Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1046 Chapter 1042 System Check (Second Update)

Constantine gave instructions to the power armor through the synaptic link probe of the power armor to reduce the power of the electromagnetic clamp at the bottom of the boots, allowing him to move flexibly in the cabin without floating due to the almost disappearing gravity of the upper atmosphere. , leading to an embarrassing situation like a pointed helmet hitting the shuttle cabin ceiling. This shuttle is a new model produced by the Mars Foundry. It has more powerful firepower, a wider space, and a larger carrying capacity. After being allowed to do so after being tested by Constantine himself, the Praetorian Guards finally no longer had to carefully turn around in the small assault transport when traveling with the monarch. Since this is an exclusive car, many baroque-style decorations have been placed on the inner wall of the originally cold passenger compartment, making it look less like an aircraft and more like the living room of a mansion.

In contrast, Hammurabi was not so skilled when performing this action. This was his first time boarding the shuttle. "You'll get used to it next time." Constantine just smiled kindly at the impact of his companion's armor hitting the cabin and the battle robots lined up on both sides. Hammurabi relied on his strong reflexes and sense of balance to adjust in time. As soon as he stood firm, Constantine handed him a data tablet and explained in detail why he left his seat. "From the perspective of intelligence purposes, Mycroft Holmes is still unwilling to give up his offshore foreign policy. This behavior pattern is easy to predict. We can extract more useful information by constantly pressuring him, but others Same thing."

"Mycroft Holmes has the possibility of leaking secrets. Victoria Hand's intelligence analysts have already made this judgment." Hammurabi looked at the data pad in his hand and agreed with Constantine's statement. "But his weaknesses are equally obvious. One is his power, and the other is his family. It is of no benefit to Mycroft himself that the White House and the European Union manipulate the decision-making that the International Monetary Fund is about to adopt. He wants us to destroy this resolution. , this is a short-term benefit on the surface. It seems that he still has the afterglow of the British Empire in his heart, which is really rare."

"Although his IQ is extremely high for ordinary people, he is still an ordinary person and can only focus on the things around him. He is very arrogant, which is his most obvious weakness." Constantine said in When evaluating Mycroft Holmes, I didn’t pay much attention to Mycroft’s personal thoughts. In fact, it is difficult for the Imperial Guards to be considerate of others. Some of these are due to the sequelae of mental cleansing, while others are the remnants of personality before transformation. "I would like to apply to the monarch to raid the prison island and bring Ms. Holmes, who has an antisocial personality, back to the Eternal City." Constantine said, "On the one hand, her value is higher than Mycroft and Sherlock, and the guards are repaired." The meeting also needs a suitable intelligence analyst, and Ms. Holmes's talents will be very useful to the Guards. On the other hand, she can also be used as a hostage to force Mycroft Holmes to work hard for us."

"I'm arranging the menu for Ms. Holmes. I wonder if she will like orange-flavored ration bars." Hammurabi said happily, "Supiluliumas highly recommends this flavor of ration bars. He I think that kind of emergency food will be of great help in lurking missions in the wilderness. At least it won't be traced by wild beasts because it tastes so bad that it causes vomiting. This is the exact words he left on the communication channel last night." Hammurabi said about the distant The companion in South America was very satisfied with the sense of humor, "My database has not been updated with the latest information about Helmut Zemo. Has he arrived in Vienna now? I am very worried that he will not work according to the scheduled plan, or Sooner or later, it will bring different results. Can his wife control his behavior?"

"The psychoanalyst has a formal written conclusion, which is in Appendix C. Although we do not have such feelings, we still cannot ignore the compensatory psychology of mortals. Helmut Zemo believed that our purposes were completely consistent from beginning to end. That is to destroy the ridiculous organization of the Avengers. He has no idea what our target is. Without his knowledge, our assassin has already adjusted the equipment he uses." Constantine twisted Eyebrow, he said in a tone of "I can't understand why I did this", "My Lord wants him to have a good ending, so after cutting it clean, we will find a place for them to live in seclusion. The Wakanda agents must not be able to find it." The place."

This shuttle does not have portholes, only the cab has armored glass that can see the outside world. Even so, Constantine could still judge his position through the time displayed on the helmet projection and the simulation and calculations in his brain. He estimated the distance between the Sisterhood's assault transport boat and the destination, and then used combat communications to Channel directed them to follow quickly. The straight-line distance between this shuttle and Vienna is now less than two hundred kilometers. For this shuttle, this is a distance that can be reached in the blink of an eye. A conference is about to be held in Vienna now, and dignitaries from various countries will attend. This meeting will be the clarion call for Latovinia to declare war. The monarch of the Eternal City even prepared a speech and a conspiracy for this purpose. Constantine glanced at the tightly bound armament box next to his seat, which contained the props needed for this mission.

A few hours ago, the Regent of Latovinia and the Eternal City, Victor von Doom, announced in a televised speech that a gift would be given to the nations of the world. For interest groups with evil intentions, this is a deterrent, and for friendly countries, this is an extraordinary gift. But it was not easy to give this gift, and Constantine demanded that they control the place where the meeting was held and the surrounding area while the monarch was speaking. For this reason, the Guards need very powerful firepower and manpower to accomplish this goal.

"Fortress-type intelligently controlled combat robot Alpha Team is undergoing self-examination. Cerebral cortex tendril integrity: 98.52%; Anti-electromagnetic noise isolation equipment: complete; Algorithm version: Fortress-1.013 Omega-0.04, optimization rate compared to the previous version : 0.013%; Reactor core temperature and cooling system: normal; Ion shield generator: normal; Neural fiber optic cable conduction efficiency: 95.56%; Adaptive reactive targeting array accuracy: 99.89%; Behavioral pattern encoding check...check completed..."

"Sages, speak human language." Constantine interrupted the lengthy report of the Mars foundry technician unceremoniously. These combat robots have experienced battles against aircraft carrier battle groups. In such situations, the firepower of these combat robots seems to be overkill. However, due to time constraints, technicians with the rank of senior engineer were unable to perform maintenance on all combat robots in time. Therefore, since the fortress-type combat robots were fixed on both sides of the cargo bay with clamps, these technicians have been staying in the cargo bay non-stop. Check it.

"My Lord is about to appear, and I need you to complete your mission."

"Done, finished..." The sudden scolding made the technician suddenly stutter, as if he was a robot that had been stuffed with abandoned code and stuck in logic. "After a few seconds, the technician reached out and patted the enhanced thinking plug-in on his head. The interface was full of shiny traces of dried disinfectant gel. Without accepting the mysterious genetic alchemy of the Guards, In the case of similar genetic modification, the middle and low-level technicians responsible for processing data in the Mars Foundry often have to install external thinking modules to interface with the brain-computer. Although the number of neurons in the average person's brain can be compared with those of the super-humans in the world today, No computer can operate on data that cannot be calculated, but when operating a fortress-type intelligently controlled combat robot without using plug-ins, the result will be burnt cerebral cortex, because the amount of feedback codes produced by these robots equipped with supercomputers is quite astonishing. Even if After the algorithm is iterated, new redundancy and waste code will be created, and the thinking modules of relevant technical personnel must also follow up.

"The self-inspection is complete, but this intelligent control machine developed by the Great Sage himself contains many mysteries. For those of us, it is too perfect." The technician said with some embarrassment, "That is a whole new world. , a world composed of binary and computer language..."

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