Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 111 The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Who Escaped (Change!)

What happened after Thor picked up Thor's Hammer again was far from as simple as what Salomon told Beunita. What he said was a simplified version. Especially after accepting Bayoneta's wonderful punishment for him not coming home at night, he didn't want to talk anymore, and the smelly man could no longer enter his mind.

You know, the attire of the spellcaster is extremely complicated, and the hem of Kama Taj's uniform is only cut short to make it easier to move around, but Salomon put on a holy skeletal robe. There was enough dust from the storm that I spun the hammer to keep Salomon cleaning up for a while. Not to mention when Thor destroyed the Destroyer armor later, if Salomon hadn't propped up the shield to block the wind and sand, his hood could hold a handful of New Mexico sand.

At that time, he had to endure Tony Stark's endless questioning, because this guy was even more interested in him than the Destroyer. He kept thinking about Salomon's side, and even almost interrupted Salomon's concentration in cleaning himself up.

Salomon hasn't figured out how to get revenge on Nick Fury yet.

"You can't take this away." When Salomon cast a spell on the damaged Destroyer, Agent Coulson drove over alone. He greeted Tony Stark first, and then said that to Salomon. He said, "Salomon Damonette, I don't know why you're here, but Commissioner Fury has ordered me to stop you from taking this thing."

"Heh, Nick Fury took advantage of another loophole and only told you my name, but not the rest of the information?" Salomon was so angry that he almost laughed, but due to the illusion of covering his face, the others didn't even know what to say. Can't see his face clearly, "He didn't violate the contract by doing this. Doesn't that old fox dare to come down and face me by himself? He should know that I can find him."

"What is the contract?" Tony Stark's intervention did not attract the attention of others.

"I have already investigated you, but that was many years ago." Agent Coulson replied calmly, "In Salem, the case of Congressman White being robbed, and the fire in the town, You caused my investigation at that time. Then there was the murder case in Colin Town, and all the evidence points to you."

Glancing at the pink diamond ring on Salomon's right hand, he said, "I think you have Senator White's ring. I don't know what your relationship is with Commissioner Fury, but my orders are to keep Get the Destroyer armor."

"You gave everything for the investigation, Agent Coulson." Salomon removed the illusion to cover his face. After all, the other two people present knew his name and appearance, and there was no point in hiding it. "Although I'm sure Your efforts, but I have reached an agreement with your superiors. Your investigation cannot proceed."

"That operation also made me subject to scrutiny." Agent Coulson remained expressionless, and he did not reveal too much information in front of Tony Stark, "But that is a thing of the past. Now, here is the Bureau took over."

The reason why Nick Fury urged Salomon to make a shot before is very simple, because Salomon let Nick Fury see his bottom line from the beginning, and Nick Fury conducted a test logically, testing Salomon Mon's tolerance for him exploiting contract loopholes (lawful evil behavior).

Constantly testing, constantly approaching the bottom line, and stopping at the point where Salomon was about to be completely angered. It's part of what's been taught in S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, and it's a required course for all agents—to manipulate an object that you can't control. By tentatively crossing the line and observing the subject's reaction, it is like trying to touch a strange cat, reaching out carefully and slowly, and withdrawing quickly when it is about to be bitten.

For experienced people, they will eventually touch the cat. This set of methods is called PUA among ordinary people, but the methods taught by S.H.I.E.L.D. are much more sophisticated, and the name is not that bad.

The bottom line was exposed too quickly, and too much communication with Nick Fury also made him understand Salomon's character. He knew that even if he really angered Salomon, Salomon would not pour his anger on unrelated people, but would only come to him, which is why he let Agent Coulson contact Salomon. Moreover, Nick Fury should not be too relaxed when dealing with people who obey the precepts like Salomon. He can completely say that he is for the safety of the people and to ensure that the Destroyer Armor will not threaten ordinary people after it achieves its purpose. Life—As Nick Fury expected, this set of rhetoric is really useful. For an organization like Karma Taj, kidnapping with righteousness is absolutely correct.

And the rest of the work is to make up the relationship.

Nick Fury promised that when Salomon calmed down a little, he would make up for what happened before, which is a treatment that no one else has. This is entirely because Salomon has the ability to enter the Tricurved Wing Building at any time and find Nick Fury; or enter the White House and kill the President of the United States.

He said those things via text, like an apology text. Nick Fury didn't dare to take the risk of completely angering Salomon. He knew that he and Salomon were not friends. After doing such a thing, he would always have to pay some price. However, he was more willing to pay the price.

"On-way nuclear fusion strike detected!" This is Salomon's reply.

