Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1024 Chapter 1020 Proxy War (Second Update)

"The Secretary of Defense will come to see you in a moment." Not to mention what Tony Stark would think when he saw his old friend suddenly starting a war, the words Maria Hill left before leaving for the Pentagon were enough. It upset him, "As long as you agree to go to war and get all the Avengers to sign the Sokovia Accords, the White House will do what they're supposed to do. Don't miss this opportunity, Stark. It's your turn The only chance to unite all members of the Avengers.”

Tony Stark doesn't feel confident that he can get all the Avengers to sign the Sokovia Accords, and he needs to slowly convince others to accept his idea. Especially Steve Rogers - even if Thor is still on Earth, the Asgard prince can't make any comments. What Tony Stark pays most attention to is Steve Rogers - that is a man of high moral character. It is difficult for Steve Rogers to agree to live again as a soldier who obeys an order and acts without thinking. He knows very well that Steve Rogers Jeff Rogers was opposed to all wars waged by the United States after World War II. And Stark has seen Steve Rogers' bookshelf more than once. Stark understands that the former Captain America has long since ceased to exist, and he needs to find a way to convince him to accept the agreement.

The incident happened suddenly, and he had to agree to the conditions of the Secretary of Defense and Congress without the knowledge of the other Avengers. Tony Stark did not think that he had any other way to go. However, the people who came to him were not only Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, but also an old acquaintance with whom he did not get along very well, Thaddeus E. Ross.

Current Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter is a physicist who has a good relationship with Tony Stark. The defense secretary advocates ensuring U.S. security and global leadership, as well as building a future-proof force. Although at the beginning he tried every means to get Stark Industries to provide high-tech weapons to the US government, after long-term contact, Tony Stark thought that this was a good person because the Secretary of Defense supported him quite a lot. Planetary Defense Plan. As for Thaddeus E. Ross, he hasn't been seen since Tony Stark convinced him to let Bruce Banner go. He only knew that General Thaddeus E. Ross had now entered politics and had risen all the way to become the Deputy Secretary of Defense. It seemed that he was likely to succeed Ashton Carter as the next Secretary of Defense.

"Sorry, it happened suddenly, but I believe you have a general understanding of the situation." Ashton Carter invited Tony Stark to sit down on the sofa, and then said straight to the point, "We need the Avengers. In Before NATO launches large-scale military peacekeeping operations, it will help local NATO military bases stabilize the situation in the Balkans."

Tony Stark felt mixed emotions.

He knew very well what Salomon's bottom line was, so it was completely impossible for him to inform the US government of Salomon's identity. However, facing a decisive and powerful person, it is difficult for ordinary troops to be effective, let alone a person as powerful as Thor, who also has the power to project troops around the world. Under this circumstance, it is quite reasonable for the Pentagon to choose the Avengers, a team with strong individual combat capabilities, to assist the NATO army.

However, Tony Stark is not sure that others can think so, and he must take other means to solve the problem. "The total population of Latvinia was only half a million," he said, "and it was the Latvian Civil War."

"No, this is World War III," Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said.

"World War III? This is an exaggeration!"

Ashton Carter and Thaddeus E. Ross looked at each other, and then General Ross spoke solemnly. "At least not at first. The White House has also stated that it will pay close attention to human rights violations in Latvinia, but things are not that simple." He picked up the remote control on the table and ordered the motor to close the curtains and start the projector. Tony Stark saw several colorful satellite remote sensing images appearing on the projection screen. General Ross explained, "This is an image captured by our reconnaissance satellite on the Hungarian border. According to expert estimates, it is most likely ours." A model of intercontinental missile that has never been seen before. When we wanted to conduct further investigation, we found that all military reconnaissance satellites in Europe had lost contact... We suspected that this was not a civil war in Latvinia, but a war involving the intervention of major powers. Proxy war. The other side launched experimental weapons and used the Balkans as a testing ground. Now Latvinia has global nuclear strike capabilities. This may be a prelude to World War III, and the Ministry of National Defense must treat it with caution."

"Not only that." Ashton Carter added, "The current Latvian army is led by the man in golden armor, and they are very likely to send troops to neighboring countries. NATO military mobilization is not that fast, and it is extremely likely that they will send troops to neighboring countries." It is possible that the Latvians succeeded before we could react. We believe that the military coup in Sirkaria was closely related to the Latvians and that the CIA agents located there had lost their The last news we got about Latovinia is that the Silkarian Wild Chapter has the same high-tech individual equipment as the Latovinian resistance."

Tony Stark was speechless, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He originally thought that Salomon's ability to transform the three former S.H.I.E.L.D. sky carriers into his own battle carrier was already very powerful. After all, that young man was only twenty-one years old now. But now that he has mastered weapons of mass destruction and is involved in disputes between countries, Tony Stark would never have thought of it - after all, Salomon had told the Avengers early on that only in the face of the extinction of the human race He would only interfere when there was a sexual incident. Either there is some unknown inside story about the war in Latovinia, or his ambition has blinded his reason and he wants to rule the world like the villains in the comics.

"Let me make a call." Tony Stark said with a cold face, "I'll be back soon."

"As soon as possible," Thaddeus E. Ross said meaningfully, "we need an American hero, no matter who it is."

Tony Stark left the room and walked to a location where there was no camera surveillance. He had been here many times and knew where politicians usually made secret deals with lobbyists. "Fuck! Answer the phone, answer the phone!" He couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat on his forehead with his suit sleeves, "Friday, call the encrypted route again."

"All encrypted routes have been closed." Friday reminded with a pleasant female voice, "Sir, the other party's firewall is very powerful, and I think the other party has a very powerful artificial intelligence. If it is cracked, it will occupy the entire Stark Group. Computing power.”

Tony Stark made an annoyed sound from his throat.

"Call Agent Romanoff." Stark knew that Natasha Romanoff was the person in the Avengers who had the closest connection with Salomon besides Thor. You must know that Salomon is not a good-tempered person. During the last major earthquake on the east coast, the agents of the Immortal City arrested him and Steve Rogers without any explanation, and refused to even explain the reason. Only Agent Natasha Romanoff, who has mastered many secrets, can participate in the mission of the Immortal City. Others seem not to even smell the smell of secrets.

"Sorry, Agent Romanoff's location cannot be located."

"Then who else can I contact?" Tony Stark asked angrily, "Isn't there anyone in the Avengers who can help?"

"Considering your position, I recommend that you contact Dr. Bruce Banner."

"That's him."

"Sorry, sir. Access control records indicate that Dr. Bruce Banner has left the Avengers base without any communications equipment."


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