Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1007 Chapter 1003 Helmut Zemo (first update)

Steve Rogers is very aware of the labels he carries: a brave soldier, a great hero, a benchmark of American spirit. In addition, there may be some messy things like a mentor to teenagers and the incarnation of Jesus in the eyes of Protestants. But he knows that these labels are just an illusion created to deceive the world. In the eyes of the civilians in the Middle East and Eastern Europe saved by the Eternal City, the name Captain America has never represented peace and justice, but war and oppression. So when Salomon asked him to betray the United States, Steve Rogers nodded and agreed to Salomon's request, even though another incident (Bucky Barnes) still bothered him.

He will put on a shield that belongs only to him, take off his blue uniform, and join the great cause of the Eternal City.

Salomon seemed to have anticipated this day. He stretched out his hand and asked Hammurabi to take out the gift he had prepared from the armament box. Steve Rogers watched as the deep black velvet was lifted, revealing the gift - a crimson round shield with a golden eagle with spread wings in the center of the shield, surrounded by laurel wreaths and lightning bolts. The eagle is full of the style of the immortal city. Compared to the shield currently used by Steve Rogers, this shield uses the same technology as the Praetorian Storm Shield, with a miniature energy field generator placed inside the shield. And in order to take care of Steve Rogers' habit of throwing people with his shield, the shield user must also wear a signal transmitter on the wrist to guide the thrown shield to return like a boomerang under the action of a gyroscope.

"This is your thing, Steve." Salomon used a title that was more intimate than in previous years. He reached out and shook Steve Rogers' hand. "Let us fight for justice. I believe you will not betray your beliefs. From now on, you will no longer be Captain America. Have you figured out what your nickname will be?"

"Just Steve Rogers. Captain America is just a label to claim."

Hammurabi personally escorted Steve Rogers to the assault transport. The assault transport boat, with its black outer coating with ablation marks and a large number of craters, was the property of the Sisters, which showed that the former Captain America was still in Eastern Europe when he was summoned, and may have just left the battle soon. Salomon gave Steve Rogers a chance to be alone with the Praetorian Guards, and he also told Hammurabi that if Steve Rogers asked how the Praetorian Guards were created, besides the technical details You can tell him everything else.

"My Lord, why do you value this mortal so much?" Supiluliumas took off his helmet and asked with a puzzled look on his face. "I can kill even a hundred such people. Steve Rogers is too weak."

"He has a humanistic spirit that we don't have, Supiluliumas. If even Captain America betrays the United States, then those who firmly believe that the United States is the messenger of justice will secretly ask in their hearts that they will go there Is everything you insist on correct? Of course, I don’t expect Steve Rogers alone to bring much reflection. He will betray the United States sooner or later, but now this reason is much better than treason because of personal affairs, isn’t it? ?" Supiluliumas wanted to say that he did not understand what the monarch was saying, but Salomon did not give him time to ask questions. "Tell the pilot to move faster. I think our next guest can't wait."

The vibration of the aircraft engine made his teeth numb. His messy, wet brown curly hair smelled of soap. The dim lights in the cabin were like an interrogation cell. Two women in black power armor sat aside holding large-caliber firearms. Their blood-red eyepieces stared at the man handcuffed on the ground. He stuck out his tongue and licked the tips of his front teeth, took a deep breath, and I pulled away from my thoughts and tried to eliminate my tension. This aircraft and those powered armors showed that this organization had an extremely powerful technological level, but this was not the real reason for his tension.

The reason why he was nervous was because of the person he was about to meet.

He has been sorting out the chaos in Latvinia and Eastern Ukraine for a long time. With his excellent investigative skills, he finally penetrated into a military base in the Donbas region. In that temporary camp, there was a golden eagle flag. He heard rumors from the locals about the army wearing black power armor. However, before he could take the next step, the women wearing black power armor broke into the safe house and arrested him.

He was captured without any resistance. When faced with interrogation, he told all his plans without reservation and asked to meet the leader of the organization. Naturally, this suggestion was ignored, and the agents who took over him later conducted very extreme interrogation methods on him. Waterboarding, sleep deprivation, personal humiliation, hypnotic drugs, and more. In the process of constant transfer, he has completely lost the concept of his position and time, but he always remembers his purpose.

Revenge, revenge for his wife and children, it was this anger that supported his spirit and allowed him to survive tenaciously in the prison below the deck of the ocean liner on the high seas, to face the painful interrogation that had been repeated hundreds of times, regardless of the other party. If he wanted to know something, he would always tell the interrogation experts that he wanted to meet with the leader of the organization. Until one day, he heard someone calling his name amidst the sound of the anchor chain colliding. Repeated pain made his brain dull, and it took him a long time to understand that it was his name, and then several agents who had interrogated him before took him out. They gave him a bath, shaved him, put on clean clothes and gave him a good meal. After getting enough blood sugar, the stiff brain starts racing again. He thought that his proposal passed and he had a chance to convince the leader of this organization to help him get revenge. Especially when he stepped onto the aircraft, although he didn't know the other party's purpose yet, he knew that the person hidden in the mist wanted to see him.

He looked at the gray sky above the sea and laughed heartily. Although his arrest disrupted his plans, he believed he had the key to victory - an unparalleled force.

"Your wife and children." Salomon carefully looked at the haggard-looking man in front of him, and in his heart, he once again raised his evaluation of this man a little higher. Most of those interrogation experts are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with CIA background. After the Hydra rebellion, they were forgotten on the high seas and unable to dock. The Immortal City took over those prison ships and all the personnel on them. From then on, those cruise ships became the Immortal City's mobile prisons, and the jailers gained more authority and means. Not everyone can withstand those interrogation tortures. The man in front of me not only survived, but also climbed to him with strength.

"Yes, I would like to ask you to help me get revenge. I believe that both of our interests are aligned, both to destroy the Avengers and the United States." Helmut Zemo nodded. As Salomon assessed him, he also assessed Salomon. However, no matter how hard he concentrated, he found that he could not leave an impression of this person in his mind. He suspected that this was a sequelae of the interrogation, so he turned to look at the two golden-armored giants standing next to Salomon, and mentally estimated whether they were robots or genetically modified warriors, and whether they could pose a threat to Tony Stark. .

"Actually, I'm curious why you want to see me." He said, "You can obviously send your own men to negotiate with me."

"Yes, the reason why I want to do this is because you are very useful. I will agree to your request, but only if you follow my plan before you can get what you want."

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