Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1050 Chapter 1046 Vienna International Center Explosion (Second Update)

"I'm glad you can come, and not as the King of Latvinia." T'Chaka, the current King of Wakanda, stood not far from the prince, holding a speech in his hand. Rather than wearing traditional ethnic clothing when participating in meetings, as some African countries do, Wakandans chose black suits as business suits. The event that ultimately led to the Sokovia Accords was the death of the Wakandans in Nigeria. As king, T'Chaka got the opportunity to speak. His king's guard is still at the door and unable to enter the venue.

However, Salomon believed that part of the reason why T'Chaka was able to stand on the podium was because a small amount of vibranium known to the outside world was still stored in Wakanda. "I know you must be angry about Wakanda not fulfilling the contract, but you didn't tell Wakanda what you were going to do. This is very detrimental to Wakanda's international reputation after it opens to the outside world. You know this. It’s okay, Salomon, although your cause is just, the means are also important. You now have only enemies and no friends, which is very dangerous.”

"In this case, let's assume that both of us are at fault. But I want to correct a mistake. My regent is helping me find friends, and I have already found them." Salomon smiled. He knew T'Chaka's thoughts very well. This king had always had a kind of confidence in the West that came from nowhere. This was the fundamental reason why he sent Prince T'Challa to study in Oxford. Perhaps it was because he believed that Wakanda's agents and troops could protect the border, or because Wakanda's technological level was so advanced that he, a man who should have considered the worst case scenario, became blindly optimistic. If it were up to T'Challa to make the decision, he would most likely not choose to open up to the outside world. "However, I am still very grateful for the vaccine provided by Wakanda's biological laboratory. The current vaccine productivity in the Eternal City cannot meet Latovinia's needs. There are also automatic surgical machines and biochemical prosthetic materials. Without these things, Latovinia It is impossible for the medical popularization in Asia to progress so fast."

"I'm glad we can understand each other." The King of Wakanda nodded with satisfaction, obviously very satisfied with Salomon's compliment. "I think we can negotiate a new contract after this. Wakanda won't want to lose a staunch ally like the Immortals."

"Me too." Salomon said sincerely, "Latvinia absolutely cannot accept the loss of Wakanda. In addition, I regret that attack. The Eternal City and Wakanda on the African continent Cooperation has always been a pleasure. Several Immortal City staff members were seriously injured in that accident. I am very grateful to Wakanda for providing medical assistance." After that, there were a few unnutritious clichés, and both parties were satisfied. Parted. Salomon took a piece of paper and pen he had taken from nowhere and planned to use it to show off. He nodded and said hello to Natasha Romanov and then went to meet his "own" photographer. Although this was not part of the plan, he still planned to act out the scene. Anyway, with the help of the illusion, he looked exactly like the unlucky reporter. After the meeting members expired, T'Chaka walked up to the podium to deliver the opening speech, and Salomon found that Natasha was arranged to sit in the front row.

"When stolen Wakandan vibranium is used to create horrific weapons, the people of Wakanda are forced to question whether this legacy of ours serves a just cause." Part of the Wakanda Goodwill Mission Killed in Nigeria, our country has been silent for too long. But we will not be defeated by misfortune, and we will fight for the better world we want to be a part of. Thank you Avengers for supporting our initiative and being able to contribute to peace, Wa The people of Kanda are extremely proud.”

T'Challa smiled, knowing what his father was about to say. Wakanda has been silent for too long, and it’s time to show the real Wakanda to the world.

Helmut Zemo put on a silicone mask that fit his face. Tens of thousands of tiny metal wires inside the mask were used to imitate the characteristics of the target person according to established procedures, including cheekbone height, forehead width, etc. Although the imitation was not very similar, he knew that the resolution of the camera on the upper right could not see much detail. Once he was ready, he covered the lower half of his face with his collar, put on his hat and walked out of the car - he had parked the van for so long that even the laziest security guard would come to ask. , he must leave as soon as possible. After Helmut Zemo walked more than a hundred meters away, frightened screams and loud scoldings came from behind. The walkie-talkies worn on the shoulders of the security personnel scattered around the square rang with vague voices, and Some people looked at his position.

However, before they could make any move, the rapidly expanding flames soared into the sky and tore apart everything within the explosion radius, swallowing everything in the square. The violent shock wave and heat were like a stumbling flame giant catching up with him. Helmut Zemo was knocked over by the sudden airflow. At this moment, time was flowing very slowly. In a quick glance, he saw that all the glass walls of the Vienna International Center were shattered by the shock wave, the concrete buildings were scorched black, and glass fragments in the sun fell like a downpour and were exploded. Lifted granite slab. He gasped and climbed up, feeling that his lungs were filled with smoke, the smell of burning metal was everywhere, and his exposed skin became dry and painful from the blazing flames and dazzling flashes below the building. .

He never expected that the explosives provided by the other party would be so powerful.

Natasha Romanoff closed her eyes tightly, curled up and used her arms to protect her head from the shock waves and glass shards flying towards her. But the pain she expected did not come, and she did not smell the smell of burning explosives, nor did she hear the screams of others. She immediately recalled everything she had experienced before the blast wave hit - she felt as if she was sinking into deep, dark water, and the explosion was just something that happened far away on the water. After opening her eyes, she understood what was happening. A huge round shield made of orange-red sparks was withering, and there was nothing behind the shield. She turned quickly to look at the other attendees. Like her, most people subconsciously took measures to protect themselves when the explosion occurred, but none of them were harmed.

Only one person died, King T'Chaka of Wakanda. He was too close to the center of the explosion.

Almost everyone's eyes widened, because a giant in golden armor was standing between the podium and the audience, surrounded by the black smoke rising below and the reflection of the glass fragments on the ground, with a crimson cape constantly flowing below. The rising hot air made a sound, as if hell was burning around him. Even so, the light source blooming from his body was still dazzling, and the thick smoke could not cover his extremely charming appearance. Many people present recognized him, or recognized this extremely gorgeous power armor that only giants could wear. Salomon once wore this outfit to give a speech in Hungary, and it became one of his most eye-catching symbols.

The Wakanda King's Guards who had just rushed in subconsciously raised their spears at him, because he was the most threatening target in this venue, but Salomon did not care about their actions because their vibranium spears The spear could not penetrate his armor, not even that invisible shield. At the same time, a giant golden aircraft spewed out scorching air and landed vertically near the International Center. The Imperial Guards riding anti-gravity jet motorcycles running out of the ramp immediately clashed with the armed security outside the venue. There was a clash of personnel, and then there were five battle robots with numbers written on the iron-gray armored shells painted in red. They were placed outside the International Center to control all vehicles trying to enter or exit.

Several black-and-gold assault transport boats swooped down and passed over the floor where the venue was located. The Sisters, dressed in black and white power armor, jumped out of the cabin and crashed into the venue with the help of their jet propellers. Without any orders, they blocked all the passages in and out of the venue as quickly as possible, and all those who tried to escape were driven back, because the sisterhood would actually fire bullets at those who tried to escape instead of simply firing warning shots. . All participants heard only the deafening scream of the engine and the heavy, fast approaching footsteps like a giant beast. In addition, there were sporadic firing sounds outside the door, loud noises like howitzers were fired, and continuous explosions, but those sounds quickly disappeared. These unknown armed men quickly took control of the venue and surrounding areas. , all communications were cut off, and the Vienna International Center became an island on land.

Fear gripped the entire venue.

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