Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 997 The selfish gene (first update)

When biological selection began to promote genes to adapt to environmental changes through sexual reproduction, many intelligent species formed different divisions of labor. Females were responsible for creating means of production and continuing species reproduction, while males were responsible for producing means and maintaining species security. The most intuitive example is a pride of lions. Female lions are responsible for hunting animals and feeding the pride. Male lions who are not related to the female lion are responsible for guarding the territory and taking care of the cubs. When intruders try to invade the territory, the stronger male lions will take responsibility. Drive away intruders and protect the safety of the lions and future generations with their lives. The development of matriarchal society in human civilization follows the model of a pride of lions. Even if it extends to a patriarchal society, this gender division of labor continues.

But with the development of productivity, productivity is no longer limited to the power of individuals. The ideas of liberating productivity and equality between men and women began to spread, and human women truly exerted their own power. In Salomon's view, this kind of thinking is very conducive to the productivity and scientific and technological development of the human species, so "Unified Truth" also constantly calls for women's liberation. On weekdays, preachers work tirelessly to tell Latvian women about their rights and call on them to face up to their responsibilities.

They encourage women not to put themselves in the position of the weak or the victim and just beg for mercy, or to ignore their responsibilities and only think about enjoying rights, but to see their own strength and wisdom. Rights and obligations are inseparable twins. Latvian women must stand up and fight like all Latvian men to fight for a better future world together. Lazy people who just want to sit back and enjoy their gains should be cast aside - in During the early educational research, the Ministry of Interior of the Eternal City realized that this idea was quite easy for Latovinians to accept, because a large part of the ethnic composition of Latovinians settled down and then integrated with the locals. Gypsies (settled Gypsies are called Sintes). Although they have changed their culture, the genes of matrilineal society have still been passed down to this nation for many years, and women have always been mysterious in the culture of this ethnic group.

Even though Salomon knew that for a species, the role of females is to create means of production and reproduce offspring, and this instruction goes against the nature of genetic continuation, he still hopes to make the best use of materials and talents. Under the strict restrictions on artificial intelligence, the existence of servitors in the Eternal City is the best embodiment of the concept of "Unified Truth".

In the early morning, when Sophia got up, washed up, put on her military uniform and badge, opened the door curtain and walked out of the military camp tent through the cold mist spreading from the forest, what stood in front of her was a large group of young women dressed as peasant women. The young girl who was still mumbling immediately shut her mouth when she saw her, and formed a less standard queue according to the basic military knowledge taught by the preacher. Outside the military-controlled area stood many young women who were too young, too old, and undecided. They looked uneasily toward Sophia's tent and whispered in lowered voices.

An orderly soldier wearing bulletproof armor ran over in small steps. After receiving permission, he came over and relayed to Sophia in a low voice Victor von Doom's instructions and the current situation in the residential area. Sofia nodded expressionlessly. She adjusted her big-brimmed hat, pulled the cuffs of her long black windbreaker, and strode towards the young girls. The messenger who was behind couldn't hear what she said to the girls. Something happened, and within minutes he saw their faces flushed with emotion, especially after she showed them her chainsword. However, some people turned pale and looked hesitant. The messengers narrowed their eyes and held their spears tightly.

Sofia kept everyone's reactions in mind. She had read the information and could associate the appearance and names of these people. She has already evaluated these people in her mind. The evaluation standards are set by the head of the intelligence department of the Immortal City and all military discipline officers need to learn from them. When she led this group of young women with different ideas in a procession through the checkpoint of the military control zone, most of the women outside the checkpoint immediately raised their hands and cheered. Some middle-aged and elderly women and their descendants raised their hands and embroidered crimson red The flag with the eagle emblem with the laurel wreath kept waving - some people originally wanted to take out three Major Arcana Tarot cards, but were stopped by the preacher who was mixed in the crowd. Superstitious activities are not allowed in the camp. This is an iron rule.

Although that flag is very simple, it represents to a certain extent that the education in the Eternal City has been effective.

Victor von Doom stood in the distance, watching indifferently as Sofia put the girl on the armored personnel carrier bound for the closed training camp. Not all of these women who voluntarily sign up can pass the test and become soldiers. They may also become field doctors, accountants, or other valuable positions. Even so, the civilian staff in the Eternal City also have strong military attributes. Even medical staff or accountants must wear firearms and melee weapons, and must have the courage to kill the enemy and themselves when necessary.

He actually wanted to see how many of these people could persevere. He knew that Salomon's plan was a bit idealistic. Not everyone could practice the absolute rationality of the Eternal City, could see the future seen by the monarch of the Eternal City, and not everyone adhered to the "Unified Truth" belief. There are many people on the battlefield who originally seemed very strong, but when faced with the horror of life and death, they made different choices and abandoned the teachings of the political commissar.

Victor von Doom quickly put this idea behind him, turned around and opened the door curtain and walked into the headquarters tent again. The smell of coffee, tobacco and parchment hit his face, refilling the scent of the forest. Lungs cleansed by fresh air. He has not rested for several nights, and he is doing high-intensity work every night. Just the large-scale use of servitors proposed by Sophia yesterday gave him a headache. After all, things are like creatures, and it is difficult to accept without a heart of steel. People become objects. Especially white leftists in Europe and the United States would even support the death penalty again if they saw servitors. Victor believes that this bad reputation will not help Latvinia's future - but when the whole world is in turmoil, this kind of It doesn't matter anymore. When the time comes, it will be difficult for the entire human world to resist the alien fleet entering the solar system. Only the Eternal City can fight.

That is the enemy of the Eternal City. Salomon has never regarded other human countries as real opponents.

As the scheduled start date of the war approached, the Latvian army also began tentative attacks and training on small landowners. At the same time, it actively stocked up strategic supplies and built bases. This battle may not only break out in Latvinia. If NATO and the US military forcefully attack Latvinia in the name of "humanitarian intervention", then the armies of European and American plutocrats will encounter the monarch guarding the Eternal City in the north. and the Eternal City. At that time, as the Eternal City's counterattack, the war will most likely spread to the entire Europe, and even the entire world may be burning under the ideals of the Eternal City's monarch.

This outcome is inevitable, and the interior department has already prepared for the worst case scenario.

Only fire can reforge steel, burn away weakness and compromise, and forge a sword that can wield towards the galaxy. The technological level of the Eternal City is equivalent to a high-dimensional strike in the face of the increasingly weakened European military power. Even without relying on the power of the army, Salomon alone is enough to complete the entire war. If it weren't for the monarch of the Immortal City who believed that the Immortal City still had many technologies that needed to be translated into practical applications, the ideas of the Latvian people also needed to spread. Many industrial facilities needed to be seized without force. The undertaking could not be accomplished by force alone. Perhaps Victor von Doom was now sitting in the White House signing a declaration on his behalf.

No matter what the future holds, the world will soon know that Latvinia has such a group of warriors with ideals.

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