Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1045 Chapter 1041 Declaration of Destruction (First Update)

While the funeral was still going on, something big happened on the other side of the Atlantic.

The White House spokesperson suddenly held a press conference to explain to the media the encounters and losses of the U.S. Navy’s Sixth Fleet. Although this statement concealed most of the truth, the White House spokesperson still claimed that the Department of Defense had learned the identity of the attacker from the information in the recovered black box, and proved that the heroic Navy soldiers fought the attacker to the last lesson , a perfect display of patriotism. The soon-to-be vice president then took to the lawn and condemned the attackers, quoting Bush to show that the act was outright terrorism.

The Vice President first invited the families of Navy officers (including women and children) to come to the front and expressed his gratitude and condolences to them. Then he showed a medal and a list of Navy soldiers to the camera, and once again claimed that the soldiers on the aircraft carrier were heroic patriots. Then it was the president's turn to speak. He read out the names of a series of countries, including Hungary, to the news media, and claimed that corresponding sanctions would be imposed on the above countries, including but not limited to raising tariffs, restricting imports and exports, confiscating overseas assets, etc. , until these countries prove they have nothing to do with the attack. Among them, two countries that the United States dislikes the most have added more than a thousand sanctions plans out of thin air, and it seems that they may gradually increase.

At the same time, Victor von Doom, regent of Latvinia, appeared in Serbia. Seemingly in response to the White House's sanctions plan, he made a high-profile claim that the US military's aircraft carrier battle groups were very weak. It took less than half an hour to destroy three aircraft carrier battle groups without using weapons of mass destruction. He claimed that Latvinia would share the technology and intelligence obtained from the three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers with any country willing to cooperate, including not only the data stored in military satellites, but also the behind-the-scenes transactions of many Democratic and Republican politicians.

In addition, there is detailed information on all human experiments conducted by the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Africa, including but not limited to using animals to spread viruses and modifying viral genes to target human genetic defects. Wait, the table of contents and appendices alone fill up several large-capacity hard drives.

"This is not a demonstration, this is total destruction." His voice was broadcast to the world through a voice box in his throat and a microphone. He claimed that Latvinia would begin a planned and systematic attack on U.S. communications satellites. "Enjoy your last days, you will soon live the same way you did during World War II. Latvinia will not care about the threat of nuclear war, because we have the ability to throw nuclear bombs to anyone who intends to use the world and mankind to satisfy their greed. No matter where you are hiding, we will pull you out of your safe house one by one and chop off your heads."

Mycroft Holmes suddenly found that the hand holding his mobile phone was trembling slightly.

He had no idea about it, either the White House decision or the La Tovinia decision. He soon realized that this was a contest in a new era, a contest between extremely powerful personal force and weapons of mass destruction, and a drastic change that would change the world structure. Mycroft did not dare to tell others that he knew Salomon and knew his identity. He even planned to leave the funeral site immediately and return to his home to destroy all the words related to Salomon, because he believed that if the other party found out that his identity was exposed, it would be very difficult for him to do so. Immediate retaliation is possible.

But he quickly calmed down.

After about a few seconds, surrounded by whispers, Mycroft sat on the bench and came to a conclusion.

He first quickly assessed Salomon's personal strength, mobility, and determination, and concluded that if Salomon wanted to carry out a quick decapitation strike alone, few people in the world could stop him. All it takes is a devastating blow to the chaebols that control oil, finance, and high technology as quickly as possible. Then even the White House must consider the catastrophic economic regression that this will trigger. Although the White House, as the spokesperson of the plutocrats, would be happy to see the death of its owner, it also shows that the other party has the ability to break into the White House and kill everyone. The scorched earth policy and territorial strategic depth are completely meaningless because there is only one person on the other side. As long as one party is unwilling to give in, it means that the organizational structure of the United States will be completely destroyed. No one can guarantee that this organization will not crazily press the missile launch button before its demise, dragging all mankind with it.

At present, the White House does not know that the other party's force projection capabilities are similar to Asgard, and just regards Latovinia's announcement as a joke. Although the opponent has demonstrated strong combat capabilities, the number of U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups is far greater than imagined. After the speech in front of the White House, the Department of Defense received a surge in funding, and the military-industrial complex is preparing for the upcoming carnival. , politicians are ordering campaign teams to write new speeches and portray themselves as leaders who have tough measures against terrorism, in order to gain votes and popularity. Now no one can stop these people from making money, and those people don't care whether the country still exists.

He recalled the meeting held at No. 10 Downing Street, MI5 and MI6 a few years ago. The topic of the meeting was how to prevent the Asgardians' decapitation strike tactics. The conclusion drawn from that seminar was not optimistic. According to feedback from SHIELD, the Asgardians have the ability to accurately deliver large-scale troops over long distances. If the Asgardians want to rule the earth, then it is completely impossible. It can directly deal a devastating blow to the organizational structure of the entire country without occupying any towns. Not to mention that the so-called Rainbow Bridge is likely to be a star-destroying weapon. When the gap in technological levels is too large, the best solution is to surrender and become a vassal of the Asgardians. Only in this way can the economy and power be preserved. .

After that, the content of the seminar became how to take into account public sentiment after the surrender announcement, how to downplay the economic impact of the tithe on Asgard, and how to provoke the people to rule against the Asgardians. Hold protests, see if the Asgardians are capable of quelling colonial rebellions, and more. There were many topics at the meeting, and each department came up with its own opinions. As far as Mycroft knows, other countries have also held similar meetings, and most of them are working hard to collect intelligence about Asgard and have a clear understanding of this "sovereign country". ” to make judgments based on his/her acting style.

Mycroft Holmes' idea at the time was to encourage people from other countries to attack government agencies and wait for the Asgardians' reaction. If the Asgardians are willing to cause a massacre to keep the colony (this has happened before, whether it is Europe or Asgard), then Britain will continue to pay tithes obediently. If the Asgardians are helpless against the popular protests, then Britain can seize this opportunity to become the leader of "human independence" and occupy the name of "human independence" to coerce other countries to provide support.

In short, the courage to resist is not there, but the courage to make money in the name of resistance is not only there, but also great. These ideas are all very good, but they cannot be realized and can only be imagined out of thin air. According to SHIELD, Heimdall has the ability to see what they are doing now, and all conspiracies cannot escape Heimdall's eyes. The Asgardian army that was directly delivered after this was even more unstoppable, so Mycroft thought that it would be good to think about such a plan, and the United States should do the troublesome things.

Mycroft is quite familiar with the temper of American bureaucrats. The number of chins is inversely proportional to ability, and directly proportional to stupidity. Perhaps this is a common trait among politicians around the world. It is very likely that they will be indifferent or even more unscrupulous after knowing the information. Ignorance is fearless, and choices made based on unscrupulous stupid thinking are very likely to annoy that person, which will have devastating consequences.

Only a few people have foreseen this so far. Mycroft feels that he has foreseen the disaster and sees that the world is inevitably heading in another direction. He let out a long sigh as he played the dirge, thinking about how to break this impasse. He found that the plans he came up with in a short period of time inevitably contained major flaws, and these flaws would most likely come back to bite him and cause another disaster. "This must be the most turbulent funeral I have ever participated in in my life." He muttered quietly and reluctantly sent a text message on his mobile phone, "I have done what I should do, don't bother me anymore. ”

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