Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1015 Chapter 1011 The period of love (first update)

Bayonetta poked her head toward the portable holographic projection device in front of her, and finally couldn't help but stretched out her hand to tease the palm-sized projection model. "You look so cute like this, dear little boy." Her tone was as affectionate as ever. The Salomon shown in the holographic projection is as small as Thumbelina, and any toad can pick him up. He was lowering his head and fiddling with something. Although the scanning device represented the object in his hand very faithfully, because the model was too small, Bayonetta couldn't see clearly even with her glasses on.

"When do you plan to come back? The Cheshire Cat is already complaining that he can only take care of the children." She stretched out her finger and poked Salomon's unreal cheek, as if this could remind her lover on the other side, "I think The mental health of Cheshire Cats needs attention.”

A little girl wearing shark pajamas whizzed past the study, her short legs flapping so fast that it was hard to see. She dashed down the hall like a fat cannonball, with a silly laugh and a whining gray shorthair in her wake - a Cheshire cat that pounced on the little girl before she bumped into a vase or sculpture. Go up, bite the shark pajamas and drag the girl away from the dangerous object. Salomon raised his head and put the thing on his hand aside. It was only then that Bayonetta discovered that it was a helmet that had been dismantled and looked like it had been manually upgraded. In addition, there were some disassembled firearms, bolt bullets, and some blades on the table. The sound of engines in the distance entered the microphone like a chorus, and she could almost smell the smell before the war.

Salomon said with a teasing expression, "Is it the Cheshire Cat's or yours?"

"Both." Bayonetta admitted readily. She picked up a piece of Turkish delight in the gift box in front of her and took a bite. "But because of the dessert you sent, we can discuss this later." The witch was wearing a Greek-style white dress, with exquisite gold ornaments embellished on her long skirt. The skirt makes her look less drab. This is an afternoon tea outfit, with a casual theme, far less flashy than the witch's outfit when she goes out.

She already knew what Salomon was going to do next. It was not like she had never read the book "Unified Truth". She and Joan of Arc even completed the correction work for the Italian and French versions. Although she can understand the goodwill revealed in "Unified Truth" and can also see the necessity of Salomon doing this in the dark prophecy, this does not mean that she is willing to join the war started by Salomon. Lomon's only request was to go home for dinner tonight and fulfill his husband's duties. Salomon has done a pretty good job so far. No matter how busy things are outside, he still strives to create a warm family atmosphere.

Bayonetta believes that this is also good for Salomon's mental health. In this regard, she is so arrogant that she will not let anyone interfere. Even Constantine wants to persuade her to leave more office time for Salomon. At that time, all that was gained was two hundred pistol bullets that hit the same position on the helmet in succession, which made Constantine lose his temper. She knew that Salomon was not truly ruthless, otherwise he would not have saved so many lives in war-torn areas. Bayonetta knew he was human, with human flaws and strengths. But when necessary, he would not hesitate to sacrifice those lives to maximize their value. It is hard to say that anyone would understand the anguish in his heart.

Salomon smiled and shook his head, did not answer, but began to assemble Hammurabi's Praetorian helmet.

He added a retinal projection to the AR HUD display, so that even if the helmet is damaged, it can still faithfully reflect the data given by the computer built into the power armor. The experimental model in his hand will soon be distributed to other Praetorian Guards and become the standard equipment of the Praetorian Guards. Hammurabi and Constantine both received their own improved helmets, but only Supiluliu Because Mars is in South America, he can only wait for the next batch of support materials to arrive.

Salomon skillfully assembled his own bolt pistol, and then stuffed all the .75-caliber solid rocket fuel-propelled armor-piercing ammunition on the table into the thirty-round magazine. This type of ammunition, which relies on the high temperature generated by micro-nuclear fusion and the destruction of synthetic material warheads, has been widely praised as soon as it was launched. When the Latvian regular army initially faced the disadvantage of light armor, it was the bolt machine guns supported by the Immortal City ( 75 caliber) saved the war.

Even though the subsequent reinforcements of armor have gradually made up for this strength, more and more young people from Latovinia have joined armor schools for short-term study, and have been exposed to weapons such as lasers and plasma, and banging bolt guns. Firearms remain the most powerful weapon in the hearts of many Latvian soldiers. Even though there are a few fools lying in the field hospital who were injured because they did not follow the regulations and used bolt machine guns indiscriminately during training, the enthusiasm of Latvian teenagers for bolt guns has not diminished, because they have all seen how easily bolt guns can be used The scene of tearing off the steel coat of the heavy armored vehicle purchased by the Latvian royal family.

"Let me see your office environment." Bayonetta took the hot coffee brought by the maid and gestured to Salomon, "Today's environment is different from yesterday."

"Of course, of course." Salomon loaded the bolter, then hung it on his waist and walked out of the tent. Bayonetta's eyes followed the movement of the portable holographic projection device. When Salomon opened the tent, the noisy noise in the camp rushed towards her face. Tracked armored personnel carriers came and went in front of the camp, dozens of self-propelled artillery aimed their muzzles in the same direction, and more tanks were warming up their engines. Greasy black smoke rises in the distance, and the moist soil reflects the pale sunlight in the sky - this is not all the armored force of the Latvian regular army. Most of the armored force has been transferred to the northern defense line to accept Constantine. leadership, preparing for a NATO attack.

"Today we advanced to a position 50 kilometers away from the capital. We will launch an offensive to capture the capital tomorrow. Everyone is preparing for tomorrow's battle." He pointed to the castle spire in the distance and said, "Victor von Doom is now in Negotiate with the Latvian royal family and ask them to evacuate the civilians in the city. However, I think the outcome of this negotiation may not be ideal. The royal family treats the civilians as hostages and wants to drag us into street fighting."

"What are you going to do?"

"Constantine is on the northern defense line now. Hammurabi and I are enough to solve this problem." Salomon responded to the warm greetings of the logistics staff coming and going, while nimbly dodging the people rushing toward his feet. A goose. He joined the war three days ago. With his help, the Latvian regular army captured the villages around the capital at an extremely fast speed. Many soldiers witnessed him holding a bolt gun and a long sword as the vanguard. A head-on confrontation with the tanks of the Latvian royal family - many soldiers thought he would die. However, when they entered the village, all they saw were tank wrecks on the ground, and Salomon sat next to the burning wreckage and yawned.

There was also a menacing goose and a large group of rescued, panicked civilians.

Latvian people also have a high level of acceptance of the Praetorian Guards. Some people even think that the Praetorian Guards are more powerful than Salomon, because the tall Praetorian Guards wear high-tech power armor and look far more powerful than ordinary soldiers. Salomon, who was taller, was stronger. The Latvian people have not seen Salomon in armor, and the mystic doubts that anyone will dare to say hello to him by then - after putting on the power armor, he will be taller and taller than the Praetorian Guards. strong. A little magic can push his strength to another level. This is not difficult. Salomon believes that even the Hulk cannot compete with him in power armor.

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