Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1048 Chapter 1044 Danger is around you (second update)

"I've met Peggy Carter many times. She was supposed to die a year ago. The spell I cast on her delayed her until this point, leaving her time to deal with her own affairs. But death is not possible. This day will eventually come, and there is no need for me to participate in what is destined to happen. What's more, I hate church, and you know why." Salomon still maintained that smile and was vague about his itinerary, " I pay more attention to the development of the world than the church. This is Austria. I have found many good restaurants during this period, from mobile food trucks to Michelin. I plan to try them all." The mystic said in a brisk tone. , as if he didn’t care about anything, as if he was just a tourist on a food tour in Vienna.

"You don't seem to care about the Sokovia Accords." Natasha Romanov was very curious about this situation. "This matter also affects you. You are also an ability enhancer. After this agreement is signed, The United Nations Security Council will have an excuse to go to war with Latvinia. Aren’t you worried?”

"Why should lions care about lambs? Although the cry of lambs is annoying, do they still dare to gouge me with their horns? The process of reaching consensus always requires blood to flow out. This process cannot be stopped. There must be a spine Only after being interrupted, forced to kneel, and pushed into the mud can both parties sit down at the negotiation table." Salomon dug out a bottle of small wine on the mini bar and made a serving with Miles. Easy Cocktails. Natasha did not see the pride that should have been there on his face, but instead saw regret and sadness. However, this was only a moment, and soon he regained his demeanor as the King of the Immortal City. His abundant self-confidence radiated around like light, and even standing next to him would feel his heart being touched.

Natasha Romanoff narrowed her eyes and looked at him carefully. This state is not common. She originally thought it was an illusion created by magic, but now it seems that it is something more mysterious. "It can be said to be stupid, or it can be said to be brave. At the same time, it is also the quality that I admire most about the human race." Salomon's tone is not clear whether it is regret or ridicule, "However, I can only try to make them bleed instead of letting my own people bleed. , that’s all, after all, my purpose is to reduce human internal friction, and I happen to have the ability to do this.”

In the next period of time, Europe and North America will be filled with anger and fire. If the White House takes this opportunity to call on the Republican Party's main vote base, that is, veterans and police officers, to join the war, Salomon is also ready to make a desperate move to completely destroy them.

The various studies conducted by the Immortal City are set up for this purpose. Almost all industrial equipment and technologies can be separated from the European and American-dominated industrial system, and have extremely strong risk resistance. For example, the deuterium-tritium fusion core generator set has just been moved into the central generator group of the power plant. After taking over Transylvania, it can completely separate itself from the nuclear fuel supply of other countries, ensuring that today's Latvian industry and daily life use electricity. affected.

In addition, the production equipment of various types of military factories are all manufactured by the Immortal City and the Mars Foundry. There are no technical barriers and other issues. Now Latovinia has the ability to independently produce laser weapons and tracked armored vehicles. Drivers of light armored vehicles that seem to have low technical content can even continue driving without changing their expression when faced with conventional anti-armor weapons such as RPG-7, because the armor materials can completely withstand frontal bombardment from anti-armor weapons. Coupled with the heavy explosive coaxial machine gun and forward-facing laser beam cannon on the turret, the Immortal City turned the tracked armored vehicle into a main battle tank.

In addition, the food issue that he is most concerned about is also being solved. The Mars Foundry involves not only machinery, but also genetic technology. The biochemical farm is currently providing short-term training and safety education to the Latvian people it recruits. After three months, the first batch of biochemical farm output can be loaded onto trucks and transported to various villages in Latvinia. Since the Latovinian Civil War ended very quickly, the food production in the countryside did not suffer much loss. In addition, the first batch of food was coming from Victor von Doom. Spending these three months was very important to Latovinia. It won’t be a problem for Vinia, and the material foundation of civilians will soon be enriched. Work such as biochemical protection, vaccination, and census are also proceeding steadily. Although Wakanda did not fully comply with the contract to provide corresponding supplies, Princess Shuri still approved a large number of non-contract vaccines for Latveria. ——Maya Hansen said that she once saw a freezer filled with samples of all known filoviruses on Earth in the Level 4 Virology Laboratory at Fort Detrick in Massachusetts, the Wakanda batch The vaccine was shown to allow Latvian people to develop antibodies against several of these viruses.

This is in preparation for the possible release of biological and chemical weapons.

The reason why Crossbones Rumlow's last mission was to go to the virus laboratory was to obtain the latest sample. The Immortal City wanted to compare it with the virus sample in Fort Detrick to see if the mutation results were the same. Artificial screening or modification of the genetic characteristics of Slavic and African races. Neither Victor von Doom nor Salomon wanted to see that after they defeated the White House head-on, they turned around and found that various diseases were raging in their own land - the Immortal City once discovered an Ebo in a village in the African jungle. Although efforts were made to save villages where the virus was raging, it was of no use. Infected people would die within a few days, and every corpse was soaked with internal bleeding.

Then the virus continued to spread, and finally the Eternal City could only delineate a certain area, and use white phosphorus bombs, gasoline bombs, and radiation bombs to completely exterminate all plants and animals within the area as a means of disinfection, giving that land its final mercy. A nun sent by the Catholic Church to provide medical assistance voluntarily walked into the fire after falling ill. After that, no one could find her body from the ashes on the ground. Her rosary is still one of Salomon's collections to commemorate her great sacrifice and brilliance of humanity. Even Francis asked him for the rosary after hearing about it but failed.

Salomon still can't forget that scene. The ashes flying in the sky over the bloody and terrifying forest shocked his soul far beyond anything he had ever experienced. It doesn't take the Infinity Stones to wipe out half of humanity, just one drop of blood in this forest is enough. That feeling sent shivers down his spine. It was not fear for his own safety, but fear that the human race was facing the risk of extinction. Before that, he had never realized that the power of destruction was not limited to the spiritual realm and outer dimensions, but It's always lurking around everyone. After that, he had a deeper understanding of the Kama Taj rule of "let the most people survive".

He knew the Sorcerer Supreme was right, they had no power to allow those people to live.

When Rumlow's mission failed, Immortal City had no choice but to personally send assassins to the US military biological laboratory in Albania to steal the samples. Immortal City's biological laboratory and the genetic laboratory of the Mars Foundry used that method as quickly as possible. The test results of the samples are used to produce vaccines. Salomon prepared more trump cards than others imagined. It was as if he had planned for all situations, prepared optimal solutions, and found professionals with the strongest execution ability to deal with them.

With excellent internal affairs capabilities and Stephanie Malik's desperate urging of subordinates, Latovinia, which has experienced the war, is even far better than the past royal period. This is why most Latvian civilians study the "Unified Truth". Young people actively join the army and dream of becoming fighter pilots (unfortunately, this position belongs to future academy students. After all, there is too much professional knowledge, and pilots must receive a good education. Driving a space fighter), super-heavy tank crew member (this is still possible, in fact some Latvians have become super-heavy tank crew members, but their habit of finding places to hang teapots has changed anyway No) or a reconnaissance bipedal mecha pilot (this only requires industrial equipment training. After all, it is equipment improved from the light handling equipment of the Mars foundry). The fundamental reason for supporting the current King of Latovinia, Because they know who really cares about them and who wants them to live.

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