Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1004 Chapter 1000 Fighting to Death (Second Update)

The light armored personnel carrier rolled over the mud covered with weeds and mist, and the noisy engine sound spread from deep into the valley to the mouth of the river. The Latvian Legion, wearing dark green bulletproof armor and led by non-commissioned officers, gathered by the river, waiting for the armored personnel carrier belonging to their team to pass by. The light armored personnel carrier drove slowly across the makeshift pontoon bridge, followed closely by the soldiers, heading towards the target location. Compared with the miserable situation of not having enough to eat in the past, the faces of these Latvians have a little more color. After training, their originally thin bodies have become much stronger, and their lax military discipline has gradually been polished by the political commissar. The prototype of steel.

The river surface sparkled in the sunlight, and the snow-capped mountains in the distance were stirred up by high-altitude winds. White snow mist was stirred up by the high-altitude wind. Two teams of assault transport boats painted in red and gold dragged the tracks emitted by the engines over the top of the mountain. The Latvian people below raised their heads and looked up into the sky, raising their hands to give deafening cheers to the assault transport boats flying in the sky - it was these strange-looking aircraft that descended on the battlefield during the siege a week ago, It used the terrifying firepower it carried to cleanse all the enemies, and its powerful main gun blasted the fortifications established by the local nobles into worthless pieces with one blow. The self-confidence of the Latvian people was built in such battles. Many Latvian children who initially received education in the Eternal City dreamed of being able to fly such an aircraft in the future.

The destination of this mechanized infantry was a village near the capital of Latvinia. Two days ago, the guerrillas had captured several nearby villages and evacuated the local population backwards. Now that guerrilla group is about to leave, planning to control the roads around the capital in order to block the support of the noble reinforcements. After arriving at the destination, this mechanized infantry will cooperate with the guerrillas' actions, completely control all channels in and out of the capital, and deploy anti-aircraft missiles to block the escape routes of the Latvian royal family, and fight for the success of other Latvian resistance forces one by one. Time to liberate villages and cities.

High in the valley, two golden-armored giants holding huge shields with golden eagles and lightning emblems surrounded a figure in crimson robes. The man in iron armor and dark green cloak stood beside him, quietly waiting for the other person to speak first.

"You can't imagine what my dream was when I was little."

"You must be frying sausages with a shovel that has been used to shovel the dung of African elephants." Victor von Doom's voice was filled with a hint of mockery, "Latvonia's information network is built by the Eternal City. Yes, that New York art exhibition made headlines, how could I not know about it?"

Salomon looked like he had choked on a sausage.

He retracted his downward gaze and turned to look at Victor von Doom. He knew that the other party had some objections to his behavior. After all, if the people of Latvinia knew that their monarch was such a fool, their confidence in this cause might be greatly reduced. Latvinia is not a place where you can entertain yourself to death. This kind of fun won't win votes; the monarch of Latvinia must display absolute majesty. "No matter what, no one will recognize me then." Salomon said. "Thinking about it on the bright side, no one would have thought that such a nonsense person would be the mastermind behind this war. This will be beneficial to my future career." An identity escapes suspicion.”

"Not necessarily." Victor von Doom said slowly, his tone full of exhaustion. The results of the small-scale guerrilla operations were pretty good. The Latvian Legion captured many supplies obtained by the local plutocrats from squeezing the people, as well as evidence of the Latvian royal family's foreign connections. All this information and supplies needed to be handled by him personally, plus the complicated military affairs. Even with most of the affairs handled by the Eternal City, Victor von Doom still felt exhausted. "We have captured several CIA agents according to the list. Their reports are all CIA branches that often operate in Eastern Europe. According to the confession, one of them came from Serbia and is said to have personally incited several riots against the Serbian government. It seems that the United States has noticed Latovinia. Coupled with the time you wasted on your previous vacation, there are not many opportunities left for you."

"Do you expect me to be in charge of foreign affairs, my dear regent?" Salomon said to him with a smile on his face. "Serbia is our first step towards Europe. At the same time, Serbia is also the easiest neighbor to merge with us, but you need to talk about this matter." He said, "Latovinia is too small. We We must expand. We can provide satellites to Serbia and nuclear weapons to deal with neighboring countries such as Montenegro and Bulgaria that have joined NATO, but the premise is that you can resolve the affairs in Latvinia as quickly as possible and mobilize soldiers to the northern border Join me in confronting NATO military might."

A threatening hiss came from Victor von Doom's throat. "When I proposed the direct elimination of the royal family of Latvinia, you demanded the complete liberation of Latvinia." He said, "You demanded that every inch of Latvinia's land be dug out and the people hiding inside Eliminate the plutocrats and eliminate the fear deep in the hearts of the Latvian people. I simply cannot do this as quickly as possible, I need time!"

"As many people as you can come, Victor. I know it's very difficult, but you have to do it." The smile on Salomon's face did not disappear because of Victor von Doom's anger, "Now There are TVs in every camp, and the Latvians must see that they have defeated not only the royal family, but also the arrogant NATO. They must build up their self-confidence. They must believe that they are the best and most ambitious human beings. , they must believe what the "Unified Truth" tells them, that is, they are the only choice to liberate all mankind. Hammurabi——"

"My lord?"

"——Please give me this battle flag, thank you." Salomon took a Roman-style battle flag in his hand. There is a golden sculpture of an eagle with spread wings on the top of this battle flag. The unfolded laminated wings are as sharp as a giant axe. The black iron chain that has been treated with anti-rust is wrapped around the battle flag. It looks ordinary but actually contains many high-tech features. From the long black steel handle, the crimson composite fireproof silk hanging down was tightly grasped by the sharp claws of the golden eagle. It was embroidered with a golden oath that represented the monarch of the immortal city and was hand-embroidered by master craftsmen. "I am very happy that you have been able to advance the educational work of the Unity of Truth to such an advanced point, which proves that my vision is not wrong. They are united to fight under the same flag, and Latvians should know the meaning of this badge .”

Salomon motioned to Victor von Doom to pick up the battle flag. This battle flag is not only equipped with a powerful refraction shield generator, but also has a teleportation beacon. Victor von Doom knew the tactical significance of this battle flag. Salomon's Guards would use this battle flag to position and teleport and join the battlefield in an emergency. Similarly, the Praetorian Guards are never far away from their king, and Salomon must be present on the battlefield where the Praetorian Guards exist.

"I will stand with the Latvians, Victor, this is my mission." Salomon said to Victor von Doom after he took the battle flag, "When you launch a general attack Afterwards, I will join the battle here, and I guarantee you that the Latvians will see their lord fighting with them to the death."

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