Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1005 Chapter 100 Chapter 100 The Successor of the Merlin School (First Update)

Victor von Doom's accusation against him was justified, and Salomon accepted it willingly.

If the Supreme Mage fails to return, he is really likely to go deep into the dark dimension because of the "Dark God Book", but the news brought back by the Supreme Master disrupts his plan. This news was so important that Salomon had to stop his preparations to greet him, and temporarily modified part of his plan to suit His Holiness's means - Victor von Doom glanced at the huddled man. The thin figure behind the shield-bearing Praetorian Guards. Compared with the giant-like stature of the Imperial Guards, this man not only looked short, but also looked very confused and frightened, as if his soul did not exist in this world.

Victor von Doom could see this man's condition at a glance. People who are addicted to extradimensional powers often show this kind of idiotic expression. He placed the heavy eagle staff on the ground and activated many functions on the battle flag. In an instant, the statue of an eagle with spread wings on the head of the staff began to heat up. The dense sound of electric current swallowed up the noise coming from the valley below. The air quickly expanded to the surroundings. The low-pressure air even made people feel that their eardrums were bulging.

However, the dull crashing sound that drowned out the noise of the crawler vehicle engine below failed to wake up the young man. It seemed that compared with the material universe, the colorful extradimensional world was more worth indulging in. Victor von Doom often saw such people among the unfettered elementary schools. Without exception, those people would become the target of Kama Taj's elimination in the future, sooner or later.

"Who is this person?" He looked at the dreamy bubbles flashing in the young man's eyes and asked Salomon with disgust, "How could you allow such a person to stay by your side?"

"This is the heir of the Merlin School, my sword holder, who has just returned from studying abroad in the Druid sect." Salomon said, "The current situation should be the sequelae of forcefully instilling knowledge. After all, everyone is in a hurry now. You and I are no exception. Don't worry, he can be trusted, but don't trust him too much, who knows what shocking joke Merlin wants to make."

Salomon's voice seemed to interrupt Dave's fugue and pull his soul back to the real world.

Hammurabi and Supiluliumas moved away the high-tech giant shield that was as tall as a man and so gorgeous that it could make people dizzy, making way for Dave to walk to Salomon. . But even so, they never relaxed their vigilance. The giant sword loaded with a set of reduced-type bolt guns hung next to the shield. The century-long training camp life made their nerves always in a state of combat readiness. The giant sword in his hand is ready to swing at any time - although the training time has only been a month for the earth, due to the wonderful time flow rate in the outer dimension and the influence of gravity on time, they found out when they completed the first training The time scale displayed by the battalion was actually half a year before the departure time, so the length of training could only be calculated by relying on the timing system of the power armor. But no matter where they are, the monarch can always find them immediately and give his voice and advice when necessary, as if he holds a spider web in his hand that drags all the guards.

Starting from the lowest training camp planet, the two Guardsmen will be dropped into the most dangerous places, and then plan a path to the assembly point marked on the map. The guard who reaches the goal first has the right to get a short rest period and the right to set off first. Until the other guard also achieves the goal, the two will be released to another training planet again. This delicate relationship started a competition between Hammurabi and Supiluliumas - although they accelerated their growth in the culture chamber, chemical brainwashing, spiritual indoctrination and then entered the culture chamber to continue transformation in this continuous cycle until they matured, Moreover, the transformation process also enhanced different traits with his own genetic characteristics, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the two were almost the same. Suppiluliumas is more conservative and likes to be prepared. Hammurabi is sometimes more emotional, so he took advantage of this immediately after being noticed by Suppiluliumas.

However, in such difficult battles for survival, the various traits in the designed genes of both sides began to guide the two people to different modes of action. Only then did Hammurabi and Supiluliumas truly understand the purpose of this training. This is not a battle on the physical level, but a battle on the intellectual level. How to gain more advantages for yourself and gain more rest time and nutrient supplies with the same equipment.

For example, on the only way to the assembly point, Supiluliumas would use his trophies to make patterns to taunt Hammurabi, and then lay traps to wait for Hammurabi to be caught, giving himself a longer chance. rest time. Similarly, Hammurabi also learned his lesson and took a different mode of action to calculate Supiluliumas, thereby giving himself more advantages. For example, after arriving on the planet, you first perform logical thinking on game theory, calculate the opponent's action trajectory, and then guide the prey to the location of Supiluliumas.

In the next training, Supiluliumas, who fully understood the opponent's computing power, used the original materials of the planet's indigenous civilization to build a very simple but extremely concealed bunker and trap. When Hammurabi came chasing his prey, When ambushing him, Supiluliumas imprisoned Hammurabi directly with the group of monsters. However, only the beasts were imprisoned, not Hammurabi - the seemingly reckless guy smeared the liquid from the female beast's reproductive glands on a leading male creature, and then ran all the way to the assembly point, leaving Su There the Piluliumas built bunkers and waited for prey that would never take the bait. Generally speaking, the competition between the two sides has become more and more intense during this training, and at the same time, their combat level and strategic thinking have also improved simultaneously while learning from each other.

After passing the examination, both Hammurabi and Suppiluliumas were allowed to know some forbidden knowledge. Although not as much as Constantine knew, the secrets Salomon showed to these two people were enough to surprise them. A long time. After that, Salomon personally presided over the ceremony and awarded them shields and great swords, forming the initial organizational differentiation of the Praetorian Guards.

"Dave, good morning. I'm sorry to have you teleported here at this time, but I think you need to know what kind of situation you will face when you come back from the extragalactic system." Salomon nodded to this old friend whom he had not seen for many years. , his tone was as normal as if he was asking if he wanted to have a cup of tea, "This is Victor von Doom, you had not started learning magic when he left Karma Taj."

Victor von Doom's iron mask hid all expressions, but his body language did nothing to hide his disgust. But Dave didn't care. He didn't care about anything now. The training on the planet En-Jalai had already worn away his emotions. Now he is no longer the science and engineering man who likes to yell. Gradually accepting the abnormal reality has made him calmer. If he had mood swings so easily, he would have died there long ago.

"I hate magic." Dave said after a long breath.

Merlin's education plan completely disrupted his life. If Kamal Taj hadn't kindly helped him get a certificate of suspension of study, his girlfriend who only dated for two days was also a good person. After he returned to Earth, he would have only Living a life of drinking in a small single apartment, then suffering from depression and taking drugs, and finally committing suicide by slitting his wrists in the bathtub is a long way to go.

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