Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1035 Chapter 1031 That was Autumn Robespierre (first update)

Tony Stark was silent, waiting for Salomon to continue. Salomon's vicious tone, the hatred and bitterness squeezed out from his teeth, even Tony Stark could feel it. He already had an answer, an extremely cruel answer.

"If half of the population is lost, the earth's organizational structure and public services will collapse. Thirty-five billion people are just the most basic number. More people will die due to hunger, massacres, diseases and riots. I stand up now to mobilize War is not cruel, but kind. The most important thing that Kamal Taj taught me is the heaviness of life. I know that life is priceless, but I also know that life is never equal. I have never lost my life because of what I have gained. The power rejoices, in fact I am suffering from conscience torture every moment now, I am overwhelmed, but I have to keep going because this is the only way to save half of humanity. None of us have a choice, there is Killing is to save others. I have understood this truth when I was twelve years old. I will never forget the first time my hands were stained with the blood of innocent people, and I will never forget when they faced death. face, but I will also never forget how many people would have been killed if I had not killed them.”

"That was an autumn," Salomon took another puff. He raised his head and stared at the cold light on the ceiling, as if it were the moon he saw many years ago. Tony Stark was surprised to see sadness on his face. He had never seen Salomon show this expression. From the past to the present, in his impression Salomon was decisive, cold, arrogant and rational. people. "I feel like I can still smell the burnt teak floors of that house, the stench of my own blood mixed with the blood of my enemies. Can you imagine? A twelve-year-old kid being dragged with a shotgun His legs were smashed, he endured the pain that could drive people crazy, and he bared his teeth like a dying beast and fiercely fought for his life to kill them."

"You never said anything about this." Tony Stark was extremely shocked. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"This is not a glorious thing. The duty given to me by Kamal Taj requires me to reach into the mud and grab a little glimmer of humanity from it. I have to kill the enemy. I can't let more people die. That's what I was doing at that time." This is my current thinking. Even if the survivors don’t understand what I’m doing, it doesn’t matter. This is my duty, to save humanity and ensure the continuation of humanity, no matter the cost. Their survival is my greatest compliment. You have always You are not a warrior, Stark, you are just an ordinary person forcing yourself to become a warrior, and you will only crush yourself."

Tony Stark raised his head and asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

“Have you ever read about the Robespierre faction in the French Revolution?”

"You know I'm not interested in history."

"History goes through cycles, and only the wise can learn lessons from it. I have been required to study history since I was a child and use it as a basis for judging social development." Salomon raised his eyebrows, "You must have never heard of Maximilian ·Robespierre's "Last Speech", right? You don't need to go to Oxford University to learn this, I believe MIT also has a library."

Tony Stark shrugged.

"The enemies of the Republic say that I am a tyrant! If I were really a tyrant, they would fall at my feet. I would give them large amounts of gold and pardon their crimes, and they would be grateful. If I were a tyrant Tyrant, those kings whom we have overthrown will never condemn Robespierre, but will support me with their guilty hands. They and I will form an alliance. Tyranny must have tools. But the enemies of tyranny, Where will their road lead? To the grave, to eternal life! What kind of tyrant is my protector? To which faction do I belong? I belong to you! Which faction has detected so many traitors since the beginning of the Revolution? And crush and eliminate these traitors? This faction is you, the people - our principles. I am loyal to this faction, and all the rogues and villains of modern times have formed a gang against it!"

Salomon's expression became more vivid, as if he were standing before the National Convention to speak. "They have formed an alliance against me and against those who share my principles. As for my life, I have put life and death on the line! I have left a terrible testament to the oppressors. Only one cause has been Only those who are close to the end can say this without any scruples. This is the grim truth: You must die!"

"This is not a practice worth advocating." Tony Stark sighed, "Now is a civilized society."

"Civilization that deceives itself is just an appearance, and the underlying logic is still that of the weak and the strong. This rule is imposed by the strong on the weak without any scruples. This is true whether on this planet or on the scale of the entire universe. Asgard is on the verge of collapse. From now on, only weak humans face the universe alone. You were the strong in the past and you are the strong now, so you can't see how the weak survive. As long as you go to the civilian areas of Afghanistan, you will You will realize how wrong you are. I have been there to save lives, but I can never keep up with the speed of Western armies massacring civilians. Someone must pay for the blood. Only in this way can the strong be frightened and peace be won for the weak. Those genetically modified warriors you see on TV are qualified candidates selected from the jihadist organizations and the US military in Afghanistan, and I let them continue to live in order to atone for their sins."

"You should know that this violates the most basic scientific ethics."

"It's so ironic that Americans come to me and tell me that biochemical experiments are unethical. Let me teach you a lesson to fill your poor mind. Tyranny is just a means, and the ultimate goal is to bring tyranny to an end. That will be the end of my mission. time. You have not made Afghanistan a better place. Do you think that no one will fill the profit vacuum left by you closing down the military production sector? Uncontrolled capital is an evil beast that uses human blood and souls as its The beast of sacrifice. I am ending my power and you are continuing yours because you are trying to feed that beast. Dr. Ethan's homeland is gone and I am in the grave and the Jihad Survivors are found in meat grinders and slaughterhouses, and victims are found in meat grinders and slaughterhouses."

It could be seen from Tony Stark's expression that he had no idea about this matter at all. Faced with the evidence Salomon handed over, he could hardly believe the photos on the tablet. "Your crimes have never been forgiven, Stark, you are just impressing yourself. This photo... Charlie Spencer is one of the costs, he is just unlucky, even when facing his mother I will say the same thing. If sacrificing him alone can save ten people, I will sacrifice him; if I can save nine people, I will sacrifice him... Even if I can only save two people, I will do it without hesitation. Until someone's life can be equal to his. In front of the entire huge whole, Charlie Spencer is insignificant, but I will still remember his sacrifice, I will remember how much blood is on my hands, and every midnight When I came back from the dream, my heart was as sharp as a knife."

Salomon didn't give him a chance to breathe, but he didn't continue to accuse Tony Stark. His tone suddenly softened, a certain kind of subtle kindness flowed from his eyes, and the surrounding atmosphere seemed to become more relaxed.

"Remember what I said that you will have a daughter? It's true. There is at least an 80% chance among the trillions of fate lines that you will have a daughter named Morgan, and she will also use Captain America's Shield skiing. Go and raise your own child, and I will make her survive the apocalypse. This is my promise to you on my honor." He said, "Humanity will continue, and your blood will go to Mars. Study science in the foundry and she will carry out your career and even better. Don't come to the battlefield. I don't want the blood of my friends on the blade. If I face you then, I will not show mercy, because Your life cannot be compared with 3.5 billion people.”

"What about you?" Tony Stark felt that Salomon's body was blooming with the light of a martyr, which was the heat and light released by some lofty ideal that ordinary people could not understand. "Are you going to continue?" he asked. "You have foreseen your end, haven't you?"

"My Lord?" the battle sisters standing in the cabin asked hesitantly, "Are you okay?"

"I left mercy, and that is enough. Go to Latvinia, we need to prepare for the next war." Salomon shook his head, not knowing who he was talking to, "We have no way back, we You have to go on, no matter what the cost.”

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