Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 110 Punishment? award?

Salomon stopped casting spells in his hands, and did not try to attack the Destroyer with the scorching ray again, because he knew that such an attack would not be able to delay the Destroyer's armor for a long time.

This piece of armor was used as the armor of Odin, the father of the gods, to repel the gods at his peak, and it also gathered the power of many gods of the earth gods. If it wasn't for Loki holding Gungnir to forcibly lower the upper limit of the Destroyer's armor in order to order the Destroyer, otherwise the power of this armor would be much more terrifying than it is now.

But the mystic also knew that the key to this matter was never with him. He only needs to obey the Supreme Mage's order, weaken the Destroyer to a certain extent, ensure that Sol will not die accidentally, and ensure that the development of the incident is carried out according to the Supreme Mage's ideas. As for whether Thor can pick up Thor's Hammer again, His Holiness must have seen it through the eyes of Agamotto. Even if he couldn't pick it up and died accidentally, then there is no need to explain to Asgard Salomon worries too much.

While the four warriors of Asgard were besieging the temporarily stagnant Destroyer armor, Tony Stark found an opportunity to join Salomon. Melee combat is not his time, and he is also worried that the weapon he carries will hurt his allies, and there happens to be someone here who can make him have fun.

"Asgardians just don't see it," he said. "They mistook technology for magic. Or, in Asgard, magic and technology are the same thing. Your laser launcher is in Where? Is it portable? Where's your energy source?"

"Asgard is a country with dual development of magic technology." Salomon replied bluntly. When he saw the four warriors of Asgard slashing the Destroyer with difficulty, and the Destroyer was slowly recovering, he took out a small candle from the dimension bag and lit it with a trick.

"What are you doing?" Tony Stark asked curiously, but Salomon ignored him, but chanted the spell to himself. Tony Stark still wanted to blow out the candles, but forgot that he was still wearing a mask, and when he was about to fan the air with his palm, Salomon's spellcasting was over.

Two six-legged ants the size of a pony appeared out of thin air next to Salomon, and they followed Salomon's order and trotted all the way to the Destroyer (the four warriors of Asgard and Tony Stark were also included). Kedu was startled, but Sif still recognized the identity of their summons), locked the hands of the Destroyer armor tightly with her giant jaws, and pulled towards the other two different directions. An ant can drag an object equivalent to 1700 times its own weight, not to mention these two huge ants, even if they cannot cause damage to the Destroyer armor, but under the condition that the output of the Destroyer armor is limited, the two giant ants Ants can immobilize it.

At the scene, only Tony Stark was dumbfounded, and when he wanted to say something, he didn't know where to start. From the perspective of the Asgardians, it is now a victory, and they have plenty of time to deal with the Destroyer armor.

"It's not bad." Fandral laughed and patted the giant ant beside him. "It's a good mount, like a goat. Thank you for your help, wizard of Midgard, you have honored your ancestors."

"Where is Sol?" Salomon asked Sif. He wants to solve this matter as soon as possible, because the duration of the illusion is limited, he really doesn't want to stay here any longer.

"In the rear..." Sif subconsciously replied. But the sky was getting darker and the breeze was getting stronger. When Sif looked back, she found a blond man in a plaid shirt running towards him panting. "There he is!" Sif shouted proudly. "Son of Saul Odin, he is the bravest of us! Even though he is as weak as mortals, he still rushes to the battle!"

"This story will be circulated in the tavern. It is another epic poem from the son of Thor Odin!" Vostagg excitedly knocked on the Destroyer's head again, and did not notice the light that was lit between the gaps in the Destroyer's armor. Orange-red light.

"Am I the only one who doesn't know the situation?" Tony Stark opened his mask angrily, "Aren't you a young scientist? How did you get the magic? Or is this the result of your research, a few giant ants? When did you start studying biochemistry? Where did you hide them?"

Everyone present automatically filtered out Tony Stark's nonsense, only Hogan patted him on the shoulder, and the taciturn man uttered a rare sentence. "You have honored your ancestors."

"Thank you..." Tony Stark's eyes widened, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Brave mortal warriors, and upright wizards, we are about to return to Asgard." Sif said proudly, "But before that, please tell me your names. As a member of this adventure, your Your names will be sung by poets, and until thousands of years later, when your souls return to the Hall of Valor, someone will remember your fighting posture. At that time, we will drink honey wine together and fight for Odin!"

Sif first refers to Tony Stark, and the second refers to Salomon. Although her tone was full of Asgardian arrogance towards the vassals, what she said was true. Because as long as someone knows their names, someone will definitely remember them thousands of years later. After all, the Asgardians are immortal species. As for the course of this battle, whether Thor performed well or not is not important at all.

Since Odin put Thor in the barracks, not all the battles Thor has experienced have been smooth sailing, but under Odin's instructions, all the bards in Asgard advocated Sol's bravery, even if Sol I stumbled, and they can also be described as the small mistakes of great heroes. After that, under the influence of alcohol, there was another carnival after another, celebrating another victory of the invincible Sol and Asgard.

Salomon just glanced at Sol who was running towards him, and then turned to Sif again. "I have a document here that I need the father of the gods to consult." He took out a roll of parchment sealed with wax from the dimension bag. This was a diplomatic letter from Kama Taj and Asgard, and it was just a superficial effort , neither the Supreme Mage nor Odin would care about it. But at the diplomatic level, superficial procedures are still very important. The Supreme Mage asked Salomon to hand over this document to the Asgardians. As for who to hand it over, it was up to Salomon to decide.

It's just that Salomon is more willing to hand over the documents to Sif, who has a brain, than Sol, who is just a little more sensible.

