Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 109 Filling the Pit, Calculating and Forced to Fight

"That's it?" Salomon pointed at the screen. The pixels of the unmanned surveillance drone are not high, but Nick Fury is also connected to the camera of the steel suit, and the first perspective of Tony Stark appears on the laptop of S.H.I.E.L.D. By comparing two different videos, Salomon saw that Sif and Fandral were punched by the fallen Destroyer armor and fell heavily to the ground, unable to hold their weapons steadily. And Tony Stark, who still wanted to complain, also rushed up and knocked the Destroyer armor to the ground again.

"Even if Tony Stark wears the armor, he will not be the opponent of the Destroyer armor, even if you add those Asgardians. To be honest, the current Tony Stark is not my opponent. You put Isn’t such a person a little stupid to use as a trump card?” Salomon looked at the first perspective of the steel suit on the screen, and he saw Tony Stark take off quickly after knocking down the Destroyer armor, using the laser light on the back of his hand Cut the Destroyer. However, even a laser that can easily cut through objects can't do much damage to the Destroyer. Before Tony Stark cut off one of the Destroyer's arms, the laser generator overheated and burned.

"Tony Stark's steel suit is the best individual combat weapon in the eyes of Congress." Nick Fury looked at Iron Man who was violently beaten by the Destroyer armor, he said, "But even such a weapon , There is also a huge gap with the level of alien technology. Congress wants Tony Stark to open up the Ark reactor technology. We still have a long way to go in technology.”

"But you won't agree, will you?" Salomon asked. "I'm glad to see you like this, at least in your heart you have human beings, not America."

"The United States becoming a global hegemon is not a good thing for the entire planet." Nick Fury was not surprised to be pointed out that he had a narrow mind. He and Salomon had already agreed on their ideas, and Salomon knew what he thought. No surprises. "Of course, I'm still an American on the surface."

At this time, Sif and Fandral, who had been punched twice by the Destroyer armor, stood up unharmed. They picked up their weapons again and rushed towards the Destroyer armor. Vostak also picked up his tomahawk, and together with Hogan who came after him, attacked the Destroyer's leg armor. These Uru metal weapons forged by the dwarves struggled to penetrate the Destroyer armor under the blessing of magic and power, but this armor is like an owl, which can rotate its head 360 degrees without dead ends, and spray flames A violent explosion was triggered, and the four warriors of Asgard were blown away, and the slightly damaged Destroyer armor was automatically repaired.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Salomon asked, pointing at the screen. Due to the close-range combat, the flame stream sprayed by the Destroyer cannot quickly target the fast-moving enemies below, and the only thing that is easy to deal with is the Iron Man flying around. Through the perspective of Tony Stark, Salomon watched him avoid the flames several times in danger, but he could not calculate the safe flight area every time, because the flames of the Destroyer armor were stored and fired. It takes a short time, and this short time is not fixed, so Jarvis often makes calculation mistakes, and the affected armor of the steel suit is even almost burned red.

"It's not what I should do, but what should you do?" Nick Fury asked meaningfully, "Are you going to let the Asgardians act violently on the earth? As far as I know, the earth is The site of the Supreme Mage."

be cheated!

This is Salomon's eyes widened in disbelief, and it took him a few seconds to figure it out - he didn't expect that Nick Fury had counted him in from the night before, but he didn't notice it at all . The so-called "commanding the battlefield, checking for deficiencies and making up for omissions" is only part of the reason, and more of it is Nick Fury's calculations.

In terms of responsibility, Karma Taj is Earth's last line of defense against aliens and outer dimensions. What's more, this is not Vanaheim. Earth's autonomy cannot be violated. Loki's behavior is tantamount to trampling on Karma Taj sovereignty. It would be okay if Salomon was not here, but he is staying at the scene now. As a member of Karma Taj, he should stand up against the aliens and maintain the authority of the supreme mage, which is different from him. Obligation to refuse.

Moreover, according to the terms of the contract between Salomon and Nick Fury, Nick Fury cannot take the initiative to reveal the secrets of Karma Taj and magic, and cannot even tell Salomon's secrets to others. There is no thought of bearing the consequences of violating a magical contract. But the terms did not say that Salomon cannot take the initiative to expose, and the consequences of active exposure do not need to be borne by Nick Fury. He perfectly exploited the loopholes in the terms.

This is the characteristic of the lawful camp, and Karma Taj is an undoubted lawful organization. Because of the sovereignty of the earth, whether it is responsibility, obligation, clause or order, Salomon, who is a party and a member of Kama Taj, must implement it. Unless Salomon wasn't there, but he was brought here by Nick Fury.

old fox! Salomon never expected that Nick Fury had tricked him here. But Nick Fury chose to cheat him like this in order to guarantee the safety of nearby humans. After all, no one knows whether Thor's reinforcements will defeat Loki's plot, or whether Loki will kill Thor then slaughtered the surrounding humans for fun. It is extremely unwise to put the safety of humans on the sympathy of the enemy. Nick Fury is not an idiot, he naturally knows what to do, and he is ready to bear the corresponding consequences .

