Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1037 Chapter 1033 Atlantic Theater·Fortress Combat Robot (First Update)

The sky aircraft carrier floats quietly in the ionosphere atmosphere at least 180 kilometers above the ground. It relies on stealth technology and ionization disturbance caused by solar radiation to hide its trajectory that may be detected by US military radar. The void engine barely maintains thrust to avoid the ship. The ship is pulled toward the ground by gravity. Victoria Hand stood for a long time by the bridge porthole, where she could intuitively see the dark space and twinkling stars of outer space through the thick, ultraviolet-reflective armored glass.

She has been staying in this mobile command post since the beginning of the war in Latvinia, but every time she saw the magnificent universe, she couldn't help but feel fear in her heart - how majestic and deep the space was, she couldn't help but tighten her grip He grabbed the railing of the bridge and held his breath, fearing that if he let go, he might fall into the blue to black starry sky. Is this galaxy and this universe too huge for humans? Do we really need to go to the stars and spend our lives exploring this starry sky? What kind of courage allowed her monarch to speak out the heroic words of marching towards the Milky Way with his head held high? What kind of burning ideals and passion, what kind of arrogance and courage allowed him to lead all mankind on this lost journey. The dark road at the end?

Victoria Hand found that she finally found the biggest difference between her boss and ordinary people, and that was courage. He is sharing his courage with everyone, and every ordinary person will gain access to his power. Only the brave can raise their heads to face this unknown starry sky and firmly believe that the human race will eventually rule the galaxy. This sounds like the ravings of a madman, but it truly ignites the romantic flame in the human heart. This road was destined to be full of thorns, but even though his feet were pricked with blood, her monarch still walked over without hesitation. This courage may be the most admirable thing, not his foresight and wisdom. with force.

"Ms. Hand."

"I can see it," Victoria Hand responded, holding on to her earphones. At first, they were just orange-red light spots flickering in the dark void outside the porthole window, and then these orange light spots quickly approached and magnified. When the assault transport craft relied on its thick ablative armor to break out of the dense atmosphere from outer space, the high-temperature plasma flames wrapped around the surface of the gunship completely cut off any possibility of communication. Among the formation of assault transport craft that re-entered the atmosphere, there were five transport aircraft with Mars Foundry identification numbers that were very conspicuous. They were larger in size and looked completely different from ordinary gunboats. "Perform communication jamming and release the drone swarm." Victoria Hand ordered according to the combat plan, "The strike system is activated."

"Yes ma'am!" the weapons operator shouted, waking the detection and fire control radars from their low power states.

The detection system faithfully reflects the status of the aircraft carrier fleet cruising on the Atlantic Ocean to the computer. The weapon operator, commonly known as the gunner, will hit the target with the parameters that have been set and calibrate it again, allowing the artillery fire hanging from the sky aircraft carrier to lock onto the aircraft carrier below. Targets such as carrier-based aircraft, close defense systems, radars, and missile launch bays on the deck. "The strike system is ready to strike."

Victoria Hand reached out and touched the Goshawk Medal on her collar. "Launch! Blast them into the sea!"

Following her instructions, the lights on the sky aircraft carrier's bridge suddenly dimmed, and both the small plasma reactor and the emergency reactor came online. Thirty seconds after the radar failed, the ships on the sea received the first wave of strikes. The attack of the laser main gun mounted in the middle of the sky aircraft carrier came in an instant. A guided missile destroyer burst into flames in the blink of an eye, and the high-power laser burned the hull into two pieces. The detonation of the ammunition caused a secondary explosion of fuel. Thick black smoke slowly rose. Small-scale explosions continued one after another. The broken hull slowly sank with burning flames. Just before the soldiers on the ship figured out where the attack was coming from, hundreds of self-propelled cannon shells dropped from the sky and accurately sniped various facilities of the Atlantic aircraft carrier battle group, just like a battle falling from the sky. The rain of fire has covered the naval fleet with a coat of harsh flames, and detection equipment including the AN/SPY-1 3D phased array radar of the Aegis combat system has suffered varying degrees of hardware damage.

Hundreds of drones equipped with smart munitions followed closely behind. Like raptors pouncing on hares, they poured intensive firepower towards the ships in the blink of an eye, attacking the vertical launch systems of the three Burke-class destroyers. Destroyed. The Virginia-class nuclear-powered attack submarine dived immediately when it encountered the first strike. Even so, the shell fell off and the hull was damaged. The sky aircraft carrier's drone group immediately changed to cruise mode after completing its mission, and established a thirty-kilometer close defense zone around the aircraft carrier formation to completely block any possible enemy reinforcements.

The gunboat that broke out from the atmosphere rushed to the sea at a nearly vertical angle, and then the vertical propulsion engine started. The powerful maneuverability allowed the gunboat to roar past the ship in a horizontal attitude. Genetically modified warriors wearing power armor and turbojet engine flight packs jumped out of the open hatch at the back of the cabin, brandishing bolt guns and chain swords and rushed onto the decks of guided missile destroyers and guided missile cruisers. Firepower and individual missiles destroy all facilities and personnel.

