Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1036 Chapter 1032 The Sixth Fleet (Second update)

The target of this operation is the U.S. Navy, with the focus being the U.S. Sixth Fleet.

This naval fleet, which has participated in the Libyan War, the Gulf War, large-scale air strikes against Yugoslavia, and the Iraq War, has been wandering in the Mediterranean all year round and is the most active of all fleets in the US Navy. The reason why the United States dares to blatantly interfere in the political situation in the Middle East and Southeast Europe is because of the existence of this fleet. The naval fleet headquartered in Naples, Italy, is nicknamed the "Mediterranean Police" and its target competitor is the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The fleet was put into action after Salomon's speech in Hungary. The intelligence department and the Royal Guards knew every move of this Mediterranean fleet through reconnaissance satellites. With General Hale's intelligence, the Eternal City even had the navy's list and weapons and equipment numbers. If the United States had not been wary of Latovinia's ability to attack orbiting satellites and was working to crack down on this threat, it is very likely that air strikes would have come to Latvinia and Hungary the day after the speech. The existence of this fleet is a major threat to Latovinia. It is not safe to rely solely on the air defense system. If Latovinia wants to win the cooperation of Serbia, the Sixth Fleet Mediterranean Battle Group must be destroyed.

After the assault transport boat formation Salomon landed, he immediately strode into the bunker surrounded by a large number of anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft missiles, surrounded by Hammurabi and other armed personnel of the Sisters. This War Council bunker located in the mountains was built during the Latovinian Liberation War. It was only 20 kilometers away from the Latovinian militia camp at the time, but no one except senior officers could know this location. After the Latvian Civil War ended, the newly built bunker was immediately put into use. The Ministry of Military Affairs also deployed an air defense system for key protection, so that it could fight back even in the face of air attacks.

The temporary base of the Latvinian War Council is covered with data terminals. Technical personnel from the Intelligence Department of the Immortal City and the Martian Foundry receive intelligence and documents from all over the world in this brightly lit bunker. Salomon walked along the passage made of concrete and alloy to the exclusive preparation room, summoned the power armor and put it on.

After overhauling his bolter, he opened the door and walked with the Praetorian Guards and the Sisters to the command post where Victor von Doom was located. After entering the gray command post made of reinforced concrete, the holographic images of Victoria Hand, Tita and Constantine appeared around the long table in the conference room. They were the main force in this battle.

In order to attack the amassing US Navy, the Eternal City's armed forces must be dispersed to the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Arctic Oceans to achieve the result of annihilating the enemy. On the holographically projected earth model, the aircraft carrier command formation that once belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D. and now belongs to the Eternal City is heading towards the Arctic Ocean. Sky aircraft carriers, sky battleships, and sky destroyers face aircraft carrier battle groups in different theaters. Salomon is responsible for leading the assault transport boat formation departing from Latovinia to prepare to break into the atmosphere from outside the atmosphere and carry out a decapitating strike on the Sixth Fleet aircraft carrier formation in the Mediterranean.

"We have contacted the Russian Black Sea Fleet through secret channels." Victoria Hand pushed up her glasses, and the holographic projection simulated each of her hairs. "They will not interfere with this operation, but they agree to receive this gift. As long as we can fully achieve our strategic goals, we will gain a friendship."

"Let the Russians receive that gift themselves. We don't have the manpower to drive the aircraft carrier formation to their naval base." Victor von Doom, sitting at the other end of the long table, said unceremoniously, "The Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean The fleet must be destroyed. I suggest that we start targeted strikes against European air defense systems at the beginning of the strike. If we only rely on electronic warfare to delay, NATO will always find a way to solve it. We must act as soon as possible to speed up the strike on satellite systems. .”

He looked anxious because he knew that the longer this matter was delayed, the worse it would be for the people of Latvinia.

