"Wait, I've seen you! That chemical analyzer at the EU National Young Scientist Competition!" Tony Stark's eyes widened behind his helmet, "Is he also your little agent? Or, Aegis The Bureau valued your talent and recruited you? What kind of clothes are you wearing? You look like a wizard! Jarvis, call up his information."

"Sir, Salomon Damonette, born on December 25, 1995, currently studying at Eton College..."

"I'm afraid you don't have permission to know about this, Stark. Public information doesn't mean anything." Nick Fury was a little proud. After all, knowing a secret that other people don't know will inevitably lead to a sense of superiority. Ever since meeting Salo After Mon, Nick Fury felt that it had been a long time since he last experienced this feeling. Now that Stark has thrown himself into the trap and asked the question he was expecting, Nick Fury will not let go of this opportunity to play mystic style.

Being a riddle is a real joy.

Tony Stark glanced at Salomon who was sitting on the side texting, snorted rather dissatisfied, and didn't ask any more questions. But he had already made up his mind in private that he wanted to check out the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau—it was too much for S.H.I.E.L.D. to place Natasha Romanov by his side. After several equity transfers, the Stark Group It has completely become his property, and he must know how many spies the SHIELD has buried around him, and whether every stranger is a SHIELD agent.

Stark closed the rear hatch of the Quinjet. He took a few steps forward, opened his mask, and stood in front of Nick Fury, staring at him very seriously.

"You said you need me here, but you'd better make sure that this matter is really as important as you say, and that it's worth my time to rush over after a fight." He said, "If I didn't eavesdrop on your call, I thought it was a drill. Tell me, what the hell are you fighting? No Norse mythology, I don't believe in old granny's fireplace tales."

"The truth is what you heard, Stark." Nick Fury was not surprised by Tony Stark's wiretapping behavior. He knew Stark's temper and behavior, and he didn't even feel a little bit Angry because it saved him time for a long-winded explanation. "The gods in Norse mythology have landed on the earth. In order to maintain the relationship between Asgard and the earth, we must protect one of them against the enemies who attack the successor of Asgard." Nick Fury handed the computer to Tony Stark, "Look for yourself, I'm afraid you will only believe it when you see it. The so-called myth is not groundless. But act fast, we are running out of time."

Tony Stark took the laptop dubiously, and quickly browsed the contents. After a while, he returned the computer to Nick Fury, and looked at him with the eyes of a mentally handicapped child. "They're just aliens. Maybe they came to Earth in the past, and primitive tribes worshiped the technologically advanced Asgard as a god. It's not a big deal, and it doesn't make them gods. Well, they look alike Humans, at least this Thor, looks the same as people on Earth, after all, not all aliens look like E.T." He said, "I think even your little agent can understand this kind of thing. I Is that right, Salomon Damonette?"

Tony Stark deliberately brought the topic to Salomon. Although he seemed to be indifferent, his curiosity about Salomon was about to explode - this is a place where aliens haunt, what is the identity of Salomon, so that Nick Fury brought him here here?

But Salomon still ignored Tony Stark, and still instructed Luca's actions on his own. He had to ensure that the news could be sent out. Therefore, Luca's life safety is very important. At least, for now.

"Why is he ignoring me?" Tony Stark glanced at Salomon in disbelief, then turned his head, pointed at the mystic, and asked Nick Fury, "Don't say this is your god?" Well done by the Shield, cutting off a child's tongue and poking his ears out of deafness."

"We won't do that kind of thing, he just doesn't want to talk to you." Nick Fury sighed, "He has nothing to do with you, Stark. Stop asking questions and focus on your eyes task."

"Then, does Congress know about the fact that you are fighting aliens here?" Stark pouted, "Who will the video of this battle be given to? If the incompetent politicians in the Senate know where I use the armor ..."

"SHIELD will help you solve it." Nick Fury said, "The confidentiality level of those senators is not enough to let them know about it."

"What about Congress?"

"This is beyond my control. S.H.I.E.L.D. is a worldwide organization, not a U.S. government agency." Nick Fury said nonsense with his eyes open. He said, "But I can share some information with you, Stark. I know you are curious about Asgard. I have Asgard's information here. After the mission is over, you can look it up, I promise .But I won't tell you my sources."

"It's a deal!" Stark closed his mask, ready to turn around and leave. In fact, he wasn't that reluctant - this was an alien, a contact of the third kind! He had fantasized about aliens when he was a child! There isn't a little boy in America who doesn't daydream after watching E.T! What's more, the Asgardian weapon is very similar to his armor. He really wants to take a look at the structure of the Asgardian armor. Stark believes that it will definitely bring him improved armor. inspiration.

Tony Stark was already excited, he was just embarrassed to show it. After all, he was already forty years old, and showing enthusiasm for aliens would only make people feel a little naive.

"Sir, the ground troops are requesting support." Agent Romanov's voice came from the cockpit, "They have used everything they can, and the Asgardians are preparing to fight."