Sif glanced at the logo on the red wax paint, and silently accepted the parchment. Salomon quietly glanced at the Destroyer who was slowly recovering. He performed the Asgardian courtesy and prepared to leave here. And it wasn't until then that Saul ran up to them.

"My friend," he said out of breath, "this is my fight..."

"The battle is over, Thor." Vostagg said optimistically, "The four warriors of Asgard have defeated the Destroyer!"

"'s not that simple..."


Before Thor could finish speaking, a violent explosion completely shattered a giant ant, and the fist of the Destroyer armor smashed the head of another giant ant, tearing the giant ant's head and body into two pieces. The violent explosion also overturned the four warriors of Asgard who were very close to the Destroyer to the ground again, and Tony Stark was even more frightened and took off urgently.

The time wasted talking was enough for the Destroyer Armor to repair the damage caused by Salomon by itself, and Loki's mind was linked to it again. Although he didn't know who stagnated the Destroyer Armor, this person must be destroying The player exits after losing the link. Therefore, Loki ordered the Destroyer to spray flames towards Salomon without hesitation, but a huge orange-red shield blocked all the flames, protecting Salomon, Hogan and others behind the shield. stand up.

This is the Seraphim Shield, a very useful protective magic. Salomon used this spell when he fell from the sky.

"Good job, wizard!" Vostagg shook his body and got up from the ground, "The heroic epic is now officially beginning!"

"No one can defeat the Destroyer armor." Thor shook his head and got up from the ground, "Even the bravest warrior can't."

"What should we do now?" Sif asked anxiously. Before that, they had almost no results. They knew how much they boasted at the banquet, but it was not true. She saw that Salomon, who was being attacked by the Destroyer, was gradually retreating. The orange-red shield kept flickering, and high-temperature particles overflowed the entire shield. Even those behind the shield could feel the hot, violently hot air It even made Salomon sweat like rain. And Iron Man, who is flying aside, cannot use explosive weapons, because it will affect friendly forces, he can only use the particle shock beam emitted by the palm thruster to attack-but such an attack is not painful to the destroyer. Well, Loki didn't even bother to talk to Tony Stark.

"We will die like soldiers today, Thor," Sif said. "I don't regret it..."

"me too!"

"You have to survive, friends, you have done everything you can do." Thor said, "survive, return to Asgard, stop Loki, and then tell these stories yourself."

"This is my battle, wizard." Sol sent Salomon's sweaty shoulders, his tone gentle but extremely firm. "I don't know where you come from," he said, "but this is my responsibility and no one else should be affected. Thank you for everything."

Salomon glanced at him - it's not without reason that Thor has many followers, this kind of sunny character that is willing to take responsibility is very pleasing, even if he is not the prince of Asgard, if he ignores his shortcomings, he will have many friends. While Tony Stark cut the Destroyer with another laser generator and attracted Loki's attention, Salomon stopped casting spells and retreated behind Thor.

"Thank you, unknown friend." Thor strode forward, and he shouted, "Loki!"

The 1,500-year brotherhood is very wonderful. When Thor stood up, Loki immediately commanded the destroyer to stop the attack. "No matter what wrong I did to you, no matter what I did to make you have to do this, I am sorry. But this has nothing to do with Midgard." He stepped forward step by step, with the destruction The armor was getting closer and closer, "Take my life and end this."

The burning flame in the Destroyer helmet was extinguished, and just when Thor thought Loki had given up, the Destroyer armor jumped up and punched Thor hard on the chest.

Salomon covered his face.

There is no need for him to interfere in the next thing.


Bayonetta was wearing a black glossy silk pajamas, the sides were loosely tied, and she was lying on the sofa, half of her perfect arc was exposed. She hooked Salomon's collar with her white feet, and her good dancing skills allowed Bayonetta to show amazing body flexibility. She hooked Salomon from the other end of the sofa to her front, two The warm and slender legs were wrapped around Salomon's neck and waist respectively, pulling the distance between the mystic and her extremely far, and Salomon could even feel her sweet breath.

"Then, Thor raised Thor's hammer again, defeated the evil Loki, returned to Asgard, and stopped the plot to destroy the world... He was also rewarded by the father of the gods and appointed as Asgard The heir of virtue..."

"Today's story is a bit boring." She deliberately elongated her voice, "It's like a cookie-cutter fairy tale."

"Old-fashioned often means classic." Salomon struggled to maintain his facial expression, but Bayonetta still saw him blushing unconsciously—this was still a bit too irritating for Salomon. In order not to embarrass himself too much, Salomon tried to find a topic, "I believe the Asgardians are happy to tell the story of the father of the gods educating the prince, including how the prince got close to mortals and what he left for mortals." Such teachings—this is nothing more than a political propaganda tool, and the All-Father is still promoting the prince."

"And what about our protagonist?"

"Leave when it's over. Leave behind a mortal who is obsessed with God and a narcissist."

"After hearing this story, Big Sister thinks that you should educate you well, but you haven't come back all night."


"Hmm. It's not so much education as punishment, lest you go out and provoke the cats when you grow up..." Bayoneta stuck out her pink tongue and licked her lips.

"Meow?" The Cheshire Cat raised its head from the rice bowl in bewilderment.

"Maybe it's a lady of equal status..."

"Boya, do you have a big appetite?"

Bayunita's hand hanging under the sofa flicked inward, and stuffed a book deeper inside. This book was read by Beunita before Salomon came back, and when Salomon returned to the apartment through the turnaround portal, Beunita immediately hid the book - that is not a shame The book, but the title is a bit shameful.

"French Deep Kissing Technique".

It was Joan's book, Bayonetta assured.

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