and using violent means to push it forward. Even if the cause would inevitably involve rivers of blood, he hoped that less Latvian blood would be shed. Even if the ideals are the same, if Salomon's future is enslaved by that ideal, then Victor von Doom can retain a little selfishness.

Sofia did not agree immediately, but took off her big-brimmed hat and placed it on the long table made by refugee craftsmen. But she made her position clear by not taking off the coat that symbolized the Disciplinary of the Eternal City. “Can the preachers not do it?” she asked. “Have our Lord sent so many preachers, have they not done their work?”

"The preacher is not a soldier, not to mention that the preacher does not have much battlefield experience to teach. The current chief preacher George is good at security warfare rather than large-scale positional warfare. His experience can only be passed on to the special operations team. Soldiers It is difficult to regard them as one of our own, and it will be too late until the soldiers in these training camps go to the battlefield to receive the education of the political commissars."

Sofia nodded and pushed the red hair behind her ears. "I know that the death rate of new recruits is high, but it is still within the control of the Immortal City. The pensions issued in the camp are not enough to cause inflation. The Immortal City and my lord are trying their best to feed the civilians of Latvinia. As long as they are in accordance with the Plan ahead and Latvians will be prosperous.”

She grew up in an area where supplies were scarce. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the supply of supplies in Siberia became even worse. Even though she was the daughter of the prophet of the Lost City, she had to go hunting to feed everyone, so she knew very well how important food was to those Latvian people. How important. Before departure, the internal affairs department had told her all about the economic measures implemented by the Eternal City in the base area. If inflation occurs, the civilians who have worked so hard to escape will starve again. This is something the Eternal City will never allow to happen.

But Victor von Doom waved his hand. "I know this, and I also know how much effort the Eternal City has put into this economic system, but what I care about is not the system that has started functioning and is performing well, but the population." He said, "The population of Latvinia itself Not much. Although the bulletproof armor of the Eternal City can provide good protection, our strategic goal is too big. The number of soldiers is too small. Whether it is protecting a village or attacking a castle, we have to face it every time. With one enemy and many enemies, and the terrain of Latovinia is not suitable for heavy armored troops, sooner or later we will be drowned by the enemy's human sea tactics if this continues."

"Aren't there still women in the camp?" Sophia said calmly. The concept promoted by the Immortal City is very aggressive and expansionary. If you tear away the meager humanistic care, care for the disadvantaged groups, and liberate productivity, you will find that what is hidden inside is actually extremely cold logic - even if No matter how much blood is shed and no matter how heavy the price is paid, human beings must break free from the constraints of gravity and move towards the star sea. All technology research and development in the Eternal City is to build a ship heading towards the star sea, and this ship needs fuel to operate. Regardless of their identity, all humans must sacrifice for the future of the human race. Even if there is no value in the human race, To become a servitor, you must also become a labor force.

No one is an exception, not even Salomon who wrote this book, not even Kama Taj who is an educator. This is why Latovinia must be completely liberated, and is not expansionist or aggressive enough. The reason why Wakanda must perish.

"Organize healthy women to participate in training and form an army composed entirely of women. Even if they are destined not to have power armor like the sisterhood, at least they have picked up guns and cannons." Sophia's tone was very natural, It was as if human life was just a number to her, but her tight lips revealed her true thoughts. Even so, she said those words firmly and without any regrets.

The prophet Jacob had a separate conversation with her before his death. In the conversation, he talked about the future. Salomon pointed to the dark night sky above the Byzantine palace and told him his ideals. After hearing this, Jacob was This magnificent vision made his whole body tremble with excitement. He accepted this task and kept this ideal and gift throughout these millennia, gathering believers in the name of faith and waiting for the end of the war that traveled through time.

After knowing the truth of her faith, Sophia trapped herself in a whirlpool of thoughts for a while.

She could not understand Jacob's thoughts, and it was not until she witnessed Salomon's preparations for this ideal, read the prophecies of the future, and read the books designated by Salomon that she called on her people to become the "United Truth" The staunchest supporter. Because this is the best means and program to unify the non-blood-related interest community (human race) and use its expansion and aggression to save the human race.

No matter how dark and cruel the future is, even if everyone can only survive by chewing tree bark, the human race must continue and fight. In order to survive and survive as a species, they would not hesitate to turn into beasts. Only by solving the problem of life and death, achieving technological leaps and developing productivity, and occupying a dominant position in the ecology of all intelligent species in the galaxy, can the future of true freedom and equality described in "Unified Truth" be realized - but there will definitely be people who do not accept it. Such a cruel reality, or being too stupid to think that one can obtain privileges and survive, doomed the road ahead of "Unified Truth" to be littered with corpses.

Those who implement this plan need sufficient foresight, profound knowledge, strong execution ability, unparalleled courage in the face of despair, thoughts that follow through to the end, the most thorough altruism, and a soul and body that will never age. There is only one such person, and Sophia clearly saw that there is only one person to carry out this plan. In Jacob's mouth, that person's nickname is "Emperor."

The person standing in front of her now is the representative chosen by the "Emperor".

"The ideals in "Unified Truth" require everyone to work hard to achieve, even women have to bleed, without exception. Pull them out of the handicraft industry and let them pay for the future of themselves and their descendants. As long as they want to save themselves, we The Lord will help them." She said, "As a military disciplinary officer, I need to remind you of another thing, that is, those prisoners of war who have committed numerous crimes will not be executed. The Ministry of Military Affairs and the military court will decide otherwise. If you see If you look at the supply list of the Eternal City sent today, you will find that there are a lot of biomodification materials and electronic components in it. Labor is needed here, and servitors are the best solution. You need to make the Latvians familiar with servitors as soon as possible The existence of psykers. Anyway, they are used to the existence of psykers, and it is not too difficult to add servitors."

Victor von Doom pondered for a moment, and finally sighed and nodded helplessly.

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