Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1028 Chapter 1024 Sandor Palace·TV Speech (Second Update)

War Machine's transport module landed in the Bunker neighborhood of Budapest's 15th arrondissement.

This is a neighborhood with a lot of graffiti and garbage. The appearance of war machines caused great panic, but these specially trained war machine drivers did not hesitate at all and ordered the war machines to stride along the M3 highway through synaptic sensors. Residential area heading towards Heroes' Square. If an unlucky National Guard armored vehicle is parked on the road, the bipedal war machine can only deal with it in the simplest and most direct way. On Heroes' Square, gunships converted into orbital transport crafts dropped armored vehicles with preheated engines next to the Millennium Monument. These armored vehicles, which have the characteristics of both heavy tanks and heavy armored personnel carriers, are equipped with dual-mounted lasers. Cannons and twin heavy bolt machine gun towers, they drove into the famous Andrassy Street as soon as the tracks landed.

The orbital transport boat equipped with four bolt machine guns quickly took off after releasing the magnetic clamp and putting down the cargo. Through its own maneuverability and vision, it relied on its airborne thermal spectrum radar to detect and attack the new weapons hidden on both sides. Heavy fire units that may appear in Renaissance palaces and houses. Due to the needs of this operation, most armored vehicles were equipped with a multi-tube smoke generator on both sides of the body. When this armored vehicle team passed through the boulevards of Budapest, the entire street was filled with smoke. Thick white chemical smoke. It took less than 4 minutes for the assault armored convoy to pass through the Hungarian State Opera House, reach Elisabeth Square, and then rush all the way along the Danube River towards the Hungarian Parliament Building.

The current situation in Budapest is very much in line with the expectations of the War Parliamentary Staff Department. Since the all-round attack of the Eternal City has dealt a huge blow to Hungary's military capabilities, all communications and command have been paralyzed, and a large number of mechanized infantry groups that have not yet been transferred to the border have not yet been deployed. There was time to return to defend Budapest. In the entire city, only paramilitary departments with military overtones such as the National Guard Association have armed forces. The firepower of four war machines is enough to control the entire city and assist in the stability of the decapitation plan.

On the other side, genetically modified warriors equipped with jet propellers holding bolt guns and chain swords parachuted directly into the first district of Budapest, which is where the Sandor Palace and the Carmelite Monastery are located, and belongs to the Budapest Castle District. That was the official residence of the President of Hungary. The first batch of genetically modified warriors landed directly near the ruins of the Sigismund Church wall in the Castle District. They assembled in formation and launched an attack on the Sandor Palace. Before the two sentries in slate gray light cavalry uniforms could react, two explosive bombs hit them. Their flesh and blood bodies exploded instantly like a bag filled with water, spraying red and black blood and broken bones together with the wooden floor behind them. The sentry boxes were all blown to pieces. Relying on the power given by the power armor, a team armed with chain swords jumped onto the second floor balcony, smashed the window glass and broke into Sandor Palace. Other genetically modified warriors were kicked away and painted gray green. wooden door and exchanged fire with the soldiers stationed inside.

The operation went smoothly, and ordinary soldiers were no match for the genetically modified warriors.

They rampage like mad bulls, with almost no cover in front of bolters and chainswords to protect them. If something blocks their steps, they don't hesitate to use anti-tank missiles indoors. Weapons. As for the protective capabilities of power armor, the firearms and explosives used by ordinary soldiers can only scratch off the paint on it, except for the thickest armors, such as the breastplate with the golden spread-winged eagle logo and the shoulder armor with a multi-layer buffer structure. Plates, other plates of power armor can also easily withstand frontal bombardment with offset handheld grenade launchers. In less than five minutes, the originally planned tactical goal was achieved. The second batch of airborne genetically modified soldiers successfully surrounded the fleeing government officials in front of the escape channel.

A genetically modified warrior carrying a signal enhancement device issued the order.

Just five seconds later, the air in the room, which was filled with the smell of propellants and human remains, suddenly exploded. The smell of ozone from the ionized air swept through the entire office. The glass that had survived the blasts of bolters and chainswords was now completely destroyed. Due to the shock and fragmentation caused by the transmission, even the glass of the car parked outside the Sandor Palace and in front of the lawn was not immune. Two behemoths wearing golden power armor appeared in the room. One of the warriors wearing a pointed helmet pointed his flashing halberd at the kneeling soldiers, while the genetically modified warriors surrounded another warrior holding a long sword. A tall figure stood in front of the surrendered human prisoners.

"For Hungary, the war is over." Salomon pointed the muzzle of the gun at the floor and pulled the trigger. Constantine knew very well that this was a behavior his monarch had learned from the Italian Mafia. Although it was not on the stage, it had an excellent deterrent effect. However, judging from the expressions of Orban government officials, even if this explosive bomb is not needed, the golden giant more than three meters tall and holding a giant sword is full of intimidation. "Order the National Guard in Budapest to cease fire or you will be in for a massacre."

"What do you want?"

"Peace, real peace."

May 15, 2016 5:00 P.M

Hungary, the capital of Hungary, has resumed external communications, and Hungarians on social media have put related topics at the top of the list. However, all Hungarian official media were silent at the same time and did not respond to the condolences expressed by other countries at all.

