Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1009 Chapter 1005 Nobility and despicability are two sides of the same coin (first update)

Anyone who sees this face will be shocked because it is not a face that a normal person should have. No one in the Ministry of Internal Affairs does anything like body transformation. Bionic body implantation is a common thing for employees here. A large number of low-level employees are equipped with thinking plug-ins to enhance logical thinking and memory. Even so, the degree of transformation on that face was a bit exaggerated - the upper part of the original skin had scars left by burns, and only a pair of dark green eyes were intact. The lower half of the face is covered with pale bionic skin that is completely different from the skin color, and the custom-made alloy facial bones re-support the face. Most of the hair has been shaved off, thin metallic inserts are installed on the skull above the ears, and the spinal implant goes deep into the collar like a centipede extending to the waist. From the neck to the collarbone, there are a series of metallic bionic implants that are not covered with skin. Traces of the antiseptic gel left after drying can be seen on the edges of the implants.

Immortal City teams were soon on the battlefield providing medical aid after the Sokovia incident. However, not everyone can recover through simple battlefield medical treatment. The medical technology of ordinary human countries is unable to deal with many people's injuries. The economic status of most victims cannot support such high medical expenses, even if Stark Industries pays All the medical bills, and many people will still be left with lifelong disabilities. Many people were unable to reveal their identities until all operations were completed, so Stephanie, at the monarch's insistence, transported some seriously injured "Nameless" back to the Eternal City for treatment.

Long-term treatment is a very, very painful thing. Not everyone can survive the repeated biochemical organ implantation and rejection treatment, and not everyone can persist in recalling the tragic death of their loved ones over and over again at night. Come down. At the beginning, the Immortal City had no experience in psychological counseling. It was not until some people took advantage of the gap in supervision to commit suicide that a complete guardianship process was established. A building collapsed on the Zemo family's residence outside the city. Mrs. Zemo's son died, and her husband's father also died to protect her and her son. Only her husband's whereabouts are unknown. Even after the implantation of biochemical organs and prostheses was completed, the rejection reaction was reduced to a negligible condition, and Mrs. Zemo, who regained her ability to take care of herself, was still in a state of depression for a long time. It wasn't until she received long-term psychotherapy that her mental condition improved that the Immortal City learned her name and matched her name with Sokovia's household registration information.

After that, she joined the internal affairs department of the Eternal City and became a scribe, working hard to pay off the cost-priced medical expenses and prosthetic expenses. The extent of her body modification was exaggerated for a scribe, and she was destined to work for the Immortal City for a long time.

The sides of her skull were reconstructed, and part of her brain was implanted with thinking devices to assist in thinking to compensate for the missing parts. Her spine was repaired through surgery. Without the help of the bionic spine, she would never have been able to walk again in her life. Her ribs, collarbones and lungs were also severely damaged, and doctors in the Immortal City simply replaced them with bionic materials. However, the worst thing was her face. Her cheekbones and mandible were all shattered. When the Immortal City found her, she was lying on her side to protect her son, which saved her from her own blood and broken bones. Choking on her bones, the Sisterhood was able to bring her back from the brink of death.

The facial reconstruction surgery alone required dozens of times. Before the surgery was completed, she had to be awake and endure the pain. All eating and breathing could only be done through external machinery and intubation. She now has lightweight alloy bones, a fully mechanical jaw, and a voice generator in her throat. But not everyone is as mentally strong as her. Only three-quarters of those who have been successfully treated still have the courage to survive after seeing themselves in the mirror. Only Tita knew that Mrs. Zemo was one of the survivors in the specific area that the monarch specifically asked them to search and rescue.

This is not a coincidence.

"We have news about your husband."

Mrs. Zemo's face was expressionless, but her eyes still showed joy, but the doubts that followed forced her to ask. She didn't even drink the cup of hot tea that Diana brought her. "I don't understand, Ms. Stephanie," she said in a slightly unnatural synthesized voice. She had tried her best to adjust the sound of her sound generator, but the one she was using did not simulate natural sounds. In short, it's not a particularly advanced implant, and the average person using facial implants won't care much about it. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because your husband is working for the monarch without knowing it." Stephanie sat on the main seat of the sofa, slowly drinking black tea with sherry. This is a special drink from the Ministry of Interior office. The rule that alcohol is not allowed during work is not a particularly strict rule for employees of Stephanie's level. "If you want, you can go see Helmut Zemo after his work is over," Stephanie said. "Of course, that's entirely up to you."

"The reward your husband received after completing that task is enough for you to carry out a comprehensive transformation." Diana saw Mrs. Zemo hesitant to speak, so she reminded in a low voice, "Except for the seams of the mechanical structure , you won’t look much different from ordinary people. At least after replacing it with a more advanced facial implant, you can still have expressions, and your voice will sound more natural.”

Mrs. Zemo had a bad feeling in her heart. She knew very well what kind of occupation her husband was engaged in during the Sokovia incident, and the actions he was performing now should be more dangerous and difficult than before. After a while, she finally asked, "Can I ask what kind of work Helmut is working on now?"

"I'm sorry, this is confidential." Stephanie's body language conveyed her impatience. In fact, there are better ways to use Helmut Zemo, because Salomon knows very well that Helmut Zemo is seeking death, and a person who does not care about life can do many things. But his human nature did not allow him to use those methods, and telling Mrs. Zemo about Helmut Zemo was also the result of his consideration.

As long as Helmut Zemo could complete his mission, Salomon allowed the family to reunite and live in complete seclusion, and no one in the world could disturb their lives.

Stephanie was both impressed by Salomon's compassion and distraught by the potential cost of such a sentimental move. She is well aware that her monarch is gradually stripping away the most important part of himself and using it as the price of human progress, and she is worried that Salomon's remaining precious compassion is wasted. The Eternal City has done enough for the Zemo family, and Helmut Zemo deserves a handsome payment.

She had not seen the conversation between Helmut Zemo and Salomon, and she did not believe that Helmut Zemo would follow the plan obediently. So when she took over the mission, she made a small change on her own initiative - Helmut Zemo would know that his wife was still alive. During the entire mission, Mrs. Zemo only spoke to her husband once. Chance. Stephanie will include some status reports on Mrs. Zemo in the mission information, and indicate in the information that Mrs. Zemo can only survive with the technical support of the Immortal City (anti-rejection drugs, implant maintenance, etc.) , to inspire Helmut Zemo's sense of responsibility.

In other words, Stephanie will turn his revenge into a debt to his wife, making Helmut Zemo understand that he must give his life to make his wife live a better life. There is only the Eternal City in this world Have the ability to do this. For Helmut Zemo, the choice was clear.

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