The ground troops were really at a loss. After using guided bombs, they also tried several types of missiles, but all of them had little effect. Many of them were Stark Industries products that had been installed. As for some anti-personnel weapons, such as white phosphorus bombs and incendiary bombs, they didn't even have the idea of ​​trying.

"Dear Natalie Rushman, did you find a new job after being fired by the Stark Group?" Tony Stark sarcastically shouted that when Agent Romanov was undercover in the Stark Group, Using a pseudonym, "The new job looks good, and the plane can fly. Would you like to tell me, how is your new boss?"

"We don't have time, Stark." Nick Fury interrupted Stark's sarcasm, "Now, perform the task, I have put you in the channel."

"I'm not your agent." Stark muttered, opened the hatch again, and jumped off the fighter plane. His hands, feet, and the jets behind his back sprayed out white flames, pushing him Dive rapidly towards the target below. The triangular new Ark reactor provides extremely powerful power for the Mark 6 electric propulsion engine. Stark feels that the energy flows in his body and in the armor like blood. The Ark reactor is like his other a heart. Every time he flies, every time he jumps, he can truly feel that the battle armor is like his body. Only then will he truly realize that he is Iron Man.

It wasn't until Tony Stark left the Quinjet that Salomon looked up at Nick Fury. "This is your second hand?" he said. "So, have you ever thought about what to do when he fails?"

"I have more than one backhand." Nick Fury said meaningfully, "Iron Man is just one of them."

When Tony Stark flew in front of the three warriors of Asgard and Sif, he couldn't help but carefully looked at these Asgardians. Like the big guy with the long beard and the round belly and the weird armor, and the dark-haired samurai, and the dark-haired lady with the sword and shield. To be honest, he was a little curious about Asgard's combat methods, so he decided not to comment on the cold weapons of the Asgardians for the time being - who knows if it might be a high-tech weapon, just disguised as a cold weapon .

"If you're a friend, get out of the way!" Vostagg said in a low voice, he seemed to be chewing on something, "This is a glorious battle!"

"If you are the enemy..." Hogan threw away the chain hammer expressionlessly, ready to hit Tony Stark at any time. After the ground troops failed to block the Destroyer Armor, all armored units were cut in half by the laser emitted by the Destroyer Armor at this time, and it walked towards the command position in an unstoppable posture, and the human army no longer There was no way to stop the Destroyer armor from approaching.

"You mortals have done enough." Sif said, "Next, it's the battle of the warriors of Asgard!"

After receiving Nick Fury's order, the ground troops chose to drop the large ordnance and retreat with the infantry company that was completely useless. The four warriors of Asgard took up their weapons, intending to stop the Destroyer armor while covering the retreat of the human army behind them. Sol originally wanted to go to the battlefield, but was blocked by Sif and Jane Foster, because now Sol is almost the same as a mortal, and going to the battlefield is tantamount to death.

It is almost impossible to defeat the Destroyer, even the bravest warrior in Asgard can't defeat it, Thor can only watch his partner go to death with extreme irritability, while he stands there, doing nothing can not do this. Shame was swallowing his heart, Sol knew that the father of the gods was right, he was too arrogant, in the past he was like a child who couldn't grow up, treating the throne with a playful attitude, as if it was just The spoils of an adventure.

He felt that he had been too reckless and childish in the past.

But this thinking is not helpful to the situation at this time. Thor refused to evacuate with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the ground troops. He wanted to stand here and wait for the end of this war. Whatever the outcome, he'll accept it because it's the price of his stupidity. But this price has nothing to do with the four warriors of Asgard, it can only be paid by him, and he must find a way.

"Wait, wait, I'm here to help you!" Although Tony Stark often has a frivolous attitude, at this critical juncture, he will not clash with his allies because of a misunderstanding. He said, "I work with S.H.I.E.L.D...."

"We know the son of Phil Cole." Ms. Sif, the thinking center among the four warriors of Asgard, said, "Do you know him?"

"Agent Coulson, of course, I know him. I am..." Before Tony Stark could finish his sentence, the jets of the armor activated automatically, and the sudden movement allowed him to avoid a beam fired from a distance. Beam.

"Good job, Jarvis."

"Thank you for the compliment, sir." Jarvis' tone was as calm as ever.

"Okay, it seems that someone can't wait." Tony Stark was a little angry, because this was the first time he was interrupted to introduce himself. Or rather, this was the first time he was interrupted when he needed to introduce himself.

Not far away, the Destroyer armor was striding forward, its speed getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a run.

"Brave mortal warrior, come with me, Odin's glory will shine on you!" Lady Sif yelled, rushing forward with her shield and sword in her hands. Vostagg was not to be outdone, he also rushed up with his battle axe, and was the first to collide fiercely with the rushing Destroyer armor.

With a bang, there was a loud crash of metal colliding, and Vostak and the Destroyer armor both fell backwards. Sif and Hogan slashed their weapons at the Destroyer without hesitation. Fandral deftly went around the head of the Destroyer's armor and inserted the slender rapier into it.

"Wait? Do you really only use cold weapons?"

Ask for a recommendation ticket! !

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