"You have to understand my approach." He said this, but he also understood that the level of trust between him and Salomon had dropped to the lowest level, even lower than what was promised in the magic contract.

"I understand." Salomon stared at him fiercely, "But, F*uck you! Nick Fury. You can tell me what you think in advance, but you don't choose to do that."

"Because I can't judge what Kama Taj's attitude is in this Asgard coup." Nick Fury said expressionlessly. Since he knew that Thor came to the earth, he observed that the attitude of Kama Taj represented by Salomon was somewhat ambiguous. If it is said that the earth has autonomy, then Thor should not have come to the earth at all, but to other planets in the nine countries, and Kama Taj did nothing when he knew Sol's identity in advance, even Saul Nor did Lomon offer to help Saul or anything like that.

And now, SHIELD's move to protect Sol has already explained to Asgard that SHIELD is on Sol's side. This is the result of Salomon convincing Nick Fury, a hole he dug for himself, and now he has to fill it himself.

Even before that, Salomon had already said that in Asgard's view, S.H.I.E.L.D. was an organization of the level of bandits and robbers, but Nick Fury still wanted to get in touch with Asgard independently. Under such circumstances, Kama Taj’s position is particularly important, or in other words, Nick Fury is forcing Salomon to choose a position. He wants to pull Kama Taj and add weight to himself—because Only in this way, Asgard will look at them high.

In terms of political means, Salomon is completely inferior to Nick Fury's cunning. But Nick Fury also paid a price, that is, the bridge to communicate with Salomon no longer exists.

Salomon glared at him. The mystic naturally wouldn't tell Nick Fury any more inside information, he gritted his teeth, stood up from his seat, put on the hanging ring and opened the portal. He threw the phone in before asking Agent Romanov to open the rear hatch of the fighter jet. Although Nick Fury calculated him and asked him to fulfill his obligations, how to perform it was not clearly stipulated in the contract between him and Nick Fury. The execution method was determined by Salomon himself-he could choose No effort to work, waiting for Saul to wake up and regain his divine power - while Nick Fury was taking advantage of loopholes, Salomon was also taking advantage of loopholes.

Salomon touched his cheek, and a layer of phantom was attached to the skin. From the perspective of outsiders, his face became much blurred, just like a person with 400 degrees of myopia looking at a person five meters away. Although the magic had a time limit, he thought it would be enough to hold off until everything was settled.

The mystic stood up in front of the rear hatch, looked straight ahead, and jumped down, letting gravity pull him down at an extremely fast speed. The icy wind penetrated into his clothes, and the back hem of the black mystic robe and the long red relic kept fluttering upwards. Salomon adjusted his posture, his body arched backwards, his head was thrown back, and his hands were naturally opened. Keep your legs together and hook your feet back, trying not to rotate your body.

He saw the desert below, and the slightly arc-shaped orange-red horizon in the distance. Under the dim sunlight, the Destroyer still reflected the left and right lights, and the continuous explosions reminded Salomon of the target's location.

"Adonai Melekh, 10, Crystal, Empress;

Th, crucis, 400, world;

Shaddai El Chai, 9, Silver;

R, caput, 200, sun;

S, Elohim Tzabaoth, 8, Mercury;

kingdom, foundation, grandeur,

In the name of Sandalphon

In the name of Gabriel

In the name of Raphael

——The stigmata unfold! "

Salomon folded his hands back in front of his chest, turned his palms outward, and an orange-red spark shield covering his entire body was instantly formed. The mystic who descended from the sky adjusted his posture again. He stood upside down with his hands facing down, wrapped in kinetic energy, and slammed into the Destroyer armor below. The sound of this collision is not even inferior to the impact of a bomb explosion. A huge amount of dust filled the entire battlefield in an instant. The four warriors of Asgard had to stretch out their hands to cover their eyes to avoid being scratched by the sand and gravel. Tony Stark Can't see the situation on the battlefield.

Suddenly, while speaking, a whirlwind blew up in the center of the battlefield and left the battlefield with all the dust. At this time, the four warriors of Asgard and Tony Stark could see what had happened—the Destroyer armor, which was originally indestructible, suddenly became shorter, and the helmet was completely dented.

It seems that because of the heavy damage, the Destroyer armor is motionless. This is undoubtedly an exciting result, but the person who achieved this result, they don't know——

"Hey you! Aren't you on the plane?" Tony Stark yelled. Salomon's costume is very distinctive, Tony Stark is not so forgetful, "How did you get here? Did you jump off?"

But Salomon ignored his meaning at all, but gestured and recited spells on his own. Immediately afterwards, his hands stretched forward, and three entangled streams of flame hit the Destroyer violently.

"Is this your new product? But this idea is my first..."

"He's a wizard!" Sif's words choked Tony Stark, and she turned the long sword in her hand, "Although I don't know where he came from, why did he cover himself up. But now it's good to have one more helper of."

"He hurt the Destroyer, even though he used the magic of a bitch. This is a man!" Vostagg patted his chest, "Stand back, slim Vostagram is serious!"

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