Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1014 Chapter 1010 St. Peter’s Basilica (Second update)

The man stands in a cemetery where the remains of believers and priests are buried.

But there are more than just bones beneath the soil; the twelfth-century church is just the latest of three that have existed on the site, and the faithful now lie atop the ruins of a church that dates back to Roman times. . During the religious reform in Geneva in 1536, John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, expounded his reformed theology in the Calvin Chapel adjacent to St. Peter's Basilica (it was also called the New Lady Chapel at that time). He was attracted by this idea. Those affected include the Italian Waldensians, the Dutch Reformed Church and the Scottish Presbyterian Church. Therefore, this church has a huge flow of people. Even if a strange believer appears, it will not be too eye-catching - not to mention that these two churches have been destroyed. Surrounded by restaurants, dessert shops, archaeological museums, bureaucratic offices, and litigants, Helmut Zemo thought that no one would notice him even if he was sitting on a bench eating desserts.

So he did it, and there was a French refined chocolate called Confiserie Arn (candy shop) in front of St. Peter's Basilica. Helmut Zemo bought a small chocolate crucible with the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire on it. He plans to take his wife here for a trip after the mission is completed - he has found news about his wife from the latest mission information. After experiencing the initial disbelief and ecstasy, Helmut... Zemo calmed down quickly. He carefully looked at his wife's medical list and found a lot of doubts in it. He even suspected that the Eternal City was deceiving him, because no one could survive after suffering such terrible injuries.

Even if the Eternal City possesses extremely powerful prosthetic transplantation and biochemical organ modification technologies, it would be difficult for a person with a comminuted fracture of the jaw, broken spine, and even severe damage to the lungs to survive through first aid, let alone survive. After getting off the operating table and undergoing rehabilitation training, I was able to take care of myself.

He didn't understand medicine, but his common sense told him that this was impossible. He saw the body of his son and his father. Only his wife was missing. Now there is a person who survived the operation and calls herself Mrs. Zemo. He can't give up the slimmest hope no matter what - until he gets the information from the informant, he can call a temporary number. At that point, the woman who calls herself Mrs. Zemo will answer the phone. He has repeated the number hundreds of times in his mind, making sure that he did not remember the wrong number and secret contact information, nor did he forget the verification question he was about to ask.

Every word turned into steel in his heart, constantly burning and reddened by anxiety and doubt, making his heart smell like burning. He could even smell the odor of anxiety, right in his nose, which was similar to the smell of burning corpses in the past. He hoped that was true, he hoped that his missing wife was still alive, and he didn't want to be disappointed again.

Helmut Zemo focused his attention on the impending intelligence handover. Switzerland is a neutral country, at least on the surface. However, everyone knows that the so-called "neutrality" is just an excuse. Although Switzerland is not a member of NATO, it has been providing services to NATO. In the original plan, his target was the Swiss Army Commander-in-Chief and Legion Commander Andre Bratmann. However, after careful research, Helmut Zemo found that he had found a more valuable target.

Army Command Support Base Command Base responsible for providing overall command of the army and technical support for national crisis management in the fields of information and communications technology (ICT), command infrastructure, command methods, electronic warfare, cryptography and embassy radio FUB, is even more valuable as a transit point for NATO military intelligence.

The leader of this organization was then-Brigadier General and Army Chief of Staff Jean-Paul Taylor.

Compared with professional soldiers and Army Commander-in-Chief Andre Bratman, it is much easier to obtain information about Chief of Staff Jean-Paul Taylor, who has a doctorate in economics. He can find it just through public information on the Internet. Information about this brigadier general. Jean-Paul Taylor received a master's degree in mathematical economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a PhD from the University of Lausanne. The University of Lausanne, where he once studied, was formerly known as Lausanne Theological Seminary.

Even now, the college also has the School of Theology and Religious Studies, which teaches mainly in French.

Due to Helmut Zemo's investigative skills and the Immortal City's miraculous information filtering ability, the life of this brigadier general was unreserved in front of Helmut Zemo - privately a devout believer in Jean- Paul Taylor went to confession there every Sunday. His wife was also a Calvinist, and the confessor signed a strict confidentiality agreement so that they could speak freely. Because of this, Helmut Zemo believed he could deviate from the plan and obtain a large amount of intelligence faster. St. Peter's Cathedral is the church of Calvinist Reformed believers in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. The Calvin Chapel next door belongs to the Scottish Presbyterian Church. Helmut Zemo is currently sitting on the bench of St. Peter's Cathedral, stretching out his hand. Put it in your coat pocket, ready to pull out your gun at any time.

If the priest who had been bribed to install the bug had followed the agreement, no one would have been killed here today.

Helmut Zemo believed that he could even plan a kidnapping case and obtain the information he wanted to know in the shortest time and with the most violent means. The Immortal City does not limit the means for him to carry out tasks. The Immortal City only looks at the results and not the process. He felt that he actually liked this way of doing things. The only thing that annoyed him was the guy sent by the Immortal City to clean up the aftermath.

What he didn't know was that he was not the only information processor he had ever met. With the exception of Geneva, almost every city with an important NATO military base has an information handler, and these people are paired with an assassin hiding in the shadows. Helmut Zemo just accidentally found one of the electronic warfare targets in the Eternal City. If it hadn't been for the intelligence department headquarters entrenched in the center of the spider web to issue timely instructions to avoid conflicts caused by the information confidentiality level. If it happens, the assassin may have already started planning how to kill him.

The Immortal City has made a lot of preparations for the upcoming war and is preparing to carry out strategic attacks from three different directions. The strategic purpose of this blitzkrieg is to break NATO's military power in Eastern and Southern Europe and gain living space for Latovinia - attack Romania to the east, attack Hungary to the north, and attack Serbia to the south. These three Latovinia Asia's neighboring countries either have NATO military bases or have politicians who flirt with NATO.

This is not an easy task for Latvinia, which has scarce military resources, but since the Eternal City's interstellar missiles are ready, the most difficult part of this task is actually the follow-up management. How to appease the political demands of so many ethnic groups and avoid subsequent rebellions is the biggest headache for the Ministry of Interior at present. Stephanie's suggestion is to kill all the local governments, let the locals recruited by the Immortal City directly rule these places, and use Maya Hansen's half-finished products to form an army of super soldiers.

As for the Wakanda industrial order, Stephanie thinks it can be expanded.

Anyway, Helmut Zemo is close to his goal, and soon Wakanda will be a vassal of the Immortal City. Regardless of whether Eric Killmonger will still be obedient by then, the Immortal City has already roped in the vibranium dealer Ulysses Klaue and created a prosthetic arm to replace his arm that was severed by Ultron. Stephanie Malik and Victoria Hand, under Salomon's instructions, made adequate preparations and plans to respond to all possible situations as best as possible.

As later generations often mentioned when examining the life of the great king who saved the human race and led the human race to the top of the galaxy, he once personally said the words of ancient human wisdom: "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles." .”

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