Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1013 Chapter 1009 Maria Hill’s Warning (First Update)

"Captain Rogers." A cold voice sounded in the hall. Accompanied by the sound of high heels colliding with the tile floor, Maria Hill's footsteps were as tough as her personality. It was hard not to suspect that she had actually nailed several steel plates to the bottom of her shoes. Even after working together for many years, Steve Rogers still found it difficult to get used to Maria Hill's cold tone when she entered work. Although he knew that Agent Hill was actually very humane, the responsibility she shouldered made it impossible for her to relax.

Steve had to stop in the hall, waiting for Maria Hill to come under the light.

Many of the light tubes hanging from the ceiling have been extinguished, and the remaining lighting facilities are just enough for the Avengers living here to go to the accommodation area. As for those agents working for the Avengers, they live in a residential area near the base, about thirty minutes' drive from here. That area is also the land of the Stark family.

Steve Rogers looked at Agent Hill's outfit and said, "I remember you were supposed to go to Washington for questioning today."

"Ha, it's all the same old thing. Congress doesn't care what I say. If power users don't remind others that they have power, then this power does not exist. That's why there is bureaucracy in this world." Maria Xi Agent Er waved his hand, and the ice on his face melted a little. She wore a dark blue sleeveless tight dress. The fabric was cleanly cut. There was no decoration except for a silver lapel pin. Even her long dark hair was tied up tightly, and the style of her high heels was... Very common. This outfit is very suitable for participating in routine hearings. She wears the same outfit every time she goes to Washington, but because of her tall figure, this outfit is quite charming. Sometimes she will talk to the Avengers after returning from Washington. The idiot he met in the White House who wanted to pursue her was a topic often discussed at the Avengers' evening gatherings.

"I came back early today." She raised the things in her hands, and it was only then that Steve Rogers discovered that in addition to the handbag, there was also a FedEx box in her hands. "The recipient is you, and there is no security risk after inspection." She did not hand the box to Rogers immediately, "But the problem is, the date and address of the issue... I didn't know you had friends in the Vatican, Captain."


"It seems that you don't know much about this package." Maria Hill came closer and pointed at an arms box that Steve Rogers was currently carrying, "What about this? This There can’t be two anonymous packages in one day!”

"Agent Hill, this is not SHIELD." There was a reminder in Steve Rogers' voice.

"Sorry, it's a professional habit." Maria Hill coughed twice and handed over the FedEx package, "A Latin version of the Bible signed by the current Pope. The person who gave you this must have a good relationship with you. , or else the Vatican wants to hold some event. I don’t think you will become the captain of the Vatican, right?"

"Of course not." He laughed at the joke. "I'm not fighting for God."

"I think so. The White House regards Captain America as the property of the United States, and even God cannot take it away. If God dares to do this, the idiots in the White House might even start a war with heaven." Maria Hill's expression He nodded calmly, "If you can, pay more attention to Pietro's training. He has been a little absent-minded recently and always makes mistakes. Good night, Captain Rogers, I think you must be very tired today."

Steve Rogers walked back to his room thoughtfully, carefully put the heavy arms box aside, and then sat on the bed. The shield stored in the armament box was provided to him by the Eternal City. The reason why he did not participate in the training today was to master the use of this shield as soon as possible.

Although he has long been aware of the pressure the Avengers are facing, he has not planned to change to this new shield so soon. Instead, he plans to wait until he leads the Avengers to complete the transformation before publicly changing into this equipment. But the subtext of Maria Hill made him very uneasy. Maybe he was accidentally photographed while fighting the new Nazi. If Agent Hill inherited Nick Fury's intelligence network, maybe she would have known what he was doing in Eastern Europe - Immortality The appearance of the Eternal City in Eastern Europe is not a secret, but the intelligence agencies of many countries do not know where the Eternal City came from. No one else knows, but Nick Fury must know, and Agent Hill might know too.

Due to Salomon's powerful destructive ability and the fact that he spent most of his time maintaining the image of "keeping to himself at Oxford University and rarely interfering in matters other than magic", otherwise he would have been a dangerous person on the wanted list. . People like Salomon are an extremely formidable threat to anyone in power. They have no weaknesses, are single-minded, and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. If he wants to kill someone, even if the richest man in the world spends a lot of money, he cannot avoid death, and life is the only thing that the chaebol values ​​after having wealth.

Agent Hill's advice was timely and even somewhat sincere.

Captain America is the property of the United States. If Captain America does something that is not in the interest of the White House but in line with morality, then even Captain America, who represents the American spirit, will be declared treason. This kind of thing is entirely possible. During the Hydra rebellion, all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were indiscriminately declared as Hydra by the White House. Only he escaped the accusation by relying on his super popularity. Although there is some element of political struggle, it also allows people to see the true attribute of SHIELD, which is a political tool - the love of the people is meaningless. Steve Rogers thought of Salomon's long-term support for the What he said. Public opinion can be manipulated at will as long as the safety of life and property is not threatened. After all, not everyone has the ability to think independently. The election measure shows that it is a farce for the entertainment of the public. Social media can make the Avengers lovable, or it can turn them into street rats overnight. It doesn’t matter what the truth is, what matters is the expression, which is why the Silicon Valley upstarts who control social media and the Jewish news media of traditional journalism have always had a political bent.

Even if Captain America goes to Eastern Europe to fight against the new Nazis, it will turn into a completely opposite thing according to the media's description. In this way, let alone whether it can convince Tony Stark, the Avengers' apparent transformation will encounter many obstacles, and may even split directly. This is something Steve Rogers does not want to see. scene.

He temporarily put his messy thoughts behind and picked up the FedEx box that fell on the floor and opened it. He originally thought that what Agent Maria Hill said about "the Latin version of the Bible signed by the current Pope" was a joke, but he did not expect that it was actually true. After opening the cover of the book, a postcard fell down. Steve Rogers picked it up and found a sentence written on the back of the postcard.

It’s a keepsake worth cherishing, and I’ll come and pick it up eventually.

"Oh, Salomon." Steve Rogers sighed. He had no idea what Salomon's intention was. After thinking about it, he could only attribute it to the magician's amazing prophecy ability. He threw the Bible on the bedside and left the room alone, intending to go to the bar to find something to think about the future of the Avengers.

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