Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 998 High Strategy, Low Tactics (Second Update)

Today's Latvian regular army is very special and can be regarded as the strangest army in human history.

In terms of basic military strength, everyone has laser weapons, heavy weapons platforms, armored personnel carriers with stronger protection than tanks, bulletproof armor, plasma weapons and a large number of individual air defense weapons and anti-tank weapons; high-end military forces have weapons equipped with nuclear warheads. There are also high-end technologies that are not found in other countries in the world, such as intercontinental missile and ballistic missile launch vehicles, assault transport boats that can navigate in the void, super-heavy tanks that can siege cities, integrated satellite drones for reconnaissance and strike, and armed space station logistics. No shortage. Logistics supplies are very sufficient, and the battle plan is extremely detailed. The ordnance produced by the Eternal City alone cannot be used up. As long as a well-trained team is able to complete this war, it will be easy.

But therein lies Latvinia’s problem.

The entire population of Latvinia is only half a million, and the regular army is seriously short of resources. It relies on the propaganda of propagandists after conquering small villages, and then packing the people into personnel carriers and taking them away. Although there are now many young and middle-aged people in Latvinia who bring their families to join the regular army, except for the guerrillas who form the core of the regular army, most young and middle-aged people have basically no military skills. In the past, the only weapons they had access to were the local army's weapons. The American firearms in the police department, as well as the weapons purchased after the collapse of the Soviet Union, require time to learn how to fly airplanes, how to use laser weapons, plasma weapons, heavy physical platforms, and anti-aircraft artillery. In addition, a lot of time is spent on basic military literacy courses such as military discipline, map reading, signal recognition, and infantry-tank coordination in the training camp established by the Eternal City. The young adults of the Latvian regular army do not have much time at all and do not have the corresponding training. culture to learn how to use high-end war machines.

Even if there are schools in the selected base area, it is impossible to teach most people mathematics and Latin in just a few weeks. The educational resources of the entire country are firmly controlled by the landed aristocrats, such as those who were saved by the chief preacher before. Ms. Audra. She has now started teaching mathematics in residential areas, even if she is reluctant, it is better than doing laundry.

Therefore, all personnel responsible for operating these devices require Immortal City support.

Even if the Ministry of Military Affairs has dispatched instructors to offer professional courses in training camps, Latvians still need time to adapt to the rhythm of modern warfare. Otherwise, they can only use their experience during World War II to fight this war and then play with themselves. became India. In short, it has full advantages at the strategic level, but it still needs to be learned at the tactical level.

Salomon made it clear to Victor von Doom the essence of the Latovinian War from the beginning: This is a war fought in the spiritual realm of the Latvian people, physical destruction is second, and the most important thing is Spiritual annihilation. Every time a Latvian pulls the trigger at the enemy, it is a spiritual shock, and every time a grenade is thrown at the enemy, it is a fire in the soul.

After that, the spiritual weapons will radiate outwards with Latovinia as the center, and Transylvania, Silkaria, Serbia, Hungary and other neighboring countries as the first radiation area, and expand outward to Europe, Central Asia, and even the former Soviet Union countries serve as the second radiation area, while the Middle East and South Asia serve as the third radiation area.

Use weapons of consciousness in exchange for a sense of identity. After the layout of Latvinia's most basic industrial production capacity is completed, launch an expedition to reunite them, completely eliminate nationalism and religious superstition, establish the initial territory of the human empire, and bring everyone's necessary United under the eagle of the Eternal City - this is the moderate line. The more violent thing is to integrate directly and build after the war. Anyway, the technological level of the Eternal City can quickly increase productivity. As long as the results of curbing NATO's southward expansion are reversed, many problems will no longer be a problem.

Stephanie suggested taking the second option and using semi-finished products from the genetic laboratory, but Salomon believed that this should be judged based on the situation at that time.

What Latvinia needs for industrialization is the huge order signed by the Immortal City and Wakanda. These included many projects such as chip manufacturing and scientific research centers. Salomon hesitated for a while when signing this order, but he finally signed it. It is impossible to say that Salomon is not jealous of Wakanda's industrial base. Even the current Mars foundry is desperately trying to catch up with Wakanda's production capacity in chips and high-strength alloys. The current Wakanda is irreplaceable for the Immortal City, so the plan to annex Wakanda is gradually accelerating - there are no permanent enemies and no permanent friends in the world, and Salomon absolutely cannot let him Wakanda strangles the immortal city by the throat, limiting the pace of ideal realization. Even if the probability is one percent, it must be treated as an absolute event.

The only person in the world who has ever suffered a loss for him is Nick Fury, and that was many years ago. Now most of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s assets have been swallowed up by the Immortal City, and the former King of Agents is obediently staying at Intelligence The room worked for him.

However, the meal has to be eaten one bite at a time, and the steps in the tens of thousands of pages of plans made by the interior department have to be implemented step by step.

"Rome." Little Lorna raised her hand excitedly, "This is Rome!"

Salomon remembered the way the Supreme Mage knocked his head and complained about the time journey, and couldn't help but stick out his tongue. He had never seen anything that could make the Supreme Mage look so anxious, angry, and helpless. expression. His appearance was too gentle, and even the nameless girl sitting on his knee, shaking her head and amusing herself, also stuck out her tongue stupidly.

He doesn't look like an ambitious man who talks about building a human empire at all. Instead, he looks more like a young father who is raising his children at home, and maybe has to finish dinner before his wife gets off work. Although it's just approaching lunch time, it makes sense to prepare a heartier dinner in advance.

Little Lorna was right, there was indeed some special reason why he subconsciously chose this symbol.

As Salomon's understanding of the concept of time deepens, the more he is able to determine what will happen during his time-jumping journey. It is very possible for the future to affect the past. He can now determine what will happen to him. It is very likely that this unexpected journey will begin in the next few years, and it will most likely fall quite early on the axis of human history. Although the specific reasons are still unclear, he must try to find out what role his future self will play in human history, so as not to do something that affects history. In other words, he had actually been affected, but he didn't know what happened at that time. His serious character forced him to read history books and look for any unreasonable details in them.

When little Lorna raised the possibility, Salomon felt another shiver run down his spine, as if he had been stabbed. In the past, anything could happen, and he could believe even the most bizarre things. Thinking of this, he relaxed and began to prepare for the next war.

The next war will not take place in the material universe, but in the outer dimensions. No matter how powerful the technological power of the Eternal City is, it cannot directly interfere with the outer dimensions. Everything must rely on Salomon and his Praetorian Guards. Finish. This is to solve a problem that even if it is a private matter, it is also a public matter, that is, Marduk, the first demon pillar Baal - not all extradimensional beings are as loyal as Phoenix, even Marduk cooperates with interests. He must solve this extradimensional creature who is trying every means to occupy the seventh throne and also wants to get involved in the material universe. Only by solving this problem can the girl sitting on his lap truly reveal her talents and welcome her unparalleled life. .

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