Although the soldiers on the ship organized a certain counterattack, the genetically modified warriors relied on their strong physique, agile speed and well-equipped power armor to ignore all firepower except anti-tank missiles. Assault transports carrying heavy armored personnel carriers dropped the armored vehicles on the deck of the USS George H.W. Bush, each of which disgorged ten genetically modified warriors. After completing its mission, the personnel carrier followed the genetically modified soldiers on the deck, using the twin laser cannons on the side turrets and the twin assault cannons on the front to rush across the deck like a hurricane, providing fire cover for subsequent landings. .

As soon as the war began, the intensity rose sharply.

The genetically modified warriors on the aircraft carrier, led by the Praetorian Guard Constantine, used the warriors holding shields as the vanguard to smash through all the counterattack firepower on the deck. The genetically modified warriors carrying missile launchers and heavy armored carriers were behind. The military vehicles will target aircraft parked on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

They have no intention of entering the interior of the aircraft carrier through conventional passages. To ordinary people, the passages on these ships are very narrow, let alone genetically modified soldiers and guards wearing power armor. Constantine arranged for several genetically modified warriors carrying fusion firearms to spray extremely penetrating deuterium and tritium fusion ultra-high temperature airflow into the thick deck at specific positions, opening a direct attack channel for the army. The other three missiles The genetically modified warriors on the destroyer do the same thing - this kind of fusion weapon is generally used by Martian foundries to cut metal, but after miniaturization, it can also be installed on small ships, armored vehicles and used by individual soldiers. It is currently the most powerful weapon. One of the excellent and most reliable anti-armor individual weapons, it has multiple versions of firearms, bombs, etc., allowing genetically modified soldiers to move smoothly on the originally narrow ship.

After the outermost deck and hull were cut open, the armor-piercing grenades used by the genetically modified soldiers were thrown in.

This is also a kind of anti-armor equipment. Its main function is to rely on the high-temperature and high-pressure metal jet formed by the Munro effect to destroy fortifications. It is generally seen in high-explosive anti-tank projectiles and was initially used during World War II. After that, there were smoke bombs and flash bombs, and genetically modified soldiers entered the cabin to control the situation. Both the Eternal City and Latovinia need manpower, and these trained war prisoners are the best source of population.

Judging from the US military's attitude towards retired soldiers, even if the soldiers are missing, the US military will not express much.

Five transport boats landed on the aircraft carrier deck one after another, and a total of five combat robots carrying a large amount of equipment strode out from the ramp hatch. These combat robots have sturdy steel limbs, and the alloy semicircular heads parallel to the shoulder armor are like the helmets of astronauts' space suits in the past, with a large number of detection equipment installed inside. The ion shield it carries can deflect the physical ammunition and energy fired by the enemy to a certain extent, providing the fortress-type combat robot with sufficient time to fight back. The melee weapons of both hands can burn any approaching enemies to charcoal and grind them into pieces. Crispy meat, even when faced with armored vehicles, it has the power to fight. Two bolt cannons called "battering rams" jumped out from above the shoulders. The caliber of these bolt cannons was larger than the heavy bolt cannons used by genetically modified warriors. They had a unique buffer system and complex The advanced ammunition supply equipment gives these fortress-type combat robots very terrifying long-range combat capabilities and mobile combat capabilities.

Just by hearing the name, you can tell that the original design concept of this weapon is to destroy enemy fortifications. The detection system and computer it is equipped with can also give the siege ram blaster cannon the firepower of short-range air defense. This kind of firepower was obviously excessive. When the fortress-type combat robot began to bombard the aircraft carrier bridge under the command, the five siege ram explosive cannons opened fire with all their strength and completed the task within twenty seconds, burning armor-piercing explosive bombs. The cannon instantly turned the bridge into a sea of ​​flames. When the firepower of the genetically modified warriors was enough to destroy all the aircraft on the deck, this firepower was obviously excessive. The commander from the Mars Foundry had to order the fortress-type combat robot to target the nearby guided missile destroyer and cooperate with the genetically modified warriors. The offensive clears the deck of enemy troops.

Victoria Hand stared at the timer closely, and as the scheduled combat time approached, she became more and more anxious.

The battlefield she faced was only one-third of the entire battle plan. The purpose of the War Council was to completely eliminate the power of the U.S. Navy from Europe. The world has never seen such a blatant attack on a modern U.S. naval fleet, and although it has already struck the missile launch system first, the war may still lead to a thermonuclear war. This war is the Eternal City's true declaration of war against the United States. All combat plans are running at high speed like gears in an engine. Every department must cooperate fully to achieve the monarch's expectations.

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