Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1029 Chapter 1025 Threat of force and pessimism (first update)

At the end of his televised speech, he declared that Latvinia would help Southeast Europe "de-NATO". Any obstruction encountered during this period would be regarded as a war, and Latvinia would immediately take necessary military action. At that time, Latovinia will eliminate any weakness in the human world, forge a strong human race, and re-knead Europe into a whole - Latovinia will establish a city starting from Tesylvania in the south and ending in There are huge spaceport cities in Hungary and Latvinia in the east. The cities have advanced technology that far exceeds that of any other country in the world, including but not limited to medical, agricultural, industrial and other aspects.

Latvinia will welcome all people and countries in the world with lofty ideals, as long as they abide by Latvinian law and order. Regardless of skin color or language, everyone in Latvinia has only one identity, and that is human beings. Adults can obtain something that truly belongs to them through labor in that city, and teenagers can learn advanced ideas, advanced technology, ancient arts, and the ability to deploy troops in Latvinia's rigorous academic education courses. , become soldiers, officers, scientists, artists, etc., the military force of the human race to fight against aliens in the future, or inherit the glorious civilization of mankind and spread it throughout the galaxy.

He openly told the world that he would continue the work that his organization had been doing before the liberation of Latvinia.

From now on, the massacres carried out by the United States all over the world will be completely stopped. As long as he hears the children of local residents crying loudly where the US military is stationed, he will lead his soldiers to kill everyone who dares to claim that they are President of the United States and the man who started the war. The Americans, British, French, Australians and Canadians can continue to elect, but as long as these countries continue to wage wars driven by greed, every president will die in his office or safe house, without exception.

"You should be afraid of life. The bottom line of Latvinia is life, and the only measured value is life. I will ensure the continuation of the human race at all costs, no matter what the cost is." He said before the end of his speech, "Now you If you can destroy other people's homes for your own selfish interests, plunder other people's wealth through dirty means, and make your own rules to amass money and make others fall into the abyss of hunger, then you should be prepared to bear the corresponding price. Latovinia will work for the fairness of the human race. Fight for righteousness, morality, civilization, science and survival. When you cannot control the greed in your heart, do not pray to empty gods, because your grave is calling you. I am your justice, judgment and death."

When Tony Stark saw this TV picture, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening in New York.

Although the face everyone saw was perfect, and even the picture captured by the camera was the face of a very attractive man, Tony Stark still recognized this as his "old friend." A deep sense of powerlessness surged into his heart, and he was breathless with chaotic thoughts such as the future of the Avengers and the military encounter with his old friends. He remembered that Salomon had told him that he would have a daughter in the future, but at this moment he did not know what kind of world his daughter would live in.

Although the headline about the social media hack has now disappeared from the Internet, the televised speech has unsurprisingly sparked heated discussion again. European and American media and even the personal accounts of government officials claimed that this was the ravings of a madman, a serious violation of human rights, and the resurgence of neo-Naziism. They loudly urged the White House and even the Avengers to take action to eliminate "threats to the democratic world." The biggest threat”. Some well-known media people even produced TV programs on this topic, and launched them urgently in the middle of the night. After a while, the ratings went up like crazy.

This speech was not unpopular, especially in red states in the United States or ordinary people in Europe who suffered from political correctness, but those comments were quickly blocked on social media platforms. The famous troll forum 4chan is even more serious about discussing various information released by the newly established Latvian broadcast media. The information includes but is not limited to void fighters destroying military satellites, photos of alien fleets, and the military-industrial complex’s plans to pass this time Profit gained from the war against Latvinia, etc. The official website of Latvinia not only posted most of the war information, but also played a loop of the scene where Salomon used a long sword to cut open a tank on the Hungarian border, causing many people to speculate on his true combat capabilities. .

According to the official spokesperson of Latovinia, Latovinia dispatched a thousand genetically modified warriors and 3,000 ordinary soldiers using high-tech equipment, and 200 heavy armored vehicles and tanks defeated the Hungarian Defense Forces head-on. This war is the focus of research around the world, whether it is powered armor or genetically modified soldiers, modularly designed armored clusters, towering war robots, bolters and laser weapons, or transport aircraft capable of aerial flight. and fighter jets, all countries around the world are speculating on the technical content and design concepts of these things. At the same time, the secret super soldier plan was proposed again, and many eyes quietly shifted to Captain America Steve Rogers.

In addition, Salomon, who is wearing power armor, holding a long sword and a big gun, is very consistent with the aesthetics of most men, whether it is his personal appearance or the powerful mechanical structure and gorgeous Baroque style. The perfectly integrated golden power armor caught the attention of many people, and the torrent of steel in the background of the TV speech touched the nerves of some fanatical military enthusiasts. Others focused on the military operations in Latvinia. They could not figure out how the Latvian army could overcome the Hungarian air defense system and deliver armored personnel carriers and main battle tanks in just a few hours. and massive war robots delivering decapitating strikes on Budapest's government systems. Especially the twenty-meter-tall war robot, which was the most eye-catching presence in the entire Budapest beheading operation.

Some enthusiasts with professional knowledge also used astronomical telescopes and camera equipment to clearly capture images of the destruction of NATO military satellites, as well as blurry images of the void fighter jets in the Eternal City, based on official information released by Latovinia.

Even Salomon himself did not expect that posters of him wearing golden power armor have appeared on the Internet, and there are people who worship him and his extremely radical political tendencies - he has not yet traveled through time, He just told what was going to happen in the past. In fact, he was still actively preparing for it. Salomon had no idea that anyone would be so serious about it. But this is only a small number of people after all. Most social media platforms have begun to ban people who agree with Salomon's remarks on a large scale, and many media with official backgrounds have begun to do their best to slander him.

Without his orders, the Praetorian Guards had sent assassins to trace, clean up and assassinate those who had graffitied his image on the Internet. Constantine did this without even telling him about it. Even Stephanie · Malik can’t stop him.

Maybe he knows, but he just doesn't care. In his eyes, those people will eventually kneel down and beg for his mercy.

While ordering the Pentagon to take measures, the current president of the United States called on the international community to condemn Latvinia for violating the United Nations' space law treaty and sending armed equipment into space. While formulating an economic sanctions plan, it also called on Latvinia to open a dialogue channel. While ordering a large number of fighter jets to be shipped to Europe and dispatching an aircraft carrier battle group to Europe, it also called for a ceasefire in Latvinia. The White House has no clue about the details of Latvinia. It is absolutely impossible for a military organization with such a high level of technology to appear suddenly. Some congressmen even suspect that there is support from some major powers behind it, although they are not sure how much bragging was included in that speech. ingredients, but the White House must be prepared.

After Pepper Potts got off work, she found her fiancé slumped on the sofa, pouring one drink after another into his mouth. "What happened?" Although she was dizzy from fatigue after a day's work, Pepper Potts still sat on the sofa. She poured herself a glass of wine, "Why are you watching international news?"

"Do you remember Salomon?"

"That polite handsome guy?" Pepper Potts raised his eyebrows, "The last time I saw him was at the art museum exhibition, he released a large group of goats to go up against the butts of celebrities. I have to say, That scene was so funny!”

Tony Stark pointed at the TV with his chin, "He's talking now. The man in the golden power armor is him."

"What?" Pepper Potts was a little confused, "What does this mean?"

"It means he went to war against NATO, just him. I don't know whether I should praise his courage or feel sad for the world."

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