He needs to do something to warn Nick Fury, don't be petty, rejecting his request is tantamount to asking for trouble, he is not so easy to talk, and he is not a wild cat that can be petted at will. Nick Fury cheated him once, and he will naturally pay it back. He is now pulling S.H.I.E.L.D. into a trap.

"SHIELD should know what to do and what not to do. I'm not interested in showing you what Nick Fury saw." Salomon stopped talking nonsense because he suddenly thought of an idea, An idea that would break Nick Fury's heart.

Nick Fury still doesn't know the importance of the Destroyer armor, which is the supreme weapon used by the father of the gods to repel the Celestial Group, and its importance to Asgard is second only to the must-hit gun Gungnir, Otherwise Odin wouldn't have used the Destroyer armor as a guard for the vault. If S.H.I.E.L.D. insists on taking over the hot potato of the Destroyer armor, Asgard and S.H.I.E.L.D. will inevitably clash when the All-Father wants to take the suit back.

Salomon didn't know how Asgard planned to recover the Destroyer armor, whether to recover it directly through the Rainbow Bridge, or send Heroic soldiers to recover it? But Salomon thinks that the first possibility is the most likely. Asgard does not have military access on Earth. Heimdall is manipulating the Rainbow Bridge. His eyes cannot be blocked by the cement and alloy plates of SHIELD. The Rainbow Bridge, which is essentially star-killing magic, can easily penetrate the protective facilities of SHIELD. Where are they hiding the Destroyer armor.

But how can Nick Fury's greed be so strong that the skinny she-wolf (Chapter 1 of The Divine Comedy) can't let go of this suit? Then only tell Nick Fury how powerful the Destroyer armor is, and don't mention its importance at all.

So Salomon began to praise this set of armor with exaggeration.

"This is the most powerful armor of the father of the gods. The history of this armor can be traced back to before the birth of human civilization, and it has condensed the power of countless gods." He said, "The power is extremely powerful, stronger than you think. Powerful. Don't think Thor broke it, it's because Loki didn't use it to its full power, it will restore itself given time."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. can guarantee this thing won't fall into anyone's hands, the Destroyer armor is safe in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hands, we'll put him in the 'sandbox'. No tags, no saves, no one will know about it existence." Agent Coulson explained very patiently, but Salomon was sure that he was plugging a headset into his ear, Agent Coulson heard it, and Nick Fury heard it too.

So the fox fell into a trap.

"I don't know where the sandbox is, but I can assure you that if Heimdall wants to find the Destroyer armor, he can see it. Even if you bury the Destroyer armor in the center of the earth or launch it into the sun, Heim Dahl can see it." Salomon did not mention the nature of the Rainbow Bridge. If S.H.I.E.L.D. found out, Nick Fury would succumb, and he would most likely hand over the Destroyer to Salomon. Bring back.

"At that time, the Rainbow Bridge will come to Earth again" is also true, but Salomon did not say where the Rainbow Bridge will come, whether it will come directly to S.H.I.E.L.D., or send people over via the Rainbow Bridge. He didn't say a word.

Then, give a condition that the other party cannot accept - "The best choice is to be taken away by me, so as to prevent the wrath of the father of the gods from descending on the earth."

Then give a moderate condition-"I know what tricks SHIELD wants to play. No, it doesn't matter, if you insist on going your own way and are willing to bear the wrath of the father of the gods, then I have no problem, you can take the Destroyer armor away , you bear the consequences yourself.”

[Inform threat in advance] Salomon fulfilled the terms of the contract. What he said was the truth, but he didn't say it completely.

"I will submit your report. But before that, the Destroyer Armor will be taken over by S.H.I.E.L.D." Agent Coulson said, "I fully understand your concerns, and your opinion will attract the attention of the upper echelons, S.H.I.E.L.D. The bureau's experts will conduct full research and serious consideration of your opinion, and finally come up with a satisfactory result."

Nick Fury chose the second one, but he said it through Coulson's mouth. As much as Nick Fury wanted the Destroyer armor, Agent Coulson's rhetoric was as tough. The choice of S.H.I.E.L.D. was expected by Salomon. Even though he had clarified the facts, with Nick Fury's greed, he would never let go.

Salomon guessed that his confidence in facing Asgard was the existence of Jane Foster. Nick Fury already knew the importance of Jane Foster's research, and S.H.I.E.L.D. would support her research. And she is also the heir of Asgard, Thor's girlfriend, Nick Fury believes that Asgard will pay attention to Thor's opinion, even if Asgard wants to take back the Destroyer armor, it will send someone to communicate.

At that time, he will be able to pocket the scientific research results of the Destroyer Armor while handing over the Destroyer Armor under the pressure of Asgard. In that case, he thought he could explain to everyone, even the Congress and the World Security Council could not criticize him.

However, Saul's wife can only be Sif, not Jane Foster. On important matters, Odin will not save face for Sol.

"Are you serious?" Tony Stark's eyes widened. "You're playing bureaucratic here, Philip Coulson! Aren't we just about to discuss a solution? If you can't, let Nick Foster Ray, there's always someone who can fix this."

"Sorry, this is an order," Coulson said.

"Okay, but I want to get a research opportunity." Tony Stark rolled his eyes, he glanced at Salomon, then at Agent Coulson, "Is this all right? After the results come out Before, I can always study that thing, right?"

"But it's not S.H.I.E.L.D. that has the say over Destroyer armor, and I hope you understand that. Given your rank, Agent Coulson, I can't say much to you."

[Clarify the facts about things on the magic side and discuss together] The contract is completed.

After speaking, Salomon turned and left, throwing away Tony Stark who wanted to follow him. If S.H.I.E.L.D. splits the Destroyer armor into pieces, there are a couple of Rainbow Bridge attacks. It's just that Salomon needs to push for this to happen. He needs to go to Asgard to retrieve the official document that Sif took away, and that document needs to be archived in Kama Taj.

It's just that before doing so, Salomon needs to listen to the opinions of the Supreme Mage, because it is not only Odin, the father of the gods, but also the Supreme Mage who decides to keep the Destroyer armor. Odin naturally wants to take back the Destroyer, but the earth is the territory of the Exalted. Only after the Supreme Sorcerer's order was issued, Salomon could find room for exploiting loopholes.

Salomon opened the portal to London to buy French fries, and then opened the portal to Karma Taj headquarters to meet His Holiness.

But after listening to Salomon's narration, the Supreme Mage didn't say anything about the fate of the Destroyer armor. Whether it is research by SHIELD or Odin takes it back, Karma Taj's purpose has been achieved, and the rest is not important.

"Sol will be a qualified king of Asgard." The venerable put a cup of tea with honey in front of Salomon. After so many years, Salomon's taste is very close to that of the supreme mage. His Holiness said, "This qualification refers to the earth, not Asgard. He does not yet have the judgment of a monarch, but he pays enough attention to the life of the Nine Realms, which is enough. His growth Just right."

"Teacher, are these all in your calculations?" Salomon asked while drinking cold tea slowly, "I always feel that there is something wrong with this matter. Why are Thor and the hammer both on the earth, but Isn't it somewhere else in the Nine Realms?"

"This is Odin's calculation." The Supreme Mage pinned the blame on Odin's head without hesitation, "Because Kama Taj is here."

"I think there may be more than these reasons, right?"

"Well, I also contributed a small amount." The venerable said rather helplessly, "Among the Nine Realms, except for Jotunheim (the kingdom of the frost giants), which is completely hostile to Asgard, Mu Spelheim (Nation of Fire), and others have completely surrendered to Asgard. And the earth is very special, because of my existence, the earth has autonomy. Here, only a very small number of people know Asgard, know Thor, the god of thunder. In order for Thor to become a mortal and experience the life of a mortal, landing on the earth is indeed the best choice. For this reason, I made a small deal with Odin."


"Yes. This deal is to make Sol the King of Asgard who guards the Nine Realms, instead of a decisive king like Odin." The venerable concealed part of the conversation, she said, "Odin has no time Yes, he has to agree to this condition."

"So..." Salomon asked hesitantly, "Then Jane Foster... the love potion I made didn't work, and I didn't see any other Karma Taj mystics appearing. over there."

"Maybe this is destiny, Salomon." The venerable added a spoonful of honey to Salomon's tea without changing his expression, "Jane Foster will definitely meet Thor and fall in love with him .I didn't interfere with any of the conditions, but that's how it happened. If Jane Foster met Saul, she would fall in love with him. Perhaps this is fate."

"This is really... creepy." Salomon gulped down the throat-sweet tea. If His Holiness is allowed to continue to put honey, he will get diabetes first.

"This is a topic you can't touch yet, the despair of fate." The venerable seemed a little dissatisfied with Salomon's reduction in sugar intake, "Now, go take a bath, you have missed a day of class, and Domamu also I haven't seen you for a day."

"Okay then." Salomon raised his hand in surrender, "Choose this story today, "Alice in Wonderland". How about it? I believe that the Faltins must have never heard of this story, and he will like it."

Available on New Year's Day! At that time, it will be updated twice a day! There are more rewards!

However, now I still have to ask for a referral ticket first!

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