Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1047 Chapter 1043 Room Service (First update)

"It seems that he was confused by his external thinking module." Hammurabi pointed to his head. He has never liked those guys who have installed external thinking plug-ins. After all, this method is very redundant for the Imperial Guards whose brains far exceed those of humans. "Generally speaking, this method of improvement is much cheaper than genetic alchemy. It seems that my Lord wants to adopt two different paths of mechanical evolution and genetic evolution at the same time. Although I do not reject mechanical implantation, if it is like If this unlucky boy messed up his brain like that, I think it is a good choice to keep my current brain. I went to get the pilot ready. The scheduled attack time is coming soon. I hope there is no problem with the pilot's thinking enhancement plug-in. If the monarch Asked why we were so slow, I threw the pilot out the cargo door."

The signing ceremony of the "Sokovia Accords" accounted for only a small part of the meeting held at the Vienna International Center. The main purpose of the 117 country representatives here was to announce restrictions on capacity enhancers and their organizations. Although a total of 117 countries participated in the meeting, the work of formulating the bill had begun negotiations a few years ago by the five permanent members who led the United Nations Security Council. The "Sokovia Accord" was also proposed by the United Nations Security Council and invited other countries to revise it. Complete Agreement. The agreement is not limited to the Avengers. From now on, all ability enhancer organizations and individuals with powerful individual combat capabilities need to sign the agreement.

The contents of the agreement include but are not limited to restrictions on entry and exit, action reporting, acceptance of the command of the United Nations Security Council, participation in peacekeeping forces, etc. Although these reasons are quite valid on the surface, Steve Rogers's judgment was not wrong - this was the result of Salomon's guidance - the White House planned to wait until the Avengers signed the agreement to They were sent to Afghanistan to perform missions, or to the Balkans to teach Latvinia, which attacked an aircraft carrier battle group, to build momentum for the Democratic presidential candidate's anti-terrorism claims.

As for whether the five permanent members will vote veto, that is not a problem for the White House. White House bureaucrats believe that only by handing over some benefits or lifting some sanctions can the members who originally wanted to vote veto support the resolution. Mycroft Holmes gave this information. As Cabinet Secretary and Chief of Civil Service, he participated in the formulation of the Sokovia Accords to a considerable extent. He basically agreed with the ideas of the Cabinet and the Prime Minister. Next, his civil servants gave the British Empire’s opinions on the Sokovia Accords. Many of their opinions were consistent with those of other countries and were therefore adopted into the Sokovia Accords.

However, Mycroft Holmes can guarantee that the Prime Minister himself and the cabinet members only have a rough understanding of the contents of the "Sokovia Accords". After all, this document is placed at the bottom of the red box - this was a trick of British civil servants in the past. Place documents you don't want politicians to see at the bottom of the small red suitcase that contains official documents. When politicians saw this document, they were either too tired to read it carefully and could only skim it, or they were so overwhelmed by the next day's meetings that they couldn't remember anything like this happening the day before. As the times progress, politicians have also learned to look at the documents under the red box first.

Although this trick is no longer used very often, the battle between the secretariat and the administrative officer has never stopped. Politicians do not know which layer of the box the civil servants will put the most important documents on, so the civil servants do not want to let them know. Politicians will continue to use this narrative when they see the document - that the current Prime Minister David William Donald Cameron is resigning as Prime Minister due to the Brexit referendum. Theresa Mary May, who succeeded her as Prime Minister, also focused more on the Brexit process and reshuffling her cabinet than on the numerous agreements of the United Nations Security Council. At first, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would pay attention to the progress of the matter, but as certain terms were repeatedly discussed, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Prime Minister gradually lost patience, and then stopped paying attention.

Natasha Romanov put down her suitcase in the superior room of the Meliá Hotel nearest to the International Center, planning to change her clothes and go to the meeting site in advance. Her black mourning dress was not suitable for attending such an international occasion. She ultimately did not stay at the buffet, but she also did not eat the food on the private plane because after checking, she found that the bread on the plane had expired. The private plane left after taking her to Vienna. The Ministry of National Defense was only responsible for sending her to Vienna to sign the agreement, and was not responsible for sending her back to London. She was sure that another amount of funds had been used. She kept it for herself, but she didn't care about that now. She tried hard to suppress her increasingly irritable mood. After fully checking the room to ensure that there was no monitoring equipment, she planned to change her clothes and find a place to eat.

The hotel's 57 restaurant does not provide service during this period, so she has to find a way on her own. She had just put on a business suit when the doorbell rang. "I didn't order room service."

She did not open the door that was knocked, but took out the small pistol she carried. However, the door slowly opened while it was locked, and an extremely familiar face poked out from behind the door, seemingly squeezed in through the crack in the door. Although her image had changed greatly, she could still recognize the man in front of her who was wearing a suit and had his short black hair combed back in a mature style.

"I'm pretty sure you ordered room service." Salomon winked mischievously. His striped red and black tie is embroidered with laurel leaves in gold thread, and a well-placed golden falcon-shaped lapel pin spreads its wings, and its exquisitely carved talons grasp the laurel leaves and radioactive solar rays on the tie. This low-key also revealed that the gorgeous decorations can be used to remind others of his identity. However, ordinary people do not know much about history and myths, so it is difficult to see the meaning of this decoration, but it is enough to let him know where he is. The government officials wearing serious business suits stood out among the crowd. "Want some barbecue, ma'am? I'm guessing you're starving. I got this from a barbecue bar a block away that the locals speak highly of."

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in Latvinia? Remember to make an appointment in advance for your next visit, unless you want me to put a bullet in your head for this behavior." Natasha Romanov Putting down the pistol, he said angrily, "You have made a big news. Now the whole world knows about the US aircraft carrier battle group. If CIA agents were here, they might shoot you, or do you want to?" Let me do it for you?" Judging from her expression, this option was extremely attractive.

"Don't worry, they can't hurt me yet. I arrived in Vienna a long time ago and am now living in the presidential suite on the 14th floor. There is also a Jacuzzi in the room. After eating these, I suggest you relax. After all, you are carrying It's not polite to attend a meeting with the smell of food." Salomon walked in with a plate and closed the door. "After all, this is the signing site of an agreement for ability enhancers around the world. I have to come and see it. I believe that the content after the agreement will be signed will be very interesting, especially the speech by the King of Wakanda."

"I believe no one will care about the smoky smell on my body, and it is not polite to break into other people's rooms at will. But thank you for your concern. I am indeed very hungry. The food on the private plane is terrible." Nata Sarah took the huge ceramic plate that was still a little hot. The smoked brisket on the plate had rose-red smoke rings. Judging from the accompanying bill, this meal was purchased a few hours ago, but until now, these cut barbecues are still at the most suitable temperature, as if they have just finished the meat proofing process, so juicy and soft. . Natasha didn't pay attention to this strange phenomenon. She had long been familiar with the strange things that always happened around Salomon. Although she didn't know how to stay away, it was obvious that the food had been preserved by magic.

"Since you can afford to get here early, why don't you go to the funeral?" She sat on the sofa holding the plate, squeezed the small bottle of barbecue sauce on the edge of the plate, then picked up the tableware and prepared to fill her stomach as quickly as possible , "I always thought you valued interpersonal relationships much more than international affairs."

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