Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1008 Chapter 1004 A Spark (Second Update)

"This is what you need on your mission."

Helmut Zemo suddenly felt his hand heavy. He looked down and found a briefcase in his hand. This strange phenomenon startled him. As soon as he raised his head to ask, he found a stream of water vapor mixed with the smell of mud coming towards him. The strong light stimulated him to the point where he could hardly open his eyes. Cars and people's voices rushed in like a tidal wave. When he reluctantly opened his eyes, he found that he was sitting on a bench with a wide river flowing by. It flowed slowly in front of him. One second he was in a light-tight tent that was probably located in Latvinia. The air was filled with the sweet smell of tea and honey and the cold metallic smell of power armor. The next moment he was sitting there. He sat on a park bench, and cars and pedestrians passed slowly through the greenery behind him.

The sudden scene change made his body run cold, his heart beat rapidly, and his nose was filled with the smell of ionized air.

Was he transported to this place after being injected with anesthesia, or did he forget what happened not long ago for some reason? Is it an injectable anesthetic or an inhaled anesthetic? What kind of drug could cause him to lose his memory of a specific time? How did they transport him to this place without raising suspicion?

He kept listing all the possibilities in his mind, but they were quickly dismissed by him.

Because he is sitting here completely, there is no numbness in the extremities of his limbs, his blood sugar level is normal, and his body surface temperature is normal, which means that he was not transported here after being anesthetized. He didn't understand what was happening at all. The whole thing was full of weirdness and weirdness. The fear that penetrated into his bones made his limbs stiff and unable to move. He could only sit on the bench - he understood that this was a show of strength by the other party, forcing him to follow means of planning. However, when he looked across the river, the irritability of life and death as well as the involuntary anger and pain were immediately washed away by the beautiful scenery in front of him, and the memories of the past completely submerged him like surging waves.

It was a familiar spire building with rows of warm red roofs. The building complex released a fairytale warmth under the sun. The slowly flowing river is like a sparkling gold silk ribbon with a black background. The greenery emerging from between the white walls of the masonry buildings is like the leaves in the flowers, dotting the scenery on the other side of the river, setting off the scenery from Kraft Card Museum, Town Bridge Tower, St. Nicholas Church, Rockowitz Palace and other gradually rising buildings and the gorgeous spire palace in the distance. Helmut Zemo breathed carefully, as if even the air was filled with a dreamy color that he dared not break.

He is now in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, the city of a thousand cities.

That is Prague Castle, and the building next to it is St. Vitus Cathedral, where he once traveled with his wife. The river in front of him is the Vltava River, and the steel bridge not far away should be the Charles Bridge. The scenery in front of him aroused his memories. He recalled that during their wedding and honeymoon, they had dined at the Restaurant Pod Věí opposite the Karl Zieman Museum. They also went to the Rudolfinum Concert Hall to enjoy the performance of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. . Every brick and stone here has witnessed the laughter between him and his wife. He will never forget the afternoon when he and his wife walked along the Vltava River while eating cranberry ice cream. He will never forget the sunshine shining through The scene where the green shade shines on her beautiful smiling face. Those green leaves and white walls, the fat orange cat and the woman wearing a white dress, the scene was so beautiful that he couldn't breathe.

After a while, Helmut Zemo lowered his head again.

He gritted his teeth to wipe away the regret and sorrow on his face, summoned the anger deep in his heart, and opened the briefcase with stiff fingers. He carefully examined the contents inside - there were several false identities in the briefcase, several safe house addresses, several accounts opened under false identities, some Czechoslovak crowns and Hungarian forints, and a banknote that could be used in case of emergency. Contact phone number. He remembered the purpose of these things and every detail of the plan very naturally, as if someone had stuffed the entire complex plan and the information required for it into his mind. The entire plan partly followed the steps he originally planned, but it added many details and goals, and the resources he could use (manpower, material resources, and connections) were beyond what he could have imagined. He even has the opportunity to call for ballistic missiles to attack a designated location. The price of all this is just a few more people on the list, and he can get everything he wants.

However, he could not remember what the person he was talking to looked like, what kind of clothes he was wearing, and what kind of voice he had. He only remembered the giant in gorgeous golden armor, and there was a blank space in his memory, as if he was not talking to a warlord but a devil, making a Faustian bargain and getting paid. wish. He also found a mobile phone in the briefcase. That was his mobile phone, which was taken away by the women wearing black power armor when he was arrested. There was no confidential information in this worthless mobile phone. The reason why he regarded it as a treasure was because it contained a recording.

He clicked the play button, closed his eyes, and listened to his wife's last voice for the last time. Although the fear in his heart still lingers, Helmut Zemo has no regrets. If he has sold his soul to the devil, then he has sold it for a good price and got what he wants.

The Immortal City has a disaster recovery mechanism that includes a plan specifically for homeless people who are separated from their loved ones. Compared with the European and American aid models for refugees, Immortal City’s approach is much more complete. For example, work-for-relief is carried out in the name of an enterprise, and while implementing standardized management, it provides assistance to women, the elderly, children and the disabled, rather than just distributing money and ignoring the rest. The lazy will be screened out and the hard-working will be promoted. The power of the Immortal City will gradually take root in this area along with the aid plan, and finally form the actual ruler of this area.

Due to the lack of human resources in the Eternal City, Stephanie will try her best to find any way to absorb outsiders, and cultivating specific talents among the refugees is one of them. There is no other reason. Education is the part Salomon is most concerned about. The rational world he admires needs knowledge as support. Whether it is Latvinia or Ukraine, on the African continent or in Latin America, there are immortal cities established. Temporary school. The preacher works tirelessly to instill the Eternal City's "Unified Truth" into young people - because this book stitches together a large number of Marxist-Leninist theories while advocating the use of reason and science as the main spirit to create a world where everyone is equal and create a holistic and individual freedom, thus filling the ideological void in Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

"Unified Truth" is very offensive and invasive. It advocates unity of one mind and that individual interests must be dedicated to the interests of the whole. It is very suitable for refugees to live together as a group, so it has been supported by ordinary people. After they chose this way of life, the content about the prospects of the human race and the future new order in the second half of "Unified Truth" became easier to accept, and it was very easy to think of the now-disintegrated Soviet Union, which most people had abandoned. Religion (at least on the surface, abandoning it is not mandatory now) in favor of the ideals promoted by the Immortal City. Scenes like this are happening in Africa and Latin America at the same time, and everyone from guerrillas to liberation theology is welcome.

Salomon's ideals began to burn across the world like a spark. Although it was only a small flame at the moment, he firmly believed that a prairie fire would come soon. This world needs a thorough cleansing fire. There is no doubt about this. If we don't do this, there will be no future for mankind.

Stephanie glanced up at a message on her computer screen. "Diana." She stretched out her hand to greet her secretary, "Ask Mrs. Zemo, the scribe, to come to the office."

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