Today, Latovinia is still relying on the blood transfusion of the Eternal City. Hungary has just surrendered to the Eternal City behind Latovinia. It has not been long since the Orban government has to stabilize its own domestic situation and has no spare capacity to support Latovini. Ya. Even though Stephanie's Ministry of the Interior has begun to establish the Latovinian Planning and Construction Department to build houses and biochemical farms for Latvian people, the living standards of Latvian people have not improved much. If the diplomatic department wants to sign trade agreements with other countries and obtain basic industrial products, daily necessities, and other products necessary to improve life, it must also rely on the performance of the War Council to stand upright and ensure that it will not be blackmailed. Although the military power displayed by capturing Hungary in one day is worthy of attention, it is not enough for Latvinia.

Neither Tita nor Constantine spoke. The strike team led by the Sisters and the Praetorian Guards was already ready.

The assault transport boats carrying them are equipped with a large number of anti-ship missiles. They rely on the advantages of electronic warfare to avoid radar detection and carry out beyond-visual-range strikes. Sky battleships and sky destroyers can also provide fire support and flight platforms, in a very short time. Complete the combat mission within the time limit. Even so, this cannot accomplish the larger strategic goal. The strike team must conduct close combat. This military operation will not involve too many Latovinian regular troops, not only because the form of this operation is very serious. , especially because their most important task now is to wipe out illegal armed gangs in Latvinia and eliminate Albanian gangs who come across the border trying to smuggle people and weapons.

The Sylvanian Wild Chapter led by Silver Sable has now become an important regular army. Armed by the Immortal City, this army has taken on most of the work on the border. Salomon has seen their Work reports, expressing appreciation for their professional abilities. The command of the Wild Chapter and the Latvian regular army was given to Victor von Doom. On the one hand, the regent wanted to stabilize the environment in Latvonia, and on the other hand, he also formulated a military plan against NATO. , if he could, Victor von Doom would have liked to rush into the White House alone and force the politicians to sign the agreement.

"Distribute the strike force to the other two parts, and the Mediterranean fleet will be solved by you and me." Victor von Doom said. Each strike team has a hundred fully armed genetically modified warriors. Such a strike force is more than enough for a city, not to mention the various types of vehicles that land with the strike team. When heavy tracked armored vehicles and main battle tanks land on the aircraft carrier deck, victory is certain, and those warriors will bring victory to their masters. "This is the most resource-saving method and the fastest way to achieve the goal. The two of us can easily eliminate the Mediterranean Fleet. We should let the whole world see our personal power, which will be good for the upcoming negotiations. "

"Individual aggression needs to be shown when necessary, otherwise the original allies will run away out of fear. After all, most people are ordinary people, and ordinary people will feel afraid. And if you don't stay in Latovinia, I'm worried that the US air strike will come suddenly." Salomon briefly reviewed the combat plan and finally confirmed the action plan with various strike forces. The Marbus support force is about to arrive. Those support forces equipped with experimental weapons are docked at the Tianjian Space Station on assault transport boats, waiting for the order to be issued before they will join the strategic strike team.

Malbus jumped repeatedly on the red line of artificial intelligence, like a seabird foraging on the beach and being chased by the white foaming waves. He gave Salomon a batch of combat robots that required human brains to command, and asked that these robots be put into actual combat as soon as possible. The accompanying technicians needed to collect data for improvement. After repeatedly confirming that these combat robots were not artificial intelligence, and that Mars was also willing to establish a combat robot army from command to maintenance, Salomon allowed Marbus's petty actions to be tolerated.

Mars is the most important scientific research force in the Eternal City. Many weapons of mass destruction were produced by Malbus, not to mention some prototypes of extermination weapons. Wakanda is absolutely unwilling to conduct research in this area. Some The darker and more dangerous technologies are developed, simulated and perfected by silicon-based organisms, rather than entirely by human hands. Salomon activated the protective stance of the power armor to perform a self-test. This mysterious technology jointly developed by him and Malbus could only be equipped in small quantities to important people. "We must complete our strategic goals before the meeting where the Sokovia Accords are signed, and I want to get a share of the spoils before the meeting starts."

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