May 15, 2016 5:15 p.m

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivers a televised speech in Kossuth Square in front of the Parliament Building.

He claimed that Hungary will withdraw from the EU and NATO because the EU has long been plundering Hungary's economy and using military force as a coercion to demand Hungary to carry out so-called "democratic" reforms in Western politics. The Democracy Foundation has been targeting non-governmental organizations in Hungary all year round. Organize assistance to disrupt social order and intensify ethnic conflicts with issues such as environmental protection, human rights, animal protection, and women's rights.

He claimed that Hungary does not allow the so-called neoliberalization movement. The opposition parties represented by the Hungarian Socialist Party that support economic liberalism and free market policies are the spokespersons of the Western European economic system. At this stage, all these opposition parties who have betrayed their ideals have been arrested. The Hungarian National Security Agency and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution have conclusive evidence that these people colluded with Western European plutocrats through public power and sold their own national interests to make money. He will exercise the power granted by the constitution. Put these traitors on trial for betraying national interests.

At the same time, Hungary’s security agencies will cooperate with Latovinia’s actions to liquidate foreign assets illegally profiting from the country and recover escaped assets globally by force. Latovinia will be a staunch ally of Hungary, and Hungary will introduce Latovinia's advanced technology to produce its own industrial products, jointly carry out network security defense plans, and prevent Western information penetration. In addition, there are scattered contents such as amending the security bill. At this moment, no one can oppose the thorough reforms of the Orban government.

Compared with this speech, which completely overturned the political structure of Hungary, the armored personnel carriers crowding Kossuth Square and the two huge war machines standing around the square were more eye-catching. After Hungarian Prime Minister Orban finished his speech, a dark-haired man wearing golden power armor and a golden laurel wreath walked through the aisle lined with genetically modified warriors and stood in front of the podium. When he appeared, the four war machines immediately let out deafening whistles, the towering barrels drooped, the noisy giant chainswords activated, paying tribute to their master, and the genetically modified warriors shouted their battle cries.

The man with a golden shimmer in his eyes addressed all the residents of Budapest and delivered a speech amid panic, confusion and fear. Although there is not much content, he has gradually won the favor of many local people with his proficiency in Hungarian, English and Latin, his infectious voice and his charming appearance. He first apologized to all those who had experienced this war and promised to make amends in a very, very sincere manner.

"From now on, you will no longer be slaves of Western European interest groups. You will work for your own life, not for the yachts and private jets of vested interests, and you will get something for your work. Even if you don't understand It doesn't matter if you resist, because I will protect your most basic rights to live no matter what."

The main content of this speech is to oppose European and American hegemony and NATO's military terrorism, and to oppose the neoliberal economic system that allows European and American plutocrats to plunder and annex local Hungarian enterprises. He claims that the so-called capitalism is actually a dragon born to satisfy personal greed, and even sells the noose to hang himself. If free capital is not controlled, it will be swallowed up by it. Government agencies will obey the plutocrats and sell out the interests of the country and even the interests of all mankind.

He declared that the liberation of Latvinia was a great cause to liberate human society from the endless greed of a few, but it was only the first step in the journey ahead. He emphasized loudly that the Battle of New York was just the beginning and a precursor to a large-scale alien invasion. Latovinia had already photographed definite evidence of the alien fleet approaching the solar system. At a time when the earth is facing an invasion by aliens, the human race cannot rely on meaningless personal heroism idols such as the Avengers launched by European and American conglomerates to comfort itself, or use the false sense of security created by the Jewish media to convince itself that a group of self-defeating Idiots who think they have gained freedom will only rely on addictive drugs for self-indulgence, rely on meaningless hypocrisy for self-satisfaction, and refuse to assume any social responsibility.

He called on all mankind to unite to fight against the alien solar system fleet that a single country cannot resist.

He claimed that he traveled across the galaxy on an interstellar pirate ship after the Battle of New York, relying on his endless life to span time, and witnessed with his own eyes the cruel racial competition between the galaxies. He claimed that he had a quick overview of how human civilization grows, survives and continues in the midst of stumbles. He also promoted atheism and human supremacy, claiming that humans will definitely leave the earth and solar system and fulfill their destiny to rule the galaxy. He believes that human beings are not slaves of alien races. Those plutocratic tyrants who sell others to make profits will surely surrender to aliens when faced with an absolute threat to their lives. These fools who only have money in their eyes will be eliminated. Only in this way can human beings Only then can real power be used to develop technologies that are beneficial to mankind, rather than satisfying the greed of the plutocrats.

He told everyone that NATO's declaration of war on Latvinia was essentially to satisfy the selfish desires of the plutocrats. The freedom and democracy promised by European and American countries is a huge lie. Countries that have been invaded by NATO have all fallen into the abyss of poverty and drug cultivation. In the end, only the CIA and American politicians have benefited.

If NATO, led by the United States, does not completely abandon military operations or surrender, then Latvinia will launch a preemptive strike on all NATO communications and military satellites, allowing Western Europe and the United States to return to the combat methods of the World War II era, and use large-scale Destructive weapons targeted killings of government organizations. In the past years, the hands of the US government have been stained with blood. Now this blood debt must be repaid in his hands, and all vested interests in the military-industrial complex must pay the price.

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