Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1023 Chapter 1019 Assigned Action (First Update)

The security situation in the Balkans is complex, populism is rampant, and coupled with the impact of NATO's eastward expansion, Salomon does not believe in the Wild Legion's military coup capabilities. The genetically modified warriors gathered at the border of Latvinia will be divided into three parts, one of which will be led by Hammurabi and take an assault transport boat to attack Silkaria to ensure that the subsequent internal affairs departments can safely take over its territory; The other group, led by Victor von Doom, traveled deep into Transylvania in armored personnel carriers, a small number of assault transport boats, and a large number of anti-aircraft missile vehicles, and occupied uranium mines forcibly acquired by the European and American industrial complex; finally They are the largest group. These genetically modified warriors will rush to the northeastern border with Hungary together with Salomon, and begin to carry out devastating attacks on NATO military facilities in the Balkans.

Regarding the origin of these genetically modified warriors, Salomon also explained to Victor von Doom.

"Do you remember the work Immortal City was doing in the Middle East and in Afghanistan?"

Victor von Doom discovered that although the facial bones of some genetically modified soldiers had become wider due to regrowth, their Anglo-Saxon ancestry could still be seen. Even if some soldiers have undergone genetic modification surgery, their facial features of Middle Eastern and West Asian races are still obvious. "Every time the locals are rescued, the Eternal City gains a group of extremist ethnic organizations and European and American United Nations soldiers who have escaped from the control of the CIA. After interrogating the relevant intelligence, those people still refused the possibility of re-education, so they could only send We have arrived at the biogenetic laboratory. The Eternal City cannot waste any resources." Salomon's tone was as calm as if he was describing the dishes for dinner. "What these people did before was to carry out peaceful missions for the purpose of war. Now they will be conducting war missions for peaceful purposes, which is ironic, I have to say."

"This matter can end without war." Ramesh Diaz vowed, "If you want to convey this message through us, we will do so, but this does not mean that you support Latvinia. Civil war was the right thing to do. We cannot support war under any circumstances, we have witnessed too much suffering."

Luis Salvador's expression was contorted, and he looked like he was suppressing a laugh. In fact, he was assigned to this job by his superiors because he always told inappropriate jokes. "I have seen your resume, Ramesh Diaz." He said in a complimentary tone, "We know all of you well. In fact, your visit to Latvinia was not accidental, but our decision to invitation. You have followed NATO troops into the battlefields of Afghanistan and the Middle East, and you have also privately made anti-war remarks. But who here has not received a warning from the FBI? Your anti-war remarks have had any effect. ?"

"We're not here for you to taunt us, Salvador."

"I'm sorry to disturb your good mood. But you have underestimated my Lord's determination. Our goal is to completely end the war between human races, and we are not just talking about it." Luis Salvador signaled. The press team followed in his footsteps, "Factors such as skin color, culture, wealth, language, religious beliefs, etc. are the main reasons for the continuous conflicts since the birth of human civilization. However, in the eyes of our Lord, we have only one identity, that is, human beings. Only by concentrating all human beings under a strong political power, controlling originally uncontrolled capital, eliminating all superstitious religious cancers, and promoting a unified language and writing can the power of the human race be united to deal with threats from outer space. .As long as one part of it is not completed, even forming an alliance will only lead to inefficiency and fragmentation again. Like the United Nations, huh?"

The sergeant led the field reporters into a larger room. The room also had a holographic projection table, but it was larger and more exquisite. Luis Salvador whispered to a man with obvious prosthetic modifications for a while, and then started the holographic projection table. The war correspondents saw that the walls of this room were crowded with large computers, thick cables neatly bundled together, powering high-tech equipment that they could not understand. Suddenly, extremely realistic black smoke filled the entire room, and the war reporters subconsciously took a few steps back - as the thick smoke from the holographic projection dissipated, they saw stacks of full-bodied weapons under the thick smoke. War-torn ruins and all kinds of disgusting broken limbs.

On the ruins is a giant wearing golden armor. Next to the golden armored giant is an iron masked man wearing dark green robes, a golden armored giant wearing a firm helmet, and a large group of women wearing black iris power armor. Below these people were a large group of prisoners kneeling on the ground, as well as the Latvian rebels that the war reporters had seen before. Ramish Diaz was just about to ask what this was, when the golden-armored giant whose face was blurred by light in the middle of the holographic projection said the first sentence, stuffing his question back into his stomach - after reading that After the video, Ramish Diaz felt as if a cold stone had been stuffed into his stomach, and his heart was ignited by an inexplicable flame. This strange feeling made his face look quite bad. The press group Most people feel this way.

"Not just Latvinia?"

"Of course it's not just Latvinia. Our primary target is NATO. We must first liberate the Balkans from NATO's control." Luis Salvador understood what Ramish Diaz meant, "You can Work here and publish what you see and hear in Latvinia in your own name. Just now, that video was put on the home page of all social media, and the whole world will hear the voice of our Lord.”

"I admit that you have a lot of high technology, but this will not force NATO to withdraw from the Balkans at all."

"This is not what you need to worry about, my dear reporters." Luis Salvador said with a smile, "Now go to work, your dinner will be the famous cosmic delicacy Xandar snails. When you finish your work, You can return to Earth!"

Luis Salvador did not lie. The headlines on all social media platforms were forcibly replaced with the speech in the Royal City of Latvinia. Silicon Valley's new social media efforts to remove the video all failed. Tony Stark, who had just walked out of Washington, was called back again. This time he met an acquaintance as soon as he left the tarmac.

"Agent Hill." He forced a smile, "I remember that the day you were interviewed was two days later."

"This time is different, Stark." Maria Hill said with a cold face, "Congress intends to pass an emergency plan."

"What does this have to do with me?" Tony Stark shook his head, "Did I not feed those bureaucrats just now?"

“You open any social media and you can see what’s going on,” Maria Hill pointed to the officials running around in the White House corridors like they were on fire. “Everyone is dealing with the same thing. "

Tony Stark did so, asking the AI ​​to play the hottest topic on social media right now on Friday. As the video played, his expression became worse and worse. By the time the video ended and the comparison results came out, his mood was already quite bad. "What's going on?" He leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Why did Salomon do this?"

"Congress wants the Avengers to go to Latvinia. As long as you agree, Congress will pass the Avengers Restriction Act in advance." Maria Hill said calmly, "This will be the terms of the Avengers signing After that, the United Nations-assigned operation will be carried out for the first time. From now on, the Avengers' actions will be officially endorsed, which will help the Avengers improve the public's favorability and no one will question your actions anymore. Isn't this what you want? Really, Tony Stark?"

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