Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1010 Chapter 1006 Invitation from the Vatican (Second update)

Even after spending such a long time with the monarch, Stephanie could not tell what kind of person he was. The many contradictory emotions seemed to be found in him. Cruelty and kindness, sympathy and indifference cohabited in the same soul. Among them, even the occasional expression of emotion makes it very difficult for others to understand his true thoughts. Even the psychological analysis department established by S.H.I.E.L.D. in the past and headed by Melinda May's ex-husband Andrew could not provide Nick Fury with an accurate enough psychological model so that the king of agents could be Salomon. take the upper hand in negotiations.

The only successful negotiation was when Thor came. Nick Fury carried out it with a casual attitude. However, Salomon never gave him any chance after he was on guard.

But fortunately, Stephanie Malik still found a way to get along with him, which is to act with the goal of safeguarding the interests of the whole. As long as the behavior is taken to safeguard the overall interests, no matter how despicable and shameless, the monarch of the Eternal City will approve it. That's why Stephanie took it upon herself to add extraneous details to Helmut Zemo's mission without worrying about the monarch's wrath - she knew what her boss wanted, and she was the white glove that did the dirty work. Stephanie was willing Take on a role like this and enjoy it. This was Gideon Malik's advice. The Malik family had never done anything to make the monarch of the Eternal City angry. Regardless of whether the Malik family is using their power for personal gain, gradually embezzling plutocratic assets, or gradually expanding their influence in the political arena, as long as they can provide sufficient benefits to the Immortal City, the monarch of the Immortal City can turn a blind eye to the actions of the Malik family, because those things There is no way to affect his control over the Malik family.

The most important thing for a king is the control over his subjects. Gideon Malik knows very well where the red line is for a man who masters absolute violence. It has to be said that this set of feudal centralized ideas is extremely suitable for the Malik family and the current Immortal City. Especially in recent years, when the Eternal City was founded, the monarch mentioned that the Malik family could establish a private army. Gideon Malik never mentioned it to anyone except Stephanie, even Malik. The bodyguards of the Lik family were also trained soldiers of the Eternal City. This old fox did not leave the king any excuse or evidence to show that the Malik family had disloyal intentions.

After all the negotiators were (forced to) disappear, Salomon immediately stood up and left the tent, heading towards the assault transport boat parked outside. Supiluliumas blinked and quickly followed the monarch's footsteps. He racked his brains and couldn't figure out how the last conversation partner, Helmut Zemo, disappeared. The magic skills in this area are relatively high. He only knew that it was exactly the same as the method used by the monarch to send the Imperial Guard to the training camp planet.

Hammurabi held up his shield to escort him all the way. When Supiluliumas boarded the assault transport boat, he had already been waiting in the cabin for a while. It wasn't until the monarch sat down and fastened his seat belt that he put down his shield and sword, and asked Supiluliumas, who was standing on guard at the slowly closing ramp hatch: "Have you washed the cup?" That ceramic mug with the face of a cat? The one from the arsenal!”

"Of course." Supiluliumas asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"That's my favorite mug, and you actually use it to serve tea to guests." Hammurabi glared at him. Although he was still wearing a helmet, Supiluliumas could swear with his halberd that he definitely glared at him. "I asked you to bring my cup so that I can drink tea during my break. It is a limited edition product that I purchased online!"

"Oh, I thought you were preparing something for my Lord's meeting. After all, that thing is in the arms box." Supiluliumas shrugged, which was not the case for someone wearing power armor. It's an easy thing to do, especially when he is still carrying that giant shield. Although the power armor can provide a certain amount of auxiliary power, in general it still requires the physical fitness of the Guards as the basis. "What does it have to do with it? I won't hold you accountable for using my peanut butter during breakfast time." Supiluliumas secretly glanced at the monarch who was resting on his seat with his eyes closed, and used the internal communication channel of the Guards to communicate. Hammurabi said, "Do you see the pattern of the people our lord is discussing today? I know that my lord often performs educational actions, and I also recognize this method of action that promotes our independent thinking. But given that you and I have recently We must work together for a while, and I must let you prove that you are wise enough to understand the profound intentions of my Lord. After all, we are the guardians of the new era, aren't we?"

Hammurabi was silent for a while, looking at Supiluliumas with some disbelief. It wasn't until the assault transport began to accelerate and the engine vibrations were transmitted to him through the power armor that he said, "I prefer to think that you are too stupid to see it."

"You two idiots, this matter has no profound meaning at all." Salomon's voice broke into the communication channel with teasing joy, "Stop thinking nonsense, you two guys who only have muscles in your mind. Go to the library. Just read a book inside, and you don’t need to follow me for the rest of the work. Supiluliumas, pour me a cup of Earl Gray tea, I’m sure there is some tea in the armaments box. Add a little brandy to it, thank you.”

"My lord, perhaps your loyal servant Supiluliumas has other uses besides making tea."

"I know, I think your best function now is to make tea." Salomon drank the tea brought by the Guards and said slowly, "But it just so happens that I think a task is very suitable for you. .Don't worry, Hammurabi, if anyone dares to attack me, I believe you can take care of them all by yourself. Just let the muscle brain of Supiluliumas relax, otherwise that stupid brain The sweat inside is about to flow out through his tear ducts, he must have failed the transformation, if I had known I would not have let him pass the test."

"I didn't know our engineered tear ducts could also drain hydrocephalus."

"I don't know either." Salomon smiled and picked up the data office and sent a file package to the Supiluliumas power armor database. "I need you to find this man, Supiluliumas. For this mission, you will be able to retrieve an anti-gravity jet motorcycle from your garage as a personal vehicle - in fact all of you will be able to retrieve it. , there is no need for me to assign these details, as long as you can complete the task, you can do anything. I need you to go to this place and secretly help this group of people eliminate some heavily armed mercenaries. You must protect the safety of the target, she She must not be seriously injured. A major event that is about to happen in a few months is closely related to her. Before that, I want to ensure her safety. Hammurabi, our next stop is the Vatican. I received a An invitation.”

It was a silver homing pigeon.

The hollow technique and crystal glass allow people to clearly see the gears in the pigeon's body that are constantly rotating like a clock, and the exquisitely carved rubies are used as the pigeon's eyes. Hammurabi discovered that the carrier pigeon still maintained the animal's habits when it landed on the monarch's hand. Even when the monarch's movements were slightly more violent, it would flap its mirror-like wings to maintain balance. Salomon snapped his fingers, and the clothes on his body were instantly changed into the crimson holy cloth robe that he often wore. Every jewel and gold ornament on the heavy cloth was neatly inlaid in the place where it should have been. The corners of the skirt are sewn with hollow gold decorations, like the copper edges of a heavy book.

"Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a nice guy and I'd love to chat with him about a certain nun